If you don't own a PSP these days, you're missing out on a ton of great experiences. Yet another might be coming your way this fall, military fans.
Today, Ubisoft has announced two Ghost Recon titles; one is for the Nintendo Wii and the other, Ghost Recon Predator , is exclusive to Sony's handheld. Featuring "sophisticated technology, weaponry, graphics, and challenging gameplay," the game should be great for shooter aficionados on the go. You will be dropped into the dense jungles of Sri Lanka, where you and the rest of the Ghosts have 72 hours to prepare a path for a U.S. invasion force. Open conflict with Pakistan is nigh but during the course of the adventure, the Ghosts will find proof that we've been targeting the wrong enemy. Now, they must act before we make the mistake of entering into a fruitless war. Features include:
An exclusive tactical experience: Decide what tactics are best; use your massive firepower to eliminate powerful enemies or use the jungle to sneak behind enemies and strike using the element of surprise.
Electronic warfare: Use high-tech equipment to hunt, such as drones, air support and prototype weapons. Gaining experience for your squad allows customization of your Ghosts, making them more powerful.
Multiplayer co-op: Create a rifle team with two other friends (up to three players ad-hoc). Use flanking tactics with your teammate to outsmart the opposition.
Ghost Recon Predator is scheduled to launch in North America this November. The PS3 won't be the only console getting a lot of holiday love this year and besides, there are many situations where portable gaming is required. What, don't you go out?
I hope it looks better than what shows in that image. PSP games can look a lot better than that. I have liked a few ghost recon games, hopefully this one will turn out well.
So, Ubi got the rights to Predator? Nice.
But seriously, the PSP2 needs to be either confirmed or denied so I can pick one up. I'm apparently missing out on a lot of great games.
On a side note: Tom Clancy has yet to let me down, I may have to pick this up even though I don't have a PSP (yet).
Last edited by main_event05 on 8/16/2010 3:12:50 PM
Oh come on. Leave us alone. Pakistan is super sensitive to these topics. And people will go batcrap crazy. Especially on video games which they think are for kids. Plus, I wonder what leads USA to think Pakistan is the culprit.
Lighten up it's a game.
Comprehension. It is a skill.
Learn it! Love it! Use it!
Reread this sentence from the article:
"Open conflict with Pakistan is nigh but during the course of the adventure, the Ghosts will find proof that we've been targeting the wrong enemy."
See, the game is about the Ghosts stopping the invasion of Pakistan because they are NOT the U.S.â true enemy in this game.
Oh come on now, stop blaming America for a frigging game, "A FRIGGING GAME".
If a kid gets his hands on it & plays it, that's the fault of rotten parents, & rotten parents only, and nobody else's.
Anyway, it's bad enough that that we already have a small bunch of narrow-minded loud-mothed "non-player" alarmist's who are always trying to cry foul over our video games.
So surly we as gamers don't need some of our own kind to try de-bunk anyone's own playing pleasures, now do we?
And with all the thousands of military games still to be made, I'm sure every country will probably be represented in due time, and your own country probably just happened to be next on their list.
Hell, do you hear any American gamers crying over all the games that put our own U.S.A. in a bad light??? Games like all of the GTA series, both Saint's Row games(no relating to me,LOL), 25 to life, Fity Cent's 2 games, all the Godfather & Mafia games, or any other gangster type games???
No you don't, you don't hear any gamer's bitchin', because as gamers we know what we like, & we're smart enough to not buy, rent, or borrow AND PLAY, any game we don't.
Hell, if you don't like playing as a American soldier, then buy MOH when it comes out & you can play as taliban against us.
I see the areas in any game as nothing to get one's feathers ruffled over, really.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/16/2010 6:55:48 PM
Well said Biker.