We know there are plenty of Nippon Ichi fans out there. We know there are some of you who don't want to admit how many hours you've dumped into the Disgaea franchise over the years.
So this piece is definitely for you. NIS America has announced three new games – all of which will be coming to the US – and although Disgaea producer Souhei Niikawa did say they're limiting the number of titles they release in a year, it's so they can "improve the game quality and increase customer satisfaction." Leading the charge is Z.H.P. ( Zettai Hero Keikaku ), which should be a lot like Disgaea . They call it the "latest dungeon RPG" created by the Disgaea 3 team and it was made specifically to "surpass" the aforementioned long-running franchise. This one is headed to the PSP this fall and the team says they're just "as excited as the time when we first developed Disgaea ." Cladun: This Is An RPG is also for the PSP; it boasts custom characters and randomly generated dungeons with standard hack 'n slash gameplay and this too will be in stores in the fall. The last game is Ar Tonelico: Knell of Ar Ciel , which is the final entry in the series saga and will release exclusively for the PlayStation 3 in spring 2011.
But they're not done. You didn't really think they'd abandon the name "Disgaea," did you? No, the latest entry will be released in Japan for the PS3, and they'll be ready to release more information at this year's Tokyo Game Show. NIS didn't say if this one would be coming to North America but as all Disgaea games have in the past, we'll just assume. So there you go. That enough JRPG love for you?
not very impressed by NIS game: Cross Edge is at most a mediocre; Disgaea 3 has only PS2 like graphics; and The Last Rebellion is a total disaster. So not looking forward to their products. Thumbs down big time!!!
I have to agree with you about Disgaea 3. I don't believe great visuals are the sole requirement for a great game. But I had to return that game a few days later because I just couldn't get my head around how pixelated the characters where.
They had a setting in the option menu that you could smooth out the characters with but they still looked terrible. Why include an option to make them look better when they could of just designed better looking characters from the start.
However I have the Disgaea game they released on the psp and thats enjoyable enough.
Btw anyone have Vandal Hearts Flames of Judgement? I'm considering picking it up on the PSN but there's no review on this site and mixed reviews on youtube, although mostly positive.
They may have kept old sprites, but they loaded that game with so many things to unlock. That's what the game is all about!!!
This game ain't about graphic, it's about the inside.
I spent over 150 hours for each Disgaea series, there's just so many things to do.
Ar Tonelico: Knell of Ar Ciel
Wowza. Non RPGer's wouldn't even think that was close to English.
Sadly this Ar Tonelico game will diverge from all previous games in the series and *NOT* use turn-based gameplay. It's an action oriented battle system.
Ben has a new language filter to stop naughty words, it it wasn't on I'd probably fill a page with angry and foul mouthed thoughts.
Ar Tonelico III finally revealed, but I already knew of it when they showed the event invite.
I know very little of these games, only played 1 Disgaea and didn't really care for it as much as other tactical rpgs.
Last rebellion was a huge let down and as for the Knell of ar ciel, don't know anything about the previous installments.
I'm pretty skeptical, but I'd be interested in some more info as I do love jrpgs.
Disgaea 3 is one of the most addictive games I've played, well, not the game itself, mostly the Item World. Also, the depth and the space for customization is HUGE, with clases, reincarnation, Item World, clubs, Class World, 9999 levels, etc… it INSANE (And I thought Oblivion was huge)
As for Disgaea 4, it'll indeed come to NA. It wouldn't make sense that NIS America mentioned it and then not bringing it
They mentioned it, doesn't mean they were solely talking to North America, lol.
So that's Ar Tonelico III right? Screw the rest of em, I want that game. And wow, it's gonna take em quite a while to do that localizing huh?
Good to know that it's finally coming, although im disappointed that we'll have to wait til next year 😛 But then again, i'm sure they did that to avoid conflict with Atelier Rorona's sales, as well as avoid getting slaughted during the holiday season. MW2 and ACII made a killing last holiday; i suspect Black Ops and AC: Brotherhood will do the same
It's not going to be turn based, the battle system is described as action oriented.
Well there's lots of text in Ar tonelico III and NIS America doesn't want the same problems they had with Ar tonelico II.
Actually they took just as long to localize Ar Tonelico II, so…well, we'll see.
TheHighlander, when did anyone say the battle system would be turn-based? I've actually played the game and the battle system is great. It's a lot of fun and feels more natural with regard to defending your revytails. There's actually less button-mashing in it than AT2, which I suppose could technically be called turn-based but was certainly nothing like a traditional turn-based RPG anyway.
Disgaea is all that matters!!!!!!
Can't wait!!
The game is actually called "Cladun: This Is An RPG" ?? Now that's hilarious. It might get a sale out of me just for having a crazy name. Besides, hack and slash is always a good time, even if it's on the PSP.
All those games will be added to my collection especially Ar tonelico Qoda: Kneel of Ar Ciel since I own the Japanese version(aka Ar tonelico III). Just so you know Qoda in the Hymmnos language is supposed to mean either end or demise.
Cladun is basically just a short way of saying Classic Dungeon and will be a PSP PSN download.
I hear Zettai Hero Project will keep the anime character cameos so that's exciting news.
Disgaea 3 was really meant for PS2 according to NIS and so with playing the awesome game known as Trinity Universe, I hope this new one(if it's Disgaea 4) looks more like that even though graphics don't really matter in videogames especially in low budget titles.
Small correction it's Qoga.
NISA is promising to focus on fewer high-quality titles rather than the deluge of crap they've been publishing lately (Last Rebellion, anyone?). Hopefully this will pan out for them. Personally I will take a wait-and-see approach with Cladun, but ZHP and AT3 are already day-one purchases for me. And let's not forget Atelier Rorona.
One of these days I'll have to actually play Disgaea 3…it's been in my possession collecting dust for a couple of years now and I haven't even taken it out of the shrinkwrap yet. I like the games and all, but they are such huge time commitments I haven't gotten around to it.
Last Rebellion wasn't that bad of a game but no way a stellar JRPG.