We were sort of hoping the third Valkyria Chronicles would return to the platform that made it so successful, but it appears it'll stick with Sony's handheld.
Some scans of the most recent Famitsu have hit the Internet and leading the notable features is the listing of Valkyria Chronicles 3 for the PSP. The original was exclusive to the PS3 and the sequel was exclusive to the PSP; many were assuming Sega would at least bring the third title to both the PS3 and PSP, but right now, that doesn't appear to be the case. Famitsu also shed more light on the possibility of a Team ICO Collection, featuring PS2 classics ICO and Shadow of the Colossus remastered in brilliant high-definition for the PS3. The interesting part is that both titles appear to be listed separately – and not part of one package – so we'll have to keep an eye on the situation. We expect all of this to be cleared up this week at the Tokyo Game Show, though, so stay tuned for lots of potentially big announcements. Oh, and The Last Guardian is shown for the PS3 in the magazine, too, but that shouldn't come as any big surprise. All we want now is a release date…
So, how do VC fans feel about VC3 not being available on the PS3? Presumably, the sequel did pretty well on the PSP if the listing is 100% accurate.
Yay! Ico and Shadow of the Colossus in HD.Cannot wait to see the colossus in HD.My Fav Colossus are
I'm 100% in support of more Valkyria Chronicles sequels on the PSP. I'm 20+ hours into VC2 and it's great. For people like me this is the perfect PSP game, I love it. I would really like to get another VC title on PS3, and I'm sure it'll happen, but I can wait.
And I really don't care if an ICO and SOTC HD remix come out separately, I'll buy them both! Maybe they're putting more work into it than we saw with the GOW remix's. Maybe they'll floor us with new visuals, who knows? who cares! SOTC in HD is all I need to hear to open my wallet.
So many people complained about the first game not having trophies that Sega decided to spite them all by releasing the second and third installments on PSP. No trophies for any of them!
Oh damn! So that was it…
I'm 14+ hours into VC2. And I think the second one is even better than the first. But I like more to play my games on the PS3 rather than the PSP. Still I would definitely buy VC3 no mater if it's for the PSP or PS3.
Man, it would be nice to have more VC on the PS3, but since the PSP version looks to have sold better than it's big brother, I can't blame SEGA for sticking with the PSP. Who knows though, perhaps there is still something in the pipeline for the PS3?
ICO, SOTC are awesome awesome games, played the game a million times literally.
As for VC, I don't care that much
While It would be nice if VCIII was on the PS3, I'm not going to fault them for going with the PSP. VCII is fantastic, so this no doubt a D1P for me.
And did any of you see the Yakuza: Of the End? Kiryu punching Zombies in the face! Game of the Year 2011!
On one hand, I like the fact that VC3 will be coming to the PSP because VC2 is awesome. What's not so awesome about the PSP version is the short little anime videos and the animated pictures. I would much rather have the whole cutscene be anime styled and the PSP just can't do that. Well, after playing Birth By Sleep and seeing all that SqueEnix squeezed on a UMD, they can, but chances are that they won't….