Sony has said the PSP Go was more of an experiment than the next generation of handheld gaming, and that's likely reinforced by the seemingly imminent announcement of the PSP2.
However, Sony probably would like to sell a few more PSP Go units, and a price drop would go a long way towards accomplishing that goal. According to a Joystiq tipster , it seems North American consumers can expect a $50 price cut on the PSP Go. If the information is correct, the price drop will go into effect on Friday of this week. The image you see through the link comes from the tipster's AAFES-based store of employment and unsurprisingly, Sony has refused to comment on the matter. From the start, that $250 price tag has been an obstacle, even for the gadget lovers who like the idea of an all-digital portable gaming device. If you've been living under a rock for the past year or so, we'll tell you the PSP Go doesn't use the established PSP UMD format; it only downloads games in digital format. For many, the price tag just wasn't worth the price of admission.
We're not sure $200 will help, either, especially with all this PSP2 talk floating about. But it might be an indication that Sony plans to discontinue the Go at some point, along with the first PSP…
I think that's an ok price range for something that is all digital with a 16GB harddrive. How much lower would you expect? Now maybe if they stick in a free downloadable game, doesn't have to be anything crazy maybe Little Big Planet, we'll have a deal catcher. Good to see the price come down 50 bucks.
$50 is an OK reduction, but I like the idea of a downloadable came code as well, that would bring the effective price (to a consumer) down to about $160/$170 depending on the value of the game. that would make the purchase a lot easier to justify.
Of course, since I have hands that are close to the size needed in the NFL and fingers that make playing guitar uncomfortably like trying to threat a sausage through the head of a needle, I'll stick to my older PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 models, even though I like the slider design.
My son has been after a PSP of his own, this would fit his hands better…could be a winner.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 10/14/2010 9:57:14 AM
250 is insane, then on top of that you have to pay full price to download games instead of buying UMDs for awesome prices. And you can't even get them all on the network. The only thing about that experiment that looked any good was the old PSP models cause painful hand cramps, and the Go setup looks a lot better but not nearly 200 dollars better.
$250 was way to much, $200 still sounds like a lot, does this mean a price drop for the PSP 3000 as well? I think the PSP is way better then the DS, I hate that thing. my brother use to own one and my all three of my cousins buy a new DS every time they make a new one. I can't stand it.
I hope the PSP2 will have a $200 price tag, I don't think that is asking to much. I might get me it, if it leaves up to the hype.
"I might get me it." For some reason I like that strange phrase.
Good, this should mean a used Go will be much cheaper too, so just maybe I'll finally do a little bit of digital D/L'ing sometime maybe sometime next year(or the one after that).
Anyway, I need to pick up 2 of them(white & black) some day just for collection purposes.
Well Biker Saint, its a price game for me these days. You wait it out and get the stuff cheap. You can still get the games a long time from now, and they will get cheaper and cheaper… always good entertainment on the go 🙂
I still don't like how Sony tested the waters with PSPGo. They could've released digital-only games forthe PSP to accomplish the same. Anyways, I'm waiting for PSP2.
Yes, I totally agree!
It's the same for me, & waiting for games to drop to certain price-points is the only way I could ever justify trying to keep all my gaming collections growing.
Hell, I only picked up GTA4 a month ago & probably won't get RDR(even though I want it yesterday)) for at least a year or more, unless GS has a used copy when they do their Buy2, Get 1 free deal(and if I have the extra funds).
Heck, I just picked up these 3 older PS2 games & a decent PS3 game yesterday for my collection(all used but in mint shape, & only $16.00).
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory(1.99)
Need For Speed: Underground (1.99)
NamcoMuseum (1.99)
Saints Row 2 (9.99)
But with these D/L games, I'm not sure what will happen with the business structure for them when a D/L game get old, and if an older 2-3 year old D/L game still be available to purchase or not much later on or not.
Maybe like rotating older games out of the sales list, & just bringing a few of the more popular ones back again later on a limited time basis every now & then.
Anyway, I think that since the D/L market is still in it's infancy, that it definitely is something to ponder.
Well yeah. That's what you call a failed product. An experiment.
I do it all the time after insulting people. I tell them it was just a joke. Nobody wants to feel like they don't have a sense of humor.
I sent a pic to ben weeks ago of this already happening. My walmart has the psp go for $200 and pre loaded with 3 games.
Still don't get why people are buying this thing. Sure it has longer battery life and is smaller and flashier than the older PSPs but it can't even play the entire PSP library. I sure wouldn't buy a PS3 that couldn't play all the PS3 games available.
damn right.
Its like buying a PS3 that wont be able to play Final Fantasy Versus 13, I mean really how many games has Square Enix released for the PSP Go? Not counting the PSone classics.
I really see no point if some developers still don't 100% support digital downloads.
I have the normal PSP as well as a PSPgo
(got it for $180), and there is no was the battery lasts longer on the PSPgo. That's actually my only complaint with it I love my umd games, but I also like having the 16 gigs for my music and movies. and I can fit every demo on the ps store on it so I never get bored of the same thing lol
But will the PSP2 games have trophies?
If Sony has a brain in it's head it will.
50 bucks is no where near enough though.
there is no freaking way the go is worth 50 bucks less than the ps3!
no freaking way!!!!!!!!!!
if anything it should be cheaper than the 3000 because A it has no UMD drive which were being made specially for it so they would of been expensive.
B 99% of the games are either not released for it ala KH BBS, or are released weeks, if not months after their UMD brothers!
this is completely pointless though, ever since sony announced their stopping the sales of psp kits now everyone is reluctant to buy a PSP because there waiting for the PSP2.
nothing worse than spending 300 bucks on a device, than finding out either games are no longer releasing for it, or very few are.
was going to buy a 3000 for my holiday, but wont be now.
Um, it does come with the internal storage which is a) far more expensive than a UMD mechanism, and b) far more flexible than a UMD, and c) uses less battery than a UMD< so let's not hold the UMD drive up as a huge plus shall we? All games released for PSP now have to come both digitally and on disc, so the UMD is only of use for accessing the back catalog of games not yet available digitally. Few – if any – new PSP buyers are interested in those older games, many of which are available on PSN anyway.
They could have probably started ten new exclusive game franchises with the money they wasted on that boondoggle. Oh well, live and learn. Or don't. 🙂
The hardware developers they have on staff would have produced crappy games.
By which I mean that simply not making the PSP Go would have had NO impact on the number of games in development by Sony's first-party devs.
They need to drop the price down to $99 dollars. Then I might….might cop it. If not I'm waiting for the PSP2. The Go really didn't bring much new to the table on the inside. Outside yes inside no.
I'm surprised the price didn't drop long ago.
This may be off topic but is exactly what i was takling about yesterday with waiting for price drops. i just got an email from BestBuy that Kane & Lynch 2 is $19.99 til the 17th. that game came out like how long ago? already 1/3 of the price.
to bring it on topic of the psp go, digital distribution does not allow for retailers to mark things down like this. honestly psp go needs to be priced the same as a psp 3000. it is not an improvment so much as an alternative.
This is nice I guess, but why would I plop $200 down for a PSP when the PSP2 is going to be out next year? It makes no sense.
They really ought to drop the price down to $180 and take whatever pre-PSP2 sales they can get.
Bye-bye PSP and PSP Go. Sucks because I just got my first PSP 3000 back when Peace Walker came out. Still, these sharp releases of great games has made my experience a well-worth short lived one.