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Parasite Eve To Live Again On PSN?

It has been a long time since we saw a Parasite Eve title, but Square-Enix plans to change that soon with The 3rd Birthday for the PSP.

However, it's probably safe to assume that many have either forgotten about the series or never played it to begin with, so maybe bringing the first two games to the PSN is a good idea. According to JustPushStart citing a recent Japanese Tweet on the game's official Twitter page, the publisher apparently plans to put both Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2 on the Network at some point in the near future. Obviously, they'd do this to ramp up interest in The 3rd Birthday but let's not forget that both old games in question were excellent. The original remains arguably one of the best titles in the original PlayStation library; Aya Brea was a great new heroine, the story was awesome, and the gameplay was a cross between turn-based and action with firearms rather than swords. It just worked really, really well. The sequel turned out to be more like Resident Evil but hey, I think we all remember that shower scene…maybe one of the first titillating CGI sequences in gaming. So to have both PE and PEII on the Network would be a definite bonus.

We'll let you know when and if Square-Enix makes this announcement. When they do, we'll probably recommend that you try at least the first PE if you never played it before.

Related Game(s): The 3rd Birthday

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14 years ago

This would definitely be a must for me as I never got to play them before. Come on Sony lets see it happen.

14 years ago

I really hope so. These games are classic.

14 years ago

never played it, except for the demo that came with…cant remember…Brave Fencer Musashi maybe?

14 years ago

gosh i never got to finish this game

14 years ago

Ahhh. The first PE was one of the few RPGs I'd ever finished. I'd buy it again but I still have my origianl copy!

14 years ago

This announcement is pretty awesome. I heard of Parasite Eve from my brother, I believe, there may be a chance he even has this series. Good news for the PSP and PSN.

14 years ago

I've been waiting for this loved the first and have never played the second will be getting them.

14 years ago

This should be done, The UK never got PE1, but we got PE2, not quite sure why, but i really enjoyed the second game, so it would be nice to play the 1st.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

The first is VERY different. But way better, IMO; actually an RPG.

14 years ago

The second one does mix up RPG with statsistics and magic, while also having the combat and story structre elements with the Survival Horror Genre.

Is the first game the same?

14 years ago

ooooooooooooo Parasite Eve!
finally, i have reason to be excited for a $E title!
but be warned, if you screw this up like you did XIII i swear to god unspeakable things will happen to you!

14 years ago

I wish you became unspeakable…

14 years ago

Even in positive stories, we get some negativity from the anonymous Cowpatty.

14 years ago


14 years ago

well, is it my fault they raped one of my favorite series?

14 years ago


14 years ago

Wow ! Great news ! First we get "Earthworm Jim HD" and now "Parasite Eve" is announced !

I remember those games and enjoyed playing them both ! Can't wait for the release !

Playing EWJ brought back so many memories from my 16-bit SNES and Sega Genesis days !

Now if we could get "Flashback: The Quest for Identity", and "Out Of This World" on PSN, I'd be in 16-bit heaven again !

14 years ago

This is awesome, I'd never heard of parasite eve until you announced 3rd birthday and everyone started getting all excited. I looked up info on the game and liked what I was seeing so I was going to try and find a way to play the first one.

This will make it much easier. Another great ps1 classic for my psp/ps3 fun.

14 years ago

I'd be really interested in The 3rd Birthday if it was on the PS3, but unfortunately it's not. It's nice that they're having the Parasite Eve games on the PSN, but to be perfectly honest, I just can't enjoy a game where I'm moving around like a dump truck using the D pad. It was fine back in the day, but I'm afraid those days are over.

14 years ago

Really i miss them, well i mainly miss pre-renedered backgrounds i was really hoping this game would feature them, but i guess its a thing of the past.

14 years ago

The first one was absolutely outstanding on the PS1. I still have my original copy, and my PS3 is backwards compatible. I still might get it though if I decide to have it on my PSP.

Either way, I'll definitely be getting 3rd birthday, so I'll likely at least re-play the first two.

I think I read somewhere the first PE was based on a novel…

14 years ago

I'm pretty sure are all PS3 models are PS1 B/C. It's just PS2 B/C most of them are lacking.

And your correct about it being a novel. It was written by Hideaki Sena. There's also a Japanese movie based on the novel though it's not very good.

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/6/2010 9:35:30 AM

14 years ago

Yep, Jawknee, you're right. PS1 compatibility is done completely through software emulation which is built into the PS3 and PSP.

14 years ago

@ highlander

I know this issue has been talked about before but I'm curious on something. I know Sony probably won't invest in this at this point but would PS2 software emulation be technologically possible to do in the current PS3 through firmware or other means?

side note – I would actually love for Sony put out a premium version PS3 slim built with the original emotion chip for ps1 and ps2 capabilities.

14 years ago

Nice! Playing PS1 classics on a PSP makes the games like new again. Ill get these for sure. Though I didn't like the second as much as the first. In fact I never finished it. I will this time though.

The 3rd Birthday looks pretty good as well. Kind of glad it's on PSP. I need more PSP games I my collection.

14 years ago

do DO want

14 years ago

This would be nice. When The 3rd Birthday comes out I am getting a PSP. If they bundle in the states I will get two.