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SCEE Halting Sale Of PSP Dev Tools

It seems to be a foregone conclusion that the PSP2 is coming soon but if that's the case, shouldn't the original PSP finish up first…?

Well, sure. That makes sense. And it seems Sony is already leaving their original handheld behind, presumably in preparation for the impending follow-up. According to PSPgweber citing a message from a Spanish source, development kits for the first PSP are going bye-bye. Here's the translated note in question:

"SCEE will no longer be selling the psp development tool (dtp-t2000a) or testing tool (dtp-h2500a) past November, 15th. Please order in advance if you require these development units.

We will advise you when a new model becomes available."

The Nintendo 3DS is set to make its debut in March, so perhaps Sony doesn't want to be too far behind with the PSP2. If they're discontinuing the PSP development tool by November 15 (in Europe, at least), one would have to assume the "new model" they speak of isn't too far off. After all, Sony is big on getting solid launch lineups in place for new hardware launches; it's the reason they delayed the release of PlayStation Move. They wanted the corresponding games.

You won't see the PSP2 this year – of that, we're fairly certain – but it seems almost inevitable that it'll be on store shelves in 2011. We'll keep you apprised of future PSP matters.

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14 years ago

I'm very curious to see how this(psp2) looks and feels and hopefully they atleast added a second nub thats whats been holding people back on buying it

14 years ago

A second analog nub will only turn it into an underpowered PS3. I say Sony should focus on the portable and fun elements, such as battery efficiency, touch screen, media device.

The most important thing is to make it easier to put movies in the damn thing.

14 years ago

Haha godsman, an underpowered portable PS3 is EXACTLY what I want 😛

More video format support would be a huge plus. And dare I say, subtitle support? (Anime fan).

A touch screen would be nice I guess, but it's hardly a deal breaker for me. I only think it fits if PSP2 is more like today's smartphones in it's capabilities. It'll need full on web functionality and a better photo/video interface with gesture controls for the touch screen.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Hmmmm… Interesting.

14 years ago

Sony needs to get back in the game with the PSP2, the DS is dominating so far.

14 years ago

It will be no different with the 3DS. Be thankful Sony isn't going for the casual crowd like Nintendo (Wii, DS). I've loved my PSP and I look forward to having the superior graphics and media capabilities when the PSP2 arrives next year.

Selling over 60million PSPs is a huge accomplishment for Sony, since handhelds have been ruled by Nintendo for over 2 decades.

14 years ago

Far, far too many people believe the nonsense that describes the PSP as a failure. The truth – as you've just pointed out, is completely opposite. PSP has been hugely successful. It was the first device to break the stranglehold that Nintendo had on hand held gaming. Sadly, the PSP is still technologically superior to the DS, even the 3DS (not including it's '3D') isn't really a match for some of the capabilities that the PSP already has.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 10/6/2010 10:56:25 PM

14 years ago

I think Nintendo adding an analogue nub for "more precise control" (as Iwata said at the 3DS E3 debut) is another measure of the PSP's success.

14 years ago

Play PS2 games and increase the media capabilities and I'm sold.

14 years ago

And better ps3 connectivity would be great

14 years ago

They'd need them on the network first. I get the BAD feeling there will be no UMD on the PSP2. Which means prices will be fixed. No mo ebay deals a year later.

14 years ago


There will be some form of individual storage for the games, just not a movable read device like the UMD. It puts too much strain on the battery but I can't imagine Sony pissing off the retailers by going pure digital.

14 years ago

Yea, I was under the impression that games played on the PS3 would use a linked up PSP for things like maps and HUDs and what not.

14 years ago

Well I finally got a decent price on a PSP and ordered a few games so maybe at the end of the PSP2 lifecycle I'll get that too 🙂

BTW, anyone wanna toss out some suggestions for me? Games I bought: Resistance Retribution, Untold Legends, Dissidia, Crisis Core, DOA Paradise.

I'd pee myself if they put Legend of Dragoon on PS1 classics now.

14 years ago

Both Star Oceans
Silent Hill,
Crimson Gem Saga,
GTA ChinaTown Wars
Daxter (one of the first PSP games and still one of the best)

That's just a few, there are more. I'd also suggest picking up the Mini game Fieldrunners.

14 years ago

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Logans Shadow (same game engine as Resistance, so it's semi-similar, and they're both great games), Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, and Peace Walker, God Of War: Chains of Olympus, Phantasy Star Portable 2 (great game so far, my first Phantasy Star and it's hard to get used to, but really fun to play).

14 years ago

If you're loving Dissidia, wait for its sequel, next spring!!! Called Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy O.o lol

Now, from the top of my head:

-God of War:Chains of Olympus
-Valkyria Chronicles 2
-Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
-Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
-Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
-Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
-PSN games like Super Stardust (I'm sure there are PSP iterations)
-Street Fighter 3 Alpha Max (I'm 99% sure that's the exact name)
-Tekken 6
-Motorstorm: Arctic Edge
-Gran Turismo PSP (if you want tons of cars from the get go, GT5 will allow you to transfer all your cars you've unlocked in GTPSP)
-Uh, More ^.^

Last edited by Victor321 on 10/6/2010 10:41:55 PM

14 years ago

Which Silent Hill did you play VC?

And wow that's a decent list, I didn't know Tekken 6 was on it. Got to get Chains of Olympus fo sho. Are the Phantasy Stars online games or what?

14 years ago

Nice list LV, throw in FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX and GT-PSP, and Soul Calibur Broken Destiny and you're there…

14 years ago


Silent Hill Origins.


I figured PS1 classics such as the FF series were too obvious to suggest to World, if he's even half the gamer I expect him to be he already owns them. Forgot about GT.

14 years ago

I have all my original PS1 discs, but since I can only play those with remote play I will hafta buy the downloads at some point. Probably after I get through all the stuff. Thanks for the Soul Calibur, forgot about that one.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/6/2010 11:52:15 PM

14 years ago

Guess who got an invite to the DS multiplayer Beta for being a Plus member…!?


14 years ago

U mean Dead Space 2?

14 years ago

Well ya, throw a 2 on the DS.

Don't get all technical, it's not lady like.

14 years ago

Valkyria Chronicles 2
Ys Seven (possibly my favorite game on the system yet most people haven't even heard of it…)
Half Minute Hero
Jean d'Arc
Disgaea 1 and 2 remakes if you haven't played the originals (probably not worth it if you have)

14 years ago


I don't know what you'd like(besides the RPG's), so I'll throw in the one's that I've got so far(haven't played most of them all yet though).

Brothers In Arms: D-Day
Call Of Duty: Roads To Vivtory
Coded Arms
Dead Head Fred
Death Jr.
Every Extend Extra
Killzone: Liberation
LocoRoco: 2
MACH: Modified Air Combat Heroes
Medal of Honor: Heroes
Mercury Meltdown
Metal Gear Acid 1,
Metal Gear Acid 2
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
MGS Portable Ops2 PLUS
Miami Vice
Obscure: The Aftermath
Pursuit Force Extreme Justice
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
Scarface: Money, Power, Respect
Silent Hill: Orgins
Smart Bomb
SOCOM FireTeam Bravo,
SOCOM FireTeam Bravo 2
SOCOM Tactical Strike
Space Invaders Extreme
Spiderman 2
Star Wars Battlefront: Renagade Squadron
The Godfather: Mob wars
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Essentials
Warhammer 40000 Battle For Atluma,
Warhamme:r Squad Command
Wipeout: Pure

14 years ago

Well congratulations young man, have fun with it.

Kevadu, I'll def hafta get VC2, even if I have issues with playing strategy on portable. Disgaia games I can't deal with, but I'll look into Ys seven.

14 years ago

If you want to give turn-based card oriented strategy game a try, check out Metal Gear Acid 2 – I was pleasently surprised with that game.

Tekken: Dark Resurrection is my fav fighter for PSP, and both Patapon and Echocrome are a breath of fresh air!

14 years ago

I read an editorial on industrygamers stating some suggestions on what Sony could do for the PSP successor. Aside from the obvious ones (2nd analog stick!), the author stated some pretty cool ideas, although sceptical =D

14 years ago

Yeah, I saw that article yoo & it was a decent read.

Anyways, here it is for who ever want's to read it…

Opinion: How PSP2 Can Help Sony Regain its PSP Mojo

14 years ago

Could this mean Europe won't have to wait six months for their PSP2 launch?

14 years ago

Hmmm… This means that we won't see PSP2 games for at least another 6 months from whenever the PSP2 dev kits arrive generally. There are some already with devs – I believe, but I'm betting that those are all tier 1 developers who usually gain slightly early access to new product. Could we be looking at an E3 launch window?

14 years ago

They better come out strong, Sony needs to learn from the terrible PS3 launch. Especially with the strong launch the 3DS looks to have. I've been impressed with quite a few games revealed for it. Especially MegaMan Legends 3.

As time continues to pass with no details on the ResidentEvil PSP game announced well over a year ago I'm starting to think it may end up as a PSP2 game.

14 years ago

I wonder if the 3DS will catch on like the DS did. Many people who buy DS' buy them for their kids. Can't see parents forking over $300 to turn around and give it to their kids.

14 years ago

A little off topic, but does anybody see Panasonics new Jungle device possibly taking some market share away from the DS and the PSP/PSP2?

14 years ago

I've seen it and read a little about it. It's one ugly mother.

14 years ago

I just know, that in 2011, I'll be on PSXE writing "I'd rather buy another PS3 than a PSP2."

14 years ago

…and I'll be laughing at how ridiculous that is to me.

14 years ago

I'm going to remember those who want all these luxurious features like touch screen and cellphone support. Will be fun watching some of them blow a gasket if they get what they want and it ends up costing as much as an iPhone without the rebate or more. LOL!

14 years ago

Now i really have to get a 3000. My 1000 is still chugging along but i have been wanting to upgrade for while. Eventually i want to get a Go too just to have one. They are neat little devices.

14 years ago

Having a 1000 I was pleasantly surprised when I got a 3000 last Christmas. The 3000 is amazing, Sony sure knows how to better themselves technology wise when it comes to hardware. When you get the Go let me know what you think of it.

14 years ago

Nice. Looking forward to it. In hindsight i should have just bought that Camo Peace Walker bundle. A camo PSP would be awesome.

Ill let you know for sure what i think of the Go though it maybe quite some time before i do end up getting one. Will save up for the 3000 first. Every time i go into best buy i find myself playing with the Go. Such a cool little device. I would have bought one by now if it wasn't only digital and was a bit cheaper. Though i guess if it wasn't all digital it would defeat the purpose. Just seems like a nice convenient way to carry my PS1 games around. Tough carrying my 1000 around with its hunky Logtech case.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/7/2010 12:52:28 AM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I love my 3001 and only recently discovered minis. Holy crap, are there some gems in there. Thank you, PS Plus.

14 years ago

The PSP are satisfyingly reliable. My 1000 is perfectly fine as well. The only cause of broken PSP I've heard about is mostly due to people dropping them.

If only consoles are as reliable as portables. I know Sony is good with reliability, but I'm still shocked about my ps3 getting YLOD yesterday. I think I can still save it though, because I can now turn it on normally. I'm not going to risk turning on again until I get my ic diamond thermal paste and cleaning the dust out.

14 years ago

The Go scared me, I need me some UMD cheapness.

14 years ago

I hope they don't go 3D, for cost reasons. I mean, if the 3DS is like 300 bucks, I can't imagine what PSP2 will be with 3D, plus most likely the PSP2 will have more media capabilities than the 3DS.

Not sure if you guys have seen the new iPhone's graphics, but they're incredible. Hope to see that level of graphics in the PSP2. Once again, Nintendo will be the console with the least technical abilities, specifically graphics wise.

14 years ago

if thats not confirmation of a new PSP releasing i dont know what is!
now in definetly not getting one for GOD GOS.
hopefully it will be backwards compatible, if not i wont be buying either of them!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

The tech specs for the 3DS are insane. Sony needs to pull out something completely unexpected to stay in the game I think. But, more essential than the beast that will be the PSP2 is support. They need to start off with a strong launch line-up and continue with great games on a regular basis, and worthwhile ones frequently. My bet is that it is announced at E3 next year, along with a few games for it, for a release between now and Christmas. Oh, and expect a premium price tag, because I assure you that it won't come cheap.

14 years ago

you can't call them insane. All things considered(3D&2screens), it is weaker than the PSP.
PSP's 33million polygons exceed 3DS's 16.5. ARM11 may be strong but it is used up by 3D and touch screen, not to mention the fact that PSP has 2 333Mhz MIPS which is decent. RAM is equal to PSP sans 1000. PSP isn't in fact crushed. If Sony used PSP's full potential(2-3 UMDs require), it would surpass PS2's graphics

14 years ago

I suppose it's a given that PSP2 will be a 3D gadget as well.

Can anyone confirm with me that the 3DS is really so powerful that it can support the RE5 engine?
I find it hard to believe a handheld can pack so much power inside.