It's one of the very best portable games available and now, after a bit of a wait, it has been revealed that Square-Enix is working on a sequel.
According to Andriasang citing the Weekly Shonen Jump publication, fans of the first Dissidia: Final Fantasy for the PSP will get a follow-up entitled, Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy . It'll release next year and stick with the PSP and although we don't have a ton of details just yet, we do know that both Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII and Kain from Final Fantasy IV will be featured. Prior to this announcement, Square-Enix boss Tetsuya Nomura said there would be a "mystery game" playable at the Tokyo Game Show this month; Dissidia Duodecim is probably it. Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, it appears that FFXIII's protagonist will also show up in The 3rd Birthday …although we can't figure out any connection. Maybe in addition to a cute blonde, they need a cute strawberry blonde, or something. Anyway, PSP owners should be happy with this news, although it's difficult to say when the highly anticipated sequel will come to the US.
No, it's not exactly for hardcore role-playing aficionados but it definitely caters to long-time FF fans. All those characters bring back great memories…gotta love Kain.
Related Game(s): Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Definitely a bit of fan service. I'm wondering about that bet World had. Seems he'll keep his sword.
I highly doubt he will. I even got a new space cleared for it and everything.
lol I thought it was you, main_event. But I wasn't sure. That's why I didn't mention you in the bet. lol
I desperately want you to win the bet, given the conditions of your victory! However, I am skeptical!
yea, i hope i win too. I wouldn't collect on the bet as the space i have reserved is for another katana i'm looking at, but a victory for me is a victory for us all.
A sequel to Dissida… to be honest they're quite wasting there time, it was fun for a one off but turing it into a series… meh
yeah, it was fun but the story wasn't that much exciting
story was damn weak. and a bit gay.
wonder what'll lightning's skills be…
"emo blast, b*tch retort, ally attack (but if the ally dies, lightningh dies instantly"
Great news.
Ahh.. Not really interested. First game was fun but story wise wasn't enough to keep me coming back. Please just finish vs13 Nomura!
My biggest hope is that they add more depth to the battle system than the essentially two button layout of the original. I reckon that it'll be more of a spin-off to Dissidia than a sequel. The story of the original was really meh, and felt like it was shoehorned in to give context to the existence of the game.
By the way, after putting in 118 hours+, and really wanting to get back into it, but being swarmed by other games, how could could I not get this?
Sounds really cool, ill be sure to play as Lightning!
My Lightning poster just came in the mail today, how cool is that!
I got a FFXIII skin in the mail on the way for my PS3! Maybe I'll take a pic if you like!
I still have a Lightening wallpaper on my Vaio. 🙂
Cool character, lame game. 😉
Lightning poster?
'hides felt map of Lunar and FFIX art book'
Not just a poster but a framed one too!
I have framed posters from every FF, wanna fight about it?
damn, all i got is that final fantasy X2 poster that came with preordering the game. thats probably about the same time squaresoft/enix headed downhill.
I guess its time to make some ps3 themes again. anyone know how to get rid of white backgrounds on a picture that i cut from a different picture and saved. I tried replacing the xmb icons with custom pictures but everytime i did, the picture i used always had a white background. i know it can be done because i see other peoples creations.
Last edited by johnld on 9/8/2010 10:00:29 PM
No surprise here, Day1 for me.
The thumbs down fairy is chasing you, LV. Knock out a tooth and put it under your pillow to appease it so it takes you off it's naughty list during it's second take. Don't want it putting eggs all over your house, either.
Hes notorious for getting thumbs down.
Aaah..good times. Summer REALLY IS OVER!
@LV on World's behalf
I can't wait to pummel Lightning with Squall in arcade mode!!
Heh, thank you for that 🙂
no problem. I know you don't have a practical use for a PSP since you're never on the go, so I'll pummel her twice for the both of us…
uh… i mean in …. hmmm… that could be taken very wrongly…
I might have a use for one now, just joined a gym so I could always play while on the bike 🙂
What's all this about the duodecimal system?
It's too bad these are just portable titles. It's also kinda sad they are trying to give some legitimacy to Lightning by stretching her over other games. (Mental images go wild)
I have a feeling these would just be dissapointments if they were console games. Their track record with the PS3 as you know is no good.
Square's PSP and DS games have been much more enjoyable than their console games.
So… you think maybe we could get Basch or Balthier in this one instead of that retarded little hobbit thing from XI?
Also, hoping for multiple FFVI characters.
I agree, but don't be a hobbit hater.
I love hobbits. But not those hobbit-things from XI. In fact, anything from XI being involved in anything Final Fantasy related is offensive to me.
You mean Shantoto? There's an entire add-on for the FFXI online game called "Shantoto's Ascension". She's a pretty relevant character in FFXI. In fact, she helps you unlock the Summoner class! ^.^
Dissidia is one of the very best? I don't know about that. It's just a silly fighter.
hahaha, lightning got pissed off at how final fantasy XIII turned out final fantasy wise and decided to leave and appear in other games.
About Square Enix, I heard that they're releasing FFXIII with extra content Japan exclusive to 360, at this point I really don't find it surprising.
But we will always wonder what is going through their damn mind.
I bet that won't even sell 100k copies.
Meh, the "extra" content just includes an easy mode and a brief backstory and resolution to Lightning's character.
No Balthier or Fran, no buy
Balthier would be great. I would also like see Freya in there as well.
I'm thinking… how abouts a shexshee lady in a green dress from FFIV? (The GROWN UP one, of course…)