God of War: Chains of Olympus is arguably the best game on the PSP and ever since its launch back in 2008, handheld fans have been anxiously waiting for the next portable Kratos installment.
Well, here it is: as revealed at the PlayStation Blog , God of War: Ghost of Sparta will act as a prequel to the franchise, and pick up after the events of the original title. Developer Ready at Dawn is once again at the helm so PSP and PSP Go owners have nothing to worry about; the team will be in "close collaboration" with SCEA Santa Monica, too, and they will definitely push the limits of Sony's portable unit. Features include "25% more gameplay, an improved weapon system, and new magical powers" with the cosmetic allure of "state-of-the-art visual technologies, higher resolution environments, and greater depths of scale." And as it's a prequel, Ghost of Sparta tells the story of Kratos' ascension to the lofty position of "God of War," and he must ultimately prove his worthiness to the Gods. During the quest, fans will finally receive answers to questions involving the dark hero's tattoo, scar and family. It sounds like another rip-roaring good time, and it's great news for all those who recently relished God of War III .
And yes, this is the secret held by that mysterious website, SpartansStandTall , so visit it from time to time for updates. SCEA Santa Monica has said they're done with this series for a while but they're not directly responsible for this one, now are they? Anything God of War -related is awesome, as far as we're concerned. Ghost of Sparta is due out later this year, and we want a date at E3…
Related Game(s): God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Looks awesome. Hopefully it comes over to the PS2 eventually so I can try it out.
Hmm… this does make buying that LE Metal Gear PSP a lot more tempting, though.
quite simply, due it. The PSP is a fantastic system, peace walker on the horizon not withstanding and now this.
I will be getting this on day 1.
While i be getting this on day one i'm a little disappointed the teaser ended up being a PSP title. I want to see more PS3 games out of Santa Monica Studios. They blew my mind with God of War III.
I was hoping it was an expansion of GOW3.
A PSP game doesn't interest me that much.
Same here. Stig talked about some free DLC coming our way. I thought this had something to do with it.
Santa Monica Studios isn't developing this game. Ready at Dawn (the same group that did the first GOW on PSP) is developing this game.
Have no fear, I'm sure SMS is busy on another PS3 game.
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 5/4/2010 2:41:15 PM
The plot seems a bit like subplots in the comic book.
Last edited by Superman915 on 5/4/2010 11:06:37 AM
chains of olympus was amazing this is def i day 1 purchase for me….. sony is the best mod nation racers here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::beeep beeep::
Damn, so much love for my PSP, Peace Walker, ModNation Racers, Now GOW. Keep Going Sony!
I'm with Jawknee, I also hoped for another Santa Monica PS3 game, although I'll check this one out, of course.
Why do you want another GOW for PS3 so soon?
Sanat Monica isnt developing this game. Ready at Dawn, who also did chains of olympus for the psp, is.
Santa Monica may be giving a little help but im sure they are doing things with the PS3.
LOVE IT. What an extraordinary year for PSP — Peace Walker next month, a new GOD OF WAR GAME!!!!! around the holidays. For a system without dual analog sticks, PSP sure does make me smile a lot 🙂
I'm happy in a different way then expected. With people filling my head about a God of War that might take on Kratos' brother had me pumped. TWO badass spartans going all out would be epic. But with Snake eater in mind this prequel should come out solid too.
This is definitely psp's year
Day one buy!
As far as games go, yeah you're right. As far as the system itself goes, it'll be when they announce two analogs and trophies that sync with your PS3.
I knew it, you're a TrophyWhore Alienange!
Brilliant anouncement/Jizz in my pants. Let's be honest guys we all knew it was too soon for Santa Monica to announce something this early! Looking forward to this-day 1 buy!my psp go needs to stop collecting dust now.lol
I'll be getting this day 1 too 🙂
Just goes to show there's still a lot they can do with Kratos. The guy is epic, you can't just toss him aside and say his story is done.
Amazing news. GoW:CoO was incredible. I'm getting MGS:PW (aka MGS5), VC2, Persona 3 and Gow:GoS. I dont know if I'll be able to play all them though, so little time.
I never click on a link so fast before.Day One Purchase.
Absolutely 🙂
I just wish they upscale the PSP-to-LCD TV display output because I almost never play without the LCD big screen.
i heart my psp(s)!
i preordered the camouflage psp with peace walker from *shudder* gamestop, but at least i don't have to go in the store.
another god of war is radsauce. 🙂
and of course now it has blazblue, so at work i practice in the bathroom all day! i hope my boss doesn't read this…
Last edited by Rings0fUranus on 5/4/2010 4:00:08 PM
Great! Told my GF today and she seemed pretty interested in it. Sorry, not the place to even really talk abou tit but gotta say it since it's pretty awesome, to me at least;
Pre-ordered Birth by Sleep today! Wonder if I was the first, lol.
Bad place to misspell "it" and yet, somehow, the sentence still works.
This is absolutely fantastic news. It's so freaking awesome that Ready At Dawn are even back again too. They said they weren't actually going to do anything on the psp again after Chains of Olympus, they havent even done anything on anything else since though lol.
OMFG! This is a very nice surprise! I love Chains of Olympus and I know I'll love this one! More God of War for me to conquer!
Considering they re-released the old PS2 God of War's in HD glory for the PS3. I wonder if a similar fate will eventually occur with God of War Chains of Olympus & Ghosts of Sparta going HD on the PSN?
Just when you thought Kratos would be laid to rest his spirit comes back & haunts our handhelds. But i ain't complaining.
Maybe now we will see some of the greek mythology icons that were missing from God of War III & GOW's before it? Like Gorgon sister, Stheno?
Well this just pushed me even further to wanting another PSP, my last one died due to my son dropping it down the stairs 🙁 and I haven't really had the cash to get another one but now this just pushes me to get one. I love GOW.
hopefully a little more work will be put into the story this time, and its placement, and relevance to other GOW games.
at times i had absolutely no idea what was going on in CoO and no idea where it stood in the GOW storyline.
otherwise its great news, its about freaking time the psp gets a great game.
just one question.
why the PSP?
i really dont get this, syphon filter for the ps2, god of war for the psp.
yeah sony has a sh*t load of titles releasing this year but that does not mean there is too many.
there is no such thing as too many, the more the merrier!
Sounds awesome. I recently played God of War III and God of War: Chains of Olympus so this is coming just in time!
Rock on Sony and a big thumbs up to the PSP!