This article is just as much about the Special Edition as it is a reminder…don't you dare forget that this long-awaited RPG is coming very soon!
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is set to be released in North America on September 7 and in Europe on September 10. Now, the source in question only mentions this Special Edition for Europe, but we'd like to assume it's coming here, too. If you want to drop a few extra bucks, you can nab this nifty package, which features two exclusive items: Birth by Sleep art prints, and a 48-page hardcover book called, "The Art of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep." This could be very worthwhile if you're a big fan of the ongoing franchise, and if you treasure your growing PSP collection. Everyone keeps hoping for a Kingdom Hearts III announcement for the PS3 but at this point, it's probably safe to assume that if such a game is in the works, it probably won't be exclusive to Sony's machine. Square-Enix just doesn't do that, anymore (unless they stick with the Final Fantasy Versus XIII philosophy for the third Kingdom Hearts ). At any rate, Birth by Sleep could very well be one of the best portable titles to date.
If you want a look at some of the environments, check out one of the latest videos . Without those distinctly charming locales, this franchise just wouldn't be the same.
Related Game(s): Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
usa gets shafted once again, no collectors edition for ff 13 and this. but square enix na loves us so much we get stickers
Nice and all but, i gotta say one thing about this game……What is with the english dubbing!? Ugh!
I may pick it up but, i haven't enjoyed one anyway near as much as the original. They seemed to have substituted charm, character development, emotion, heart and story for anime style OTT action and a darker tone.
Don't get me wrong, i still enjoy them and probably remain the only Enix games left i can enjoy but, they are becoming milked now that (surprise, surprise) Soft became Enix.
Despite all this, BBS does look closer to the original…i sure hope so.
Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 7/29/2010 11:09:40 AM
Its the only SE game series that you like? And was the first KH made by soft? I dont have it anymore but i have the 2nd. And i thought Enix did a better job on KHII then the first one.
I do agree with you that its being milked for all its worth and when they finally come around to finish it off it'll be old news and they're not gonna sell. I have not played any of the other platforms but have seen videos on youtube an what not. So i kinda know where the story is going but…since 2005 when the 2nd came out i was hopen for a PS3 KHIII within a year, two at most they'd have it. An here we are 2010 with very! little talk about it
They better not do what they did with the Crisis Core special edition, give you a small art book the size of a PSP game case. Then when the strategy guide game out it was bigger and had MORE artwork!
Still i havent played Kingdom Hearts for a very long time, probaly since the release of KHII so i reckon i will catch up n them both and get this 😀
This is one of those franchises I need to play. When I do I'll be starting with the first one and working my way forward, so it'll be a long time before I get to this one.
I am really looking forward to this series tho because so many psxers really seem to like it.
It is a good story, the only complaint i have is including Final Fantasy characters, there was no need, they don't even affect the story in the first game. but exploring the Disney worlds is so much fun, i have not looked at what ones are in BBS yet, but i hope they cover fantasia or The Jungle Book.
Technicly, you should start with this one, lol. It would be:
There is also Coded, KH3D, and some cell phone game. I'm not sure where KH3D and Coded stand in the timeline, but I DO know the cell phone iteration was a complete mystery as to where it was in the series, because it was set to be made to happen at any given time, lol.
The point of Kingdom Hearts was to put Final Fantasy and Disney together, so why would you say it was useless? In fact, Birth by Sleep only has one Final Fantasy character in it, which to me, is a downfall to the game, but not enough to not play it. They just have Zach from FFVII.
Well i know that was the original idea of the project but the FF characters just seemed out of place, you has the KH characters which were all fine they had character development and backstorys, the Disney characters had their development when you progressed through the worlds, but the FF characters just plopped in randomplaces for no real reason.
Actually i were to really to strike a flaw with the seires it would be how it has been released on such random consoles:
Kindgom Hearts I
Kindgom Hearts II
PSP: Kindgom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Thats fair enough but then:
Gamebot Advanced(!):
Kindgom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Which i played and was not to bad, but i wish we got the PS2 re-release the Japanese got.
And then DS:
Kindgom Hearts: 358/2 Days
…. Seriously, i think it's unfar that we have to have a DS to understand the story, i am a bit hesitant in getting Birth By Sleep becuase i fear i may not understand it because i have not played the DS game. I know it would have been easy to get lost on KH2 if i had not played the GBA game. I think S-E have just made the plot for the game unnecessarily complicated.
Unless you like Disney a lot, don't get too excited. I couldn't get very far without going "Why am I still playing this crap?" and was massively disappointed.
@Ultimate Dream
Of couse FF characters don't affect the story, they are cameos
Hmmmm, lots of interesting info. However I won't be playing any of them on cell phone or ds or whatever. Only sony machines as that is all I have.
I know this one is supposed to be a prequel but prequels tend to have stuff in them that still require knowledge of the previous games.
Plus I can pick up KH1 for around $15 or less off amazon pretty easily. Then if I don't like that one I can pass on the rest.
If you mean the PS2 version of the Chain of memories game, the US DID get the PS2 remake version..unless you're in euro and they didn't do it there?
Should BBS not occur after KH1? I don't have a clue what the story is like in BBS, but I assume that if Roxas is in it, there's no way it could occur in the timeline before KH1, right?
Yeah i'm in the UK so i did not get that, but i guess i can play the GBA version. but kraygen you can certainly enjoy the 1st one with no interuption from the other titles. i say give it a try.
It ain't Roxas.
I'll be switching over my Birth by Sleep to the Special Edition ASAP. Been waiting for that announcement.
I was born by sleep once.
I was born as a girl once.
now can we please have kingdom hearts 3 for the ps3?
pretty please!
i promise ill be a good boy!
btw, I´m on vacation for another 2 weeks, also the reason I wan´t on here for the last week or so, anyways, got to go, intaweb minutes are running out…
-Unrelated to the Special Edition-
But I can't wait for this. Haven't had any KH lovin' for a long time.
I am only a die hard gamer for KH. I play it for the storyline and the graphics. I want to play it on my flat screen, not a compact mirror. I've tried playing games on PSP and I absolutely DESPISE it! I understand that they are trying to make these games ready for the 'new generation' but you know what, the original generation is still playing them. I read the reviews of the game and they were saying that if you do not know prior knowledge of the game, its virtually impossible to play, so why go to PSP for a new crowd? Keep it on the original PS2 or move it to the PS3. This is a STORYLINE game you can't appreciate the game if its on a screen the size of my compact mirror. I refuse to play the game on the PSP. Go back to being a REAL console game. k thx bye.