Well, maybe…maybe not. Hideo Kojima apparently has no current plans to port the handheld masterpiece to the PlayStation 3, but he does comment on the possibility.
In speaking to JeuxFrance , the MGS mastermind spoke about the idea of bringing Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker to the PS3; it's currently one of the best games available on the PSP. We had heard rumors in the recent past about the possibility of Konami porting the excellent title to the PSN, but none of those rumors or speculation has been addressed by the publisher. Said Kojima:
"I can not say I'll do a direct conversion of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on Playstation 3. However, this game was a challenge in terms of its development on the PSP for me and I probably will preserve the base of it. And if I had to port it to another console, I would add even more depth to the story."
Well now, that's an interesting idea, isn't it? Not only will those who loved the game on the PSP get to play a bigger, better version on the PSN, but fans who don't own a PSP will get this critically acclaimed Game of the Year contender. Remember that Kojima has often referred to Peace Walker as "Metal Gear Solid 5;" he was directly involved in the development of the game and that means he's very close to it. Therefore, it's not surprising that if it were to make the leap to the PS3, he'd want to make the game even better. He's a perfectionist, right?
His first sentence says it all. He can't say that he's porting it to PS3, probably due to legal stuff with Konami. However, he's doing it right now. Boom. Nailed it.
And he's telling us that he's not doing much to improve the graphics, but he is adding to the storyline.
legal stuff?
Last edited by booze925 on 7/8/2010 10:12:48 AM
IDK, maybe there is a contract or agreement that they don't talk about it until a certain date. They sell as many PSP's as possible, then we get Peace walker on PSN 3 months before MGS5 releases. I'm just guessing though, anything I said probably won't happen.
Nice idea but i'd rather have an all new game titles Metal Gear Solid 5 exclusively for the PS3.
me too.
Me three 🙂
But what is there left of the story to go on about?
I'd rather have ZoE3 before MGS5.
At the end of MGS4 there's a conversation between Ocelot and some one else. I forget who.
Maybe Kojima has had something in mind this whole time.
jawknee, at the end of mgs4 there was a conversation between snake and otacon about how snake wants to live out the remainder of his days in peace. ocelot died.
and i don't know who said this… but a mgs about sunny would be cool. she may have seemed useless in mgs4, but that may have been just the beginning. i think they can make an amazing story arc 4 her as an adult. make her grow up and be like olga and hell, im sold
9 years after snakes death on the nomad some new organization appears out of the blue comes in and kills otacon (he stumbled on their plans 4 world domination somehow)
sunny listens from the vents upstairs and see's snakes operator. she takes it, sneaks downstairs, and points the gun at the killers. and after a series of well placed button presses (people sumtimes get nervous killing sum1 4 the first time) she shoots one of the hitmen, and the other two run. she did not succeed in saving otacon, which means she has lost a parent yet again.
the game flashes 5 years later, and for those 5 years, sunny has taken on a persona similar 2 olga, and has been searching 4 the organization that killed otacon. shes not out 4 revenge, but a curiousness as to why they killed him, and what exactly DID otacon uncover?
just give it a mystery worth solving, a mgs4 mission structure and a mgs worthy story, and kojima could have gold!
sorry 4 the long paragraph, but i just have all these ideas!
I recall the converstaion with Snake and Otacon but If you let it go past the credits there's another conversation with Ocelot and an unknown person…..so i thought.
Thanks Boozer, you just inspired me to replay MGS4.
I'm on a mission! ill report back to you in a week or so. lol!
Last edited by Jawknee on 7/8/2010 11:01:28 AM
i seem 2 recall beating mgs4 three times, and i also seem 2 recall ocelot dying… three times.
that means i watched the credits…. three times, and didn't hear a conversation between ocelot and some other dude… three times.
see u in a week! oh and ur welcome
Last edited by booze925 on 7/8/2010 1:23:21 PM
we shall see…i beat the game 9 times and i could have sworn ocelot was speaking to some one. It may have been Snake Eater…hmmmmm…
Last edited by Jawknee on 7/8/2010 1:47:51 PM
in mgs3 and portable ops he did, but not mgs4
I would love to play mgs peace walker on the ps3 in hd. Hopefully kojima ports it over to psn.
well this is now my favorite psp game, but I only know one other person who has a psp and they only have it for traveling. So a psn version would be very welcome just so I could play the co-op
You can play with other people over ad hoc party.
Well co-op is just not as fun if you can't play with your friends
Since I can't currently reconcile buying a PSP with my habit of gaming at home or being busy out in real life I won't get to experience Peace Walker unless this happens. I think it would be ace, and they should do it with more titles. I'd like to play Dissidia as well. But I guess they don't do that so that people will buy a PSP. It's a nasty circle.
I say make your taboo project, make your ZOE3, then start a new Metal Gear (maybe call it something else since Rising will kill the brand) and have a new hero.
Of course all I ever really wanted was a Kojima JRPG. It just makes no sense that someone with such story-driven sensibilities isn't making RPGs.
I'd be afraid of a jrpg from kojima, I might die because I forgot to eat because I was too busy playing. I'd never get anything done, it could be the death of us all.
Careful what you wish for. 😉
I want a psn version but chances are it will also go to xbox
A PSP exclusive going to the Xbox? What world is this in?
Yea, it's already tied to Sony exclusively. Besides, i have faith Kojima would fight hard to keep any new MGS he works on Sony platforms. Seems Castlevania and Rising are a bone hes throwing to Konami so they can release some Xbox titles.
Last edited by Jawknee on 7/8/2010 12:06:19 AM
As much as I'd like the port, I'm pretty sure they're not going to hand out a system seller like Peace Walker onto PSN any time soon. They've gotta move some PSPs first. The PSP has been in dire need of "killer apps" for a while so they're not going to blow it now that they have some.
I meant to write xbox too at the end
Last edited by Pandacastro on 7/7/2010 10:53:56 PM
Alienange, from what I am seeing though the PSP is slowly dying… well at least the Go is… it's not going anywhere… I smell a "mini disk" saga here…
I would rather want MGS5 to be honest, but if Peace Walker is converted with the same quality as MGS4, why not…
*Currently in Phnom Pehn, Kingdom Of Cambodia
I wish they would just make it possible to do remote play from my psp to ps3 not just ps3 to psp. Then they could still sell stuff for psp but I might be able to play easier on my tv. Then they wouldn't have to port it and we could still have it.
Using cords seems dumb in my wireless world. I know it won't happen but dare to dream.
I say port it along with MGS Portable Ops. I just couldn't find myself to play MGS:PO due to the controls. Peacewalker did it right with the controls, but when implemented with a full controller, both games oughta blow those low control scores outta the water
and i hear MGS:PO had a great story 🙂
I say port it along with MGS Portable Ops. I just couldn't find myself to play MGS:PO due to the controls. Peacewalker did it right with the controls, but when implemented with a full controller, both games oughta blow those low control scores outta the water
that would be great, though id much rather hear more about this "taboo" title!
I prefer Kojima making a new game instead of porting one from PSP.
Yes I would like to see it on ps3.
Dear Squeeenix & Capcom,
Please take a serious look at your Japanese brethren Kojima & notice his dedication to video game making. He's not making any excuses (cough *Wada cough), following "Western" developers or dumbing down his games. Kojima, unlike you, has integrity & sticks to it. If you would like to continue to be a follower, try what he's doing. And maybe, just maybe you guys will stop crying.
Sincerely, SoulController
P.s. Please go back to making real Jrpgs. Did you forget we here in the old west love those
When I heard about this game coming to the PSP, I was thinking that I hope one day I would see it on the PS2. It makes sense to put it on the PS2 cause of the DVD quality that the PSP puts out. PSP isn't blu-ray, so it wouldn't make sense to put it on a blu-ray disc unless they remixed one to HD. I would love to see this in the PS store hopefully.
To be honest if i were to get a copy of peace walker, it would certainly be for the system it was intended for. PSP That being said, for all the PS3 owners out there I think a port on the PSN would be a good idea, and would certainly increase sales on their part.
Yeah i think Peacewalker should just stay on the psp. It really wasn't made for the ps3 and shouldn't be ported to it. The thing is the formula thats used is perfect for portability. The missions are perfect little bite sized morsels and only usually take about 5-10 minutes to beat each one, (aside from the boss fights). I say just make another one thats exclusively for the ps3. Peacewalker really is a fantastic game. I'd love to see more psp games done this well. I'm really excited for split/second on the psp as well as Patapon 3 and GOW: Ghosts of Sparta. Looks like the investment in the pspgo was a good one.
I dont want to get a ps3, and it looks sooo good.
great. port it well, it is the true MGS5 in my heart from the very begining.