Deals are great, especially considering that most consumers don't have the time or money to play every awesome title that hits store shelves.
Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC (SCEA) has announced three new initiatives for their PSP system; the first of which has kicked off on June 1 and consists of the new "Favorites" software lineup. Titles in this lineup will only cost $9.99 and furthermore, a PSP Digital Game Pack will also be available to new purchasers; it boasts vouchers for three downloadable games from the Network. Beyond this new offer and the addition of the Favorites deals, the PSP's "Greatest Hits" ($19.99) library will soon grow to more than 60 total titles with the addition of LittleBigPlanet , Gran Turismo , Resistance: Retribution and Secret Agent Clank . Said Scott A. Steinberg, SCEA Vice President of Product Marketing:
"PSP is the premiere destination for full-scale, console quality gaming experiences on-the-go, and we're very pleased to be able to bring our consumers such tremendous value. These initiatives not only add value to the platform overall, but also complement the robust software lineup we'll see from both first and third-party publishers in 2010. It is easier now more than ever for new and existing PSP owners to build up their gaming libraries with amazing content."
As for the Favorites, here's a list of the first games to make the lineup:
Those are just the first-party titles; third-party software like Justice League Heroes , Manhunt 2 , Silent Hill: Origins , The Sims 2 , and The Warriors will also be among the new Favorites. Now, if you're more of a PSP Go person, you can pick one up with the same offer mentioned before (the pack with three digital game vouchers). So what are you waiting for?
I just want the PSP2 with two analog sticks and a touch screen. I rarely play my psp now a days.
I still play my PSP, especially GTPSP, just for collecting a ton of cars and imagining driving them all with the G25 when GT5 finally comes out.
Favorites looks good.
So LocoRoco 2 is a "favorite", but the first title isn't? Not sure I understand that.
Wow, although I already got a couple of those titles, it's great to see that I can NOW get the rest of those games brand new now at same prices that GS has been selling them for on "used".
I'm thinking that maybe LocoRoco is the much better title, because all the used game stores have had that very same pricing, with LR2 being cheaper than the original LR1 is.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/1/2010 10:03:29 PM
Nice. Those are price points I can respect.
I love my PSP but sadly it does not get as much play time as it used to. When I'm on the go my hands are on a steering wheel. All my other gaming time is hogged by my PS3. Still, I really appreciate great games going for cheap.
They still make games for the psp? I'm kidding but this is a great deal for anyone interested in the psp.
patapon, HS Golf, Twisted metal and Syphon filter are great games but i'd rather just put psone games on my psp.Greatest hits is great but they need to give us more of the classics ps1's. Who wouldn't want to play the old MGS tombraider, RE, duke nukem etc. while on a long drive? At least theres FF though.
I'll get a PSP when the PSP2 comes out and the price plummets.
SONY PSP Assassin's Creed 2 Limited Edtion Pack White is only $199.99 at Newegg….
Brand new they're $170. The DSi costs the same, and the DSXL (which is confusing since it appears to be even larger than the original DS) is actually more expensive than the Sany PSP…at $189.99.
When people complain about the price I always wonder why. The DS is priced comparably and yet does so much *less* than the PSP. And then people complain about a lack of games…well, the PSP continues to be one of the best platforms for JRPGs and SRPGs and still gets the high profile game releases. What of the DS? I guess I shouldn't mention that 90% of the games on the DS are shovel-ware that doesn't even merit the cartridge it's on. The iPhone is really no better than the DS in that regard except of course many of it's games are not worth the time and trouble to download them.
Sorry, I didn't mean to rant, but complaints about the cost of the PSP always confuse me since it's not really that costly compared to the alternative, and it has at least as many games worth buying as the competition too.
Preach on Highlander!
Don't know if ya want one used from GS, but they have them…
PSP 1000 for $99
PSP 2000 for $119
PSP 3000 for $129
ahhhhh ape escape how i miss those cheeky monkeys.
when i heard there FINALLY!!! bringing one to the ps3 i freaked!!!
i just hope they dont force us to use move since i wont be buying it for a long, long time.
my f*cking laptop just shat itself so 2K going towards a new one.
word of warning NEVER! buy anything french, they cant even make a laptop last 12 months no wonder they lost the war!!!!!
id hate to see what their tanks were like, you start her up and than she starts undressing herself, and not in a good way!
Didn't they give you a 12 month warranty???
ahh make that 16 months 😉
its already been in their shop 4 times.
once for a HDD malfunction, once because the CPU somehow cooked itself and twice because the keboard keeps lifting and the keys fall off.
bloody Asus not only is there customer support shite, their computers are even worse!!!!!
I usually get 15 minutes of PSP per day… on the john. ^.^ lol.
I don't really get a chance to play the PSP much anymore, like others have mentioned the PS3 has really taken up all my gaming time. I still have plenty of titles to either finish or master, soo the PSP is taking a backseat for the moment. Got a new PS3 for my birthday along with FFXIII and RDR, so I have some serious game time to put in
Imma kill you