When it's a dude, it's cool when his armor or weapons get all busted up during combat. When it's a chick…it's better if her clothes tear off.
So, we're not sure if you're paying attention to the new – and long-awaited – Parasite Eve iteration, known as The 3rd Birthday for the PSP, but either way…this is just too newsworthy to ignore. Now, the headline at Andriasang might initially confuse you, but just check out the images and the info: clearly, Aya's pants will fray and tear as she incurs damage in the game. And Square-Enix boss Tetsuya Nomura talked a bit about Aya's creation on his Twitter page:
"The difference from drawing a male main character is that a female main character is more difficult, so you have to take greater care. Although, Aya was easier to draw than Lightning. What I'm being careful of is making sure her her body doesn't become too good."
…then you're a miserable failure, Tetsuya. By the way, Aya's jeans are a deep indigo and he used "Hysteric Glamour denim as a reference." If anybody wants to explain what the hell that is, we'll be all ears. At any rate, it's an interesting cosmetic addition to the game; after all, Lightning (and Fang) had exposed legs throughout Final Fantasy XIII . Aya is obviously a little smarter…denim protects pretty well…at least for a while.
Now, about that PE in HD for consoles…
Related Game(s): The 3rd Birthday
Looks like a really cool game, and this latest bit of news makes it even more interesting 🙂 Too bad it's not available on a system I own. I just can't justify paying $170 for a portable when I have no use for one.
There are a lot of good games on the PSP that you can take with on, unlike your PS3…Seriously, people need to re-evaluate the PSP as a platform, you really can take good, real console gaming with you. and with down-loadable games they are on a memory stick, so you don't carry a back of discs anymore either.
Yeah, and you should be able to get a PSP much cheaper than $170. I got mine used for about $75. It's a PSP-3000, so it's hard to ask for more!
But I agree with Highlander. The PSP has some pretty amazing games. It's not about buying the system for just one game. Buy the system for like 20 games… Crisis Core, FFTactics (better on PSP, Ben, by the way!! Ben, if you haven't played the PSP version yet, your no FFT fan! lol), Kingdom Hearts, Parasite Eve, plus any PS1 game you get off PSN, and any PSN PSP games, movies, music, it simply is an amazing handheld device!
Theres quite a few games on the PSP that make it worth owning.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Final Fantasy Dissidia, just to name a few.
Not to mention you can play your PS1 classics you downloaded from PSN on them. They look quite good on that PSP screen too. Breathes new life into them.
The thing is, I can't play it at work, I can't play it while I'm driving to and from work, I can't play it while I'm playing golf and I can't play it while I'm taking my wife out to dinner or a movie. I just have no use for one. Even if there are plenty of good games available for it, I'm not going to turn off my HDTV and play on a 4" screen while I'm at home. I know you can sort of hook up a PSP to an HDTV, but I've heard that you get some funky little picture in the middle of the screen.
I'm with you Jack, there is no place where I can play a portable. And it's silly to sit at home in my recliner playing on a tiny screen when I have a huge one.
There are a couple of times I play it:
1) I play when traveling to say, visit my folks in Nova Scotia (so a rare occurrence)
2) When the wife has the HDTV for her silly dress and dance shows.
3) When I'm laying in bed waiting for the wife to get ready for bed (I just throw on a pair of boxers and brush the teeth, and I'm good to go. I don't know what religious ceremonies she does to get ready for bed, but holy heck she takes YEARS!) and I can't go to sleep right away since she needs the light on and other reasons.
4) When I'm on the crapper.
Anyways, point is, I'm not often on the move, but there are moments I find a chance, and it's fun.
You may not like Gamestop, but they do sell used PSP's.
(BTW, These are last year's prices, so they could even be a bit cheaper now)
Psp 1000 $99
Psp 2000(slim) $119
Psp 3000 $129
Or check out eBay & Amazon for a used one.
Also, here's a couple links you can also check out too….
Cheap A$$ Gamers
Game Funk
Well, I understand about not having many places to 'play, but then again many people are willing to put up with downright crap games on iPhones and Droids, and they find plenty of places and times to play. Perhaps they should consider a PSP?
One thing that caught my eye recently was the commercial advertising the 4.3 inch wide screen LCD on the Droid X and other recent Android phones. They keep going on about watching movies on the crystal clear screen. I can't help wondering why so many people find this amazing or new, the PSP has a 4.3 inches 16:9 wide screen and plays movies and surprisingly good resolutions, especially when they are downloads and not UMDs.
But hey, who am I to puncture a marketing fallacy like claiming that the Droid is somehow special with it's copycat PSP screen/form factor…
I guess Jack and World never take vacations or vist family where they fly then. The PSP makes the layovers and flights (where in-flight movies aren't an option) fly by.
I will make sure her HP's are kept low then.
"What I'm being careful of is making sure her her body doesn't become too good."
OMG, the man is insane, fire him immediately!
Personally, I like my female game characters to have bodies that can be described as too good. Although I suspect what he means is that he has to be careful not to take the good body and take things over the top with explosive cleavage and thighs that can fell trees with a slight squeeze…LOL!
Ivy and Chun-Li?
Ivy is just big boned – don't go there folks…get your minds out of the gutter. 😉
Chun-li, yeah, a little on the OTT (over the top) side.
Now how about Taki? She might qualify, certainly if Ivy qualifies as OTT, Taki has to. Apart from anything else, she's about as 'big boned' as Ivy and wears little more than body paint!
Yeah, I'd say Taki qualifies for sure. I don't know why I didn't think of her in the first place. All this SC talk makes me want to play it, so I think I will.
I get a kick out of Taki because even a skin-tight outfit would stretch over and across her breasts, but hers are actually in some kind of individual boob holders in the skin-tight outfit. Seriously find a picture of here, it's interesting.
Dude, it's gotta be body paint or latex or something. Fabric just won't cling that way…
Whatever it is, I like it.
Maybe he doesn't like females…?
Weird, just weird
lol careful!
But seriously… do her clothes go back to normal if you cure yourself?
Lol… I can totally see the game's healing item to be a "Sewing Kit".
This is what I like to see in a game (and no not in the pervy way.) Highly detailed damage is something that I think should be featured more prominently in games. The idea that the jeans become more and more shredded and will fall off is just plain cool from a design standpoint.
There's something pervy about wanting to see an image of a pretty woman? Really?
Well, not if it's "artistically done." I just didn't want to conjure the image of being "over-enthusiastic" at such an image.
Over enthusi…..!
Man I actually super excited for this. I have been a huge fan of Parasite Eve since day one. Own'em and love'em. 😛 I can't wait for this as well. Aya Brea is the best. Go super disintegrating jeans. 😛 Can they top the shower scene from 2?!
I hate Square this generation but i do have to give credit where credit is due. They have made some good games for the PSP this generation. I have no doubt this game will be good just like Crisis Core and Dissidia are.
I'm betting Final Fantasy Agito XIII is better then XIII.
too bad i've never been into these games. not that i'd buy it though, i dont like playing on small screens.
Wow… I've definitely been regretting no longer owning a PSP this year. I've owned a PSP system twice now and both times I have sold them because I just don't use them. I work all day and then when I go home, I prefer to stare at my TV while playing my PS3 over staring down at a PSP screen. I just wish I had more of a use for portable gaming.
Seriously though, with MGS: Peace Walker and now a new Parasite Eve (and the new God of War), this year has been really tough to not own a PSP. It would be really nice if downloadable PSP games were available to also play on a PS3, the same way you can with Minis. I guess I'll just keep dreaming.
psp go is going for $199 on amazon. Isn't that what most people have been waiting for? I can vouch for the go. It's pure awesomeness, plain and simple. It was a bit pricey but $199 is not that bad. Just thought i'd let you all know. Highlander is totally right. There are a bunch of awesome games and quite a few unique ones too.
Oh and Bayonetta is probably too good female wise. LOL
Last edited by DjEezzy on 8/12/2010 1:28:12 PM
Damn, I need to start buying games for my PSP, I have a lot of catching up to do, alright, maybe I'll first wait for Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.
Also, hooray for Tetsuya Nomura for being awesome!
Off Topic: If Ben let's me post the link, check out the trailer for the new Bioshock, fresh from Gametrailers.com
If they can do this kind of stuff with the psp why are they slacking so much on their ps3 games?
I like highly detailed games that do stuff like this as long as they don't take it too far and make it pervy.
I look forward to trying this game out.
Regarding SE, Parasite Eve and the PSP…
You said "If they can do this kind of stuff with the psp why are they slacking so much on their ps3 games?"
I have your answer…
Microsoft doesn't have a portable gaming device.
You're right highlander and all I can say to M$ not having a hand held is, THANK GOD!
Last thing I need is them screwing that up too.
Battle Raper!!!!!
It's really a shame they put this on PSP.
you tell them world, jeez, the psp and psp go is outdated. call it the ps1 handheld with subpar internet capabilities. have you seen the lineup for the 3ds? saint's row, resident evil (i think with the same characters from re5), starfox 64, street fighter, mario 64 (i think), and a few others triple a games. look, i know the wii isn't as strong or as powerful as the xbox or ps3, but if you premier a handheld that looks better than your current console graphics wise, that's almost phenominal.
yeah, and I really wanted it on PS3 so I can actually play it 😉
Yeah, because anything on the DS has ever, ever, ever come close to say…Soul Calibur Broken Destiny. Right…
PSP is coming up on 6 years old in December and has, by the way, sold more than 60 million units globally (60m as of March 2010). There are 17 million of the little blighters in the US alone. I wish people would stop believing the negative spin and actually evaluate the product.
Hysteric Glamour denim comes from a small asylum where the celebs go to hide from rehab
as far as the psp goes,
PLEASE release it as something phenominal, skip a generation if you have to or two. i want that handheld to be as powerful as the ps3 as it can get if not better. whether that takes 1 to 4 years from now, i don't care.
Please don't release something that looks to play ps2 games, or something that is a slight upgrade. Or, something that's looks really cool, but has very little power, sorta like the psp go. what say you?
You want a handheld PS3…?
Might have to wait about 10 years before technology catches up with your wish.
Marcus my man, that's not going to happen, the CellBE inside the PS3 is still one of the fastest processors in the world. the ARM devices inside even the most expensive smartphones don't even come close to a fraction of it's power. For a start they are all capped around the 1GHz range and have only one (perhaps 2) cores. So seriously, a handheld PS3 won't happen for a wee while yet.
Every game has their capture points for the audience…
I've noticed the umm…eh-hem skin aspect is a pretty big thing these days… – Resident Evil 5 costume downloads, Dead or Alive Paradise, FFXIII, and now this…
Well hey – whatever puts money in that big fat wallet Wada kun has.
Isn't saying women are harder to draw than men basically the same thing as saying Aya is harder to draw than Lightning?
well, i think it can be done, it just isn't cost effective. i would pay 400 dollors for something like that. oh well.
oh, administrator or highlander, any truth to the rumor of the psp or the psp go coming out as a cell phone and handheld?
Not sure. It's been rumored for a couple of years now. Personally I think it's a good idea, the Motorola Droid X kind of demonstrates what is possible even with a 4.3 inch screen. It should be a slam dunk to put an Android Cellphone and PSP inside the same casing.
I know I'd upgrade from my present Moto Droid is such a PSP/Droid cross breed arrived.
The rumors right now are suggesting a PSP branded android 3 phone with a 1GHz snapdragon processor. That's all fine and good, but it won't play existing PSP games, which kind of defeats the purpose of branding it with the PSP. So I have to hope that Sony aims to include PSP hardware as well to maintain PSP compatibility.
It would be great if they did do that though. The Android side of things could support classic gaming through emulation and Homebrew, and the PSP side could continue to provide the as yet unmatched hand held gaming experience unique to the PSP.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/13/2010 12:43:41 PM
Reading between the lines in a couple of places and paying close attention to what some folks at IGN state as fact I would think that what we will see is a PSP branded Sony Ericsson phone that runs Android 3.0 and plays PSP Minis and PS1 classics in a secure environment. There will be a PSP Minis market place presence in the android Market place. Now, I'm not 100% sure about the PSP Minis because according to the information I can find, PSP Minis run on the PS3 in a PSP emulator, which is still evolving and improving. So a PSP phone that runs minis would have to either emulate the PSP as well, or include PSP hardware. If they include PSP hardware, it would for my money be the best of both worlds.
Separately there will be a PSP2 sometime, possibly announced this year at TGS and actually launched next year. The PSP is nearing 6 years of age, which is right on time for a platform refresh.