UPDATE @ 5/13/10: Arnold's made some changes to Appoppa.com , but he's also looking for suggestions! What reviews are you looking for? What would you like to see featured? What changes would you like to see made? Sound off in the comments section here!
ORIGINAL @ 4/26/10: You're likely familiar with GameRankings, Metacritic and RottenTomatoes. But in this ever-expanding world of technical wizardry, we need all our bases covered.
Hence, ApPoppa , a freshly launched review index that specifically targets handheld applications for devices like Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Palm, and Windows. You may know the launcher of the site; he sorta helped create another site, of which many of you are a part. Yep, Arnold Katayev has decided to attempt a new endeavor that should be much appreciated by the growing number of app-players in the world, and you can already see how updates will be handled. Each entry goes up blog-style and you see a list of the acquired reviews, along with their scores and a brief statement from each review. You will also get the benefit of a little video for some games; if you visit now, you'll find summaries for Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II (iPhone), Keepy Uppy (Android, BlackBerry, iPhone), Street Fighter IV (iPhone), Avatar (iPhone), Need for Speed Undercover (Palm Pre) and Trapster (Android). And as with all new sites, I'm willing to bet it's a work in progress so if you have any suggestions for Arnold, feel free to leave them in the Comments section below. As it says on ApPoppa, you shouldn't have to "waste money, time, and storage space downloading useless apps." …that's a maxim that most all portable owners and players can get behind.
Personally, just the existence of FFII – only released on the Famicom in Japan back in 1988 – is almost enough to make me want an iPhone. What I won't do for my beloved Final Fantasy series…
fantastic, i love it already, tho i could never buy an iphone lol i'l stick with my htc desire android.
HTC Desire is a great phone!
what phone do you have arnold?
iPhone 3GS and BlackBerry Bold 9700 as my personals. I have a Google Nexus One and Palm Pre as test phones for some other work I do, not related to Appoppa.
The Desire is a nice phone. I have the HTC Hero and going to switch to the HTC Evo when it launches on June 4th.
Edit: Anyone with Android check out Zenonia and Replica Island. Zenonia might be on the iPhone too.
Last edited by OtisFeelgood on 5/13/2010 10:45:39 AM
Heard the EVO is supposed to be superb, may pick that up 🙂
I thought you live in Asia? Evo is exclusive to Sprint from what I heard.
Flippin' sweet. I have both an iPhone and a Motorola Droid, mostly because I had AT&T and then they got worse where I lived so I switched to Verizon and kept the iPhone because well,…I'm not going to send it back to them…
Anyway, a site like this is much appreciated.
Yeah you read it correctly.
All your base are belong to ApPoppa
Chaos theory all the way ppl should know about this game it is really really really epic .
I advise u to buy an Iphone/ipod for this game alone
and doodle jump
Just saw u had it on ur website Arnold so my bad , and thanks for the new website it will be of a great help 🙂
Last edited by TEG3SH on 4/26/2010 5:14:46 PM
Oooops I meant Chaos Rings
Really interesting, good luck with the site. Also thinking about the iPhone purchase for final fantasy, since I never got to play 1 and 2. Chaos Rings also draws my attention.
lol Ben, you certainly crazy for Final Fantasy… of course, I can see what the fuss is all about 😉
iPhone and Android users; get iMobsters. Best free game available on any phone – in my opinion. It's still a bit buggy on Android, but not enough to warrant not playing.
I have iMobsters, never really play it though.
well I don't have a cell phone, but if I did then I would appreciate that a lot. I'd hate to pay a dollar, or however much, for those apps just to find out that I hate them. Arnold that is truly a genius idea.
Good luck to you, hope it goes really well.
I tried doing the cell phone thing once, & had a Motorola Startec.
But it always felt like nothing more than a glorified tracking device so I got rid of it
If someone want's me, they can talk to my answering machine cause I don't have any plans to ever get another one.
And even thought they now have gaming, there will be no phones going into my collections either. Plus, I don't count them as being bonifided gaming consoles or hand-helds.
And I certainly won't pay thousands of dollars for hundreds of phone contracts that I'll never ever use either.
Anyway, it looks like a nice site for those who do have cells, & also want a bit of extra gaming action.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/26/2010 7:35:14 PM
lmao @ Motorola Startec. I used to think that phone was the sh*t back then.
Bam! New design updated. =)
Nice Job on the updated site,
Plus I think the new color is much more pleasant on the eyeballs too.
Lol, thanks Arnold 😛 some of the reviews made me get some games for my Droid,
Arnold do you ever sleep?
I'd like to see a new logo or something cool like that. Email me if your interested as i would love to doodle some logos as i am into that field. No charge, I like you guys to much 🙂
Hey, Kevin, I don't have a way of getting your email. Shoot me an email, please. I have an idea for a logo I'd like to use. Arnoldk [at] poisemedia.com
Last edited by ArnoldK PSXE on 4/26/2010 11:53:46 PM
sorry about that i didn't check back here for your reply, i guess you got my email then 😛 well i would love to hear about that idea you have.
Oh i am also working on a game for iphone and ipod touch. it's a tower defence game and it wont be hitting the app store anytime soon. but i am welcome to your ideas. I need something flashing to put into the game that will make it stand out from the other td games on the ipod.
What about Android? =
The only thing I hate right now about their website is their layout. They are probably using Joomla and hopefully they update their site with a better layout.
i have an extra mod nation racers psp demo code and since this thread is about mobile things thought it would make sense. who wants it?
ahhhh beautiful hopefully this will stop me from blowing 15 bucks on a half a$$ed port of sonic 2 ever again!
and sega wonder why there bleeding money!
is it just me, or are game publishers the dumbest group in the history of the universe?
Awesome, I wish you good luck on the website Arnold, I'll be visiting it more frequently when I see more things at the windows phone thing, since I have an HTC HD2. I should've gotten an Iphone, I mean, I really like this phone, more than an Iphone, but everything on the stupid ass M$ store costs like lots of cash -_-, since it's M$ of course, it has a lot less stuff on there too.
PS: I like the layout, it's nice and easy to navigate through, you should just have one more thing, like the layout at all reviews, but then also like that for Iphone, Android, etc.
Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 4/27/2010 6:34:28 AM
Well Firstly, Good luck Arnold! I might check ebvery now and again, but i have none of those phones, so i dont hav Apps.
Second of all, perhaps the sight could use a little more sprucing up. not much. keep it really simple. your nigh on perfect. but…
Nice site, it's bookmarked for me now. Only thing is, I went to the page and my Android almost died with jealousy at the mainstream game love the iPhone is getting.
Considering how the market for smart phones has shifted decisively away from iPhone (for now at least) I have to hope that some of these publishers will get off their butts and give us something other than poorly named bejeweled clones and generic tower defense games.
Check out Zenonia and Replica Island, Highlander. Zenonia is an awesome RPG.
I will check it out from time to time Arnold, should be very useful. Thanks!
I want more reviews of non-game apps, must have apps, and simple games. I dont want reviews of these big games like iron man, etc. Small playable games like Angrybirds etc. Love the idea 🙂
This needs a feature on G4TV!
Arnold I need work, hire me.
Still waiting for Doom to arrive on Droid…