No, this isn't the PSP2 but we think it's a pretty cool concept. Besides, we have no actual pictures of the new portable.
Which, by the way, most certainly exists. The rumors have been mounting and now, it seems a PSP2 announcement is inevitable, as it seems several big studios have already had access to the updated handheld. For example, EA vice president Patrick Soderlund let a little something slip to CVG , and it has further confirmed the PSP2. When asked if EA has "had any exposure at all to the PSP," Soderlund replied:
"Well, obviously as a developer we have had that – but I'm not allowed to talk about it."
He clammed right up after that but obviously, it's enough to know they've seen the thing. He was then asked about his expectations and said- "We can't talk about it because of our relationship with Sony obviously, which is… That's just the way it is." Yeah, that right there is a statement from a dude who made a slight mistake, and is trying to remain incognito. By now, the question shouldn't be, "is the PSP2 real" but "when will Sony reveal it?"
On a similar note, might we see the oft-rumored PlayStation Phone at the same time?
That mock-up looks pretty nice, although the screen looks like it'd be kinda vulnerable? What's the bet any minute now we'll get some leaked pics?
Nice. I'm excited to see what Sony is going to do with the PSP2. being able to download and play PS2 games on it would be sweet!
I just bought a PSP-3000. So far i like the 1000 better. Feels better built and has a better display. The colors look funny on the 3000 whether the color range is set to Normal or Wide. Nice being able to plug it into my TV though. Now my wife will play Birth by Sleep. 🙂
I have nothing to compare my 3001 to but it seems fine to me. Looks pretty darn rough on the TV though doesn't it?
I'm curious. Whats the 3001? I thought it was only 1000, 2000 and 3000 models? Yours likely has the same display as mine. If you ever see a 1000 you can tell theres a difference. Colors are saturated with the color range set to Wide and too dull when set to normal. The 1000 is just right it seems. I do recall people complaining a bit when Sony first moved to the 2000 away from the 1000.
As for playing on a TV. It's not too bad when i play it on my smaller TV. Birth by Sleep looks pretty good. Like a PS2 game only sharper.
Last edited by Jawknee on 11/3/2010 10:12:22 PM
I read, in most games, the PSP-3000's screen was supposed to boast a lot higher contrast ratio. I think it also has better pixel response, too. Basically, Sony touted the screen as one of the "superior" selling features of that model over prior releases.
I don't really know because I have the silver 2000. Initially, it did feel a little cheaply made compared to other similar products. But I've had it now for over a couple years and it's been doing fine. Even after rigorous T5:DR sessions.
I didn't know that Temji. The colors are off on the 3000. Might just be me being used to the 1000 model but I noticed the difference immediately and then started them both up. The 3000 looks more orangery yellow while the 1000's contrast is closer to my TV.
Not much difference at all, a few internal changes mostly to make it harder to hack. I don't know but don't think the screen is any different.
What happens when you press the little screen button?
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/3/2010 10:28:24 PM
That just changes the brightness. If you go into System Settings and find Color Range is where you can adjust the contrast. Theres only two options.
"In comparison to the PSP-2000, the PSP-3000 … has an improved LCD screen with an increased color range, five times the contrast ratio, half the pixel response time to reduce ghosting and blurring effects, a new sub-pixel structure, a microphone, a new disc tray design, new button designs and logos, and anti-reflective technology to improve outdoor playability. It can also output all games by component or composite using the video out cable."–wikipedia (sourced from Gamespot)
I was curious if my memory served me right so I looked it up and found this.
3001 signifies that it is the black model.
oh, that's it. I'm switching to a DSi =p
Why would they need a patent for a color change?
HOLY CRAP IN HELL! World, you got a PSP? Just in time as the PSPII rumors are starting to surface.
Yeah, at heart I'm a gadget man and I now have a bunch of away time on my hands.
looks really cool, but also looks awkward to hold lol. Also when is the black ops review coming out? Im intrigued
Last edited by dkmrules on 11/3/2010 9:49:52 PM
<<<I'm curious. Whats the 3001? I thought it was only 1000, 2000 and 3000 models?>>>
There's exactly no difference as far as the number's scheme goes, they're all "one and the same".
Everyone calls them 1000's, 2000'2, or 3000's(including Sony), but if you were to turn your PSP upside-down & read the serial numbers numbers, they are "all" listed as being either a PSP1001, PSP2001 or a PSP3001
Now, I haven't the foggiest why Sony serial numbered them ALL with that same extra "1" at the end, but I do know that it's certainly not because of any different color schemed model.
No, the number "1" does not mean it's a black model.
And I know that because I own 5 different PSP models, in 4 different colors…all with that same numer "1" at the end.
1000 black,
2000, black, white Darth Vadar, metallic blue John Madden,
3000 silver.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/4/2010 4:56:07 PM
In the mafia world, we have a name for people who talk too much. A rat. Look for Soderlund to be sleeping with the fishes tomorrow.
Medal of Honor Heroes 3?
I hope the PSP2 isn't too far off, maybe we will get a dip in PSP game prices. I got a bunch of UMDs on the cheap but the downloadables can still be horribly overpriced.
Since I just got my PSP I look forward to a PSP2 purchase sometime in the next 5-7 years 🙂
Yeah, the after market advantage of physical based media is going to be hard to beat, price-wise.
Shouldn't they be doing something to make us play the first PSP instead of just putting out more hardware? If PSP2 doesn't have two sticks and trophy support they can get bent.
With touch screens being all the rage these days, I hope we still get one!
It will have two sticks and a HD touch screen, so I herd.
As long as they release a PSP2 im fine. I just have to play the waiting game.
I remember at e3 when they announced the psp go how they kept joking about how it was the worst kept secret in the gaming industry. Well I guess history has to repete itself
Yes/no. We still haven't a clue what the thing looks like, except that it's more than likely to maintain the controller layout to match a DS3 with a screen grafted in between the control pads and sticks. I'd be really shocked if the basic design deviated from that basic formula.
if EA are already eyes on with the PSP2 i think it's safe to assume that PSP2 and PSP phone are one and the same. EA have great success with their PSP game support and also have a great gaming presence on mobile platforms so merging the two is actually and ideal step forward for a publisher like EA.
I pit my skinny Dante against yours any day!
Why can't they talk about it? The article says they were only asked if they had experience with the "PSP" not the PSP2.
Typo. It should be PSP2.
NDAs with Sony in order to get early access to develop new games will prevent anyone that's seen it doing more than confirming that they've seen it.
forgot my sarcasm tags.
No problem, I was missing my sarcasm filter which normally detects such stuff.
Well, that's let the cat out of the bag. The PSP2 is incoming, and I can only hope that it fixes all of the problems that people have with the original. I'm just wondering what sort of a line-up Sony is getting in place for it. Hopefully some big name titles, as well as a few must have exclusive IPs.
As for the PSP2/PSPhone debate. I think that they will be two separate devices, but with interconnectivity. I also think that the PSP2 will come out first, perhaps mid to late next year, with the Phone being either late next year or early 2012.
Either way Sony, it's out there, so you can stop being mum, and start leaking the real details.
were not allowed to talk about it, but were talking about it in its existence?
what the?
you cant talk about something, but you can confirm that you have seen it.
is that not talking about it?
anyway, im really starting to think the PSP phone is actually the psp2.
so,so,soooooooooooo hope im wrong though!
id really jump in being able to play games in HD on the move, but it cant be too expensive, has to be practical and has to be media based.
was going to get a PSP go for my holiday at the end of the year…………… till i found the PSP games are around 4GBs each!
Who in the hell told you that PSP games are 4GB? The UMD can only hold 1.8GB, and most clock in well under that. Oh, gods, I'm doing it again.
i know im loosing it, but i could swear i saw a post last night on the PS blog asking how large ghost of sparta is and the answer was 4.2GBs.
i really need that vacation!
PSP games are 1.8GB or less. Most are under 600MB.
4gb. LOL! Dude, seriously, just stop, Every time you comment you do nothing but embarrass yourself.
Thinking about vacationing in America?
"NO"…..There's nothing to see here!
Move along now!!!!!