Well, Sega did it with Valkyria Chronicles ; why shouldn't Level-5 do it with another "Chronicles?"
The first details of White Knight Chronicles: Dogma Wars for the PSP have been revealed in the latest Famitsu ; we had heard it would be coming, but until now, nothing was really known about the handheld sequel. Dogma Wars takes place 10,000 years before the events of the original title on the PS3; it's the "Dogma Age," where the Yshrenia and Athwan Empires fought for ultimate control. Yshrenia were the ones who created the knights as the great equalizers in battle, but the game is set in the Athwan perspective, which means the knights are enemies. You will play as members of Athwan's special "Train Battalion," a group whose express purpose is to defeat those knights…if they can. They didn't have "trains" 10,000 years ago; at least, not the trains you and I know: screenshots show horses pulling cars and actually, you'll be spending a lot of time on that "train."
You'll see some characters detailed there, including Kaishius (loyal to Athwan, but foresees the Empire's fall), Anbietta (mysterious, fate-believing girl), Eldas (an officer with "great tactical knowledge"), and Yumando (part of a mysterious new force called the "Black Wings"). You can check out some early media of those characters over at Andriasang . When's the game coming? Well, for now, all we know is that White Knight Chronicles: Dogma Wars is set to release some time next year in Japan. We'll let you know about any North American/European details when they become available (hopefully soon).
Related Game(s): White Knight Chronicles: Dogma Wars
Excellent! Another reason for owning and loving my PSP. I'll be keeping an eye out for this one. I hope it is confirmed for the US sometime soon.
For some reason I just couldn't get into the original, but a portable version is interesting me.
This seems like a mistake to me. WKC2 has not performed very well in the sales department despite its receiving higher critical review scores. Pushing a game out onto the PSP might be a waste of their money.
How has it performed compared to the original?
Not really. You have to understand that it Japan PSP sales are (I believe) on equal terms with PS3 sales. And besides, dev costs for the PSP are much lower also, so they have to sell fewer copies to break even. Perhaps by doing this they can make back their loss margin on WKC2 (If there was one).
This is misinformation.
The game has had a high debut in sales in Japan selling 169,102 in the first week and has sold over 250.000 as of August….only slightly below the original. Level 5 are extreamly pleased the demand was still there.
Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 9/2/2010 2:38:47 PM
LOL! Thank you Lotus Flower, you got there first. I was digging around for sales numbers too. I didn't find any reaction from Level 5 though. It's good to know that they are happy with the situation, it bodes well for a localization.
Based on the information I can find, WKC2 sold about 170K in the first week, which was about 30k down compared to WKC. Then again, WKC launched in December, not July, so there may be some seasonal impact on the numbers.
Apparently WKC sold 350K copies in it's first 8 months in Japan. Total sales (WKC)in the US are about 200K. Worldwide it's reported to have hit about 650K copies.
Since WKC2 has only been on the market since mid July, it has time to sell more copies. Only time will tell how well it goes.
The most recent numbers I can find anywhere for WKC2 sales are from the beginning of august when it was at approximately 250K copies sold. I don't know how many copies WKC had sold in it's first three weeks, but it seems like WKC2 sold about 35K copies in each of week 2 and week3. I haven't been able to find sales numbers beyond the beginning of August.
Considering that the first one sold 200K copies in the US and the cost of localization is a fraction of the cost of producing the entire game, I can't honestly believe that there is any danger that the game will not be localized for the US. If anything, localizing it for the US and European markets will boost the profitability of the game since western sales nearly doubled the total sales of WKC, and would presumably be equally helpful with WKC2.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 9/2/2010 2:40:23 PM
@ TheHighlander – Your research has produced rather accurate information. The problem I see is this; the sales numbers for part 2 are lower than the original. Normally a sequel, especially to a successful RPG, will bring in higher sales numbers than the original. So far it is not the case here.
Now they're releasing an iteration on the PSP. Despite the popularity of the PSP in Japan, I still don't see how it will sell over 200k. Not knowing what Level-5 considers a success, I can't comment on how they feel, but it makes me uneasy as I really like WKC.
Sounds very interesting. I'll definitely have to pick up the second one when it drops. Two games for the price of one: Hell yeah. I would get the original was back in July and it was still going for $100, and I'm not really sure it's my thing.
Dogma Wars sounds epic though. Throwing you into the middle of some epic Middle Ages War.
Sign me up, the PSP needs more love.
That's nice. More PSP titles the better. I am waiting for my God of War:Ghost of Sparta.
I just hope in WKC2 they make some trophies like able to get nstuff. Can't wait for that game.
This is the best psp news to date for me.
Absolutely cannot wait. This is the final instalment.
This plus Valkyria Chronicles 2…PSP get's lots of RPG love.
Someone please tell me why PSP games sales in the US are so poor when we have so many fabulous games?
I think it might be because of people having an Iphone that can play games, but what i don't get is why play on an Iphone when you can play on a PSP.
I heard from some people saying they don't need a PSP because the phone they have can play games. I'm not sure if that's why but that's what i have heard from people maybe that could be one reason? I'm not sure to tell you the truth i own a PSP as well.
Last edited by Clamedeus on 9/2/2010 3:42:58 PM
The iPhone is a more recent phenomenon. PSP game sales in the US have lagged hardware sales consistently since PSP arrived. iPhone hasn't made it significantly better or worse.
Ah, then never mind.
Last edited by Clamedeus on 9/2/2010 4:07:09 PM
Because I don't wanna play my games, no matter how good they are, on a tiny little handheld. We Americans bought our giant TVs for a reason and we aim to use them. Not only that, but our down time isn't spent on public transportation as much as others. If we are out in the world need to be engaged; down time is spent in front of said giant TV.
I agree with you World, but what about traveling wouldn't you want a PSP to pass the time while traveling about?
I have a psp, but as World said,I'd rather play my ps3. I at least gave Sony's handheld a try, whereas I wouldn't even consider buying any of the other ones.
Not true if you work in a big city like I do. Commuting in from Jersey, we ride the rails every day. The same goes for those in the suburbs of NY, as well as the suburbs of other big cities like Boston, Chicago, Dallas, etc… You know, places where they have commuter trains.
Now, I'm sorry if you live somewhere like Boise and there are nothing but cornfields as far as the eye can see and you don't have commuter trains to take you into the Big City; but please don't generalize like you can speak for the rest of us.
Sweet! Got my PSP back recently. . . I'll look into it.