If you check the list of games that have received a perfect score from Famitsu, you may not agree with every title.
However, considering the popular and widespread status of the premier Japanese gaming publication, it's always worth noting. And the latest blockbuster game to score four perfect 10s from Famitsu is actually a portable title; it goes by the name of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker . This long-awaited entry in the legendary series is bound to be big, and it seems that mastermind Hideo Kojima will once again be rewarded for his efforts. The game will launch this month in Japan and on June 8 in North America, and it'll be interesting to see if the Western critics respond with such unbridled praise. Really, despite the difference in tastes between Western and Japanese gamers, nailing down a 40/40 from Famitsu is one heck of an accomplishment. Of course, the series in question can do no wrong in Japan and it's not exactly surprising, but at the same time, our anticipation level just went up a few notches. Who's planning to snag this one? Or who's planning to finally pick up a PSP just for the sake of playing this instant handheld classic?
We're going to make a prediction right here and now: Peace Walker will win Game of the Year for the PSP. You heard it here first. We're all kinds of psychic.
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
I guess this means I need to pre-order the Peace Walker Entertainment Pack ….
Would anyone expect less from kojima?
Kojima did it………………………………………………………………….AGAIN?!??!?!
Wasn't MGS4 rated 40/40? I mean hell we expected it but who thought he could do it again..2 years after with MGS 5: Peace Walker. Yes people this is Metal Gear Solid 5 and get used to calling it that – BECAUSE IT IS METAL GEAR SOLID 5!!!
I personally always though from just playing the TGS '09 demo, watching all the gameplay videos, hearing the music, seeing the characters, and etc that this is meant to be GOTY. I honestly believe that this PSP game should win GOTY – I know that the year is hardly over…but honestly…this deserves it……well…ok maybe it'll have some tough competition with PS3 exclusives – but that's it.
All GOTY nominees: PlayStation Exclusives? – Who's willing to bet?
Last edited by shadowpal2 on 4/20/2010 11:04:19 PM
no way, RAGE or crysis 2 will take the honors this year.
half life 2 epp 3 will run off with the title IF its out this year, but at this rate well im going to be in a cold hard grave by the time thats out!
lol I really don't think so, there are so many great games which have been out, crysis 2 and can't even hold a candle upto them.
I think it's going to be Mod Nation Racers for me. I loved lbp too much to even think another game to satisfy me like this game can.
Silent Hill Homecoming isn't considered 5 because it's not, so why should this PSP game be considered MGS5?
Because Kojima considers it MGS5… actually it began life known as MGS5 at Konami.
'Nuff said!
At _____,
Rage won't even make it out this year, and Crysis 2 won't be considered a GOTY contender for consoles… maybe a contender for best FPS on consoles though.
RAGE is due this year because john said hes not talking about doom 4 till RAGE is out, than at last years quakecon he announced RAGE is set for a late 10 release and they will be talking about doom 4 next E3.
Doesn't take Nostradamus to make that prediction. I'm glad Kojima and his team's effort payed off for them in Japan. Even though Famitsu really is kind of twisted a lot of the time, they are probably right about this title.
Still not worth buying a psp for me but then nothing is, short of a FFVII remake that was unfortunately put there.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/20/2010 9:52:53 PM
Hey man , its still worth a try
well we know there are at least 5 psp owners in here according to my downthumbs 🙂
As much as I loved MGS4, MGS on the PSP just wasn't all that interesting to me. This however has piqued my interest. Maybe old Betsy 1000 needs to be dusted off after all.
I have 5 different PSP's in my collections(so far), and that would make for at least 6 of us PSP owners here.
But I felt no need to thumb you down, LOL
Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/21/2010 8:21:24 PM
Nice. Definitely plan on buying this game.
Now.. Mr. Kojima…keep Snake where he belongs, and that's in the Playstation Brand..
i think thats a first for psp
now i gotta get psp. i own the 1st generation psp which is collecting dust and now wid peace walker it looks like i gotta purchase psp go
Why purchase a PSP GO? This will play on the PSP you have now.
Yes I'm realy up set about that too. You need to keep MGS a PS exclusive!!!
Other wise this game looks Awesome and is going to be Great, but I am not going to pick up this one only because I dont have a PSP
I have to many Awesome games this year to pick up for my PS3 like GT5, Red dead Redempion, Mod nation racers, and maybe Madden 11 and I havent had the chance to pick up Bad Company 2 yet So I'm going to be plenty of busy for a while.
Last edited by StangMan80 on 4/20/2010 10:48:16 PM
If i had a job i would so get this. They really should release it in the psn for ps3 like 2-4 months after the release…
It's a go for me.
But first, my wallet has to let me know if I'm just getting the game, or the whole camo bundle.
I gotta get my psp screen fixed now so I can get this.
Kojima doesn't mess around!
If he's gonna make a psp game it's got to be perfect
Although Famitsu as a source isn't that great (have been known to give some quirky scores) it's still good seeing a good score.
Can't wait for psxe's eventual review.
But there's no doubt, this is a must get!
good for Kojima, but I'm done breaking my neck playing games on a post-it note size screen. Come on Sony, get on with the psp emulator for ps3!
GOTY nominees all PlayStation Exclusives?
no chance. Mass Effect 2 for starters, and coming up are SSFIV, Red Dead, Alan Wake, Super Mario Galaxy 2…
LOL. I love the SF franchise, and I'll be picking up SSFIV. But GOTY contender. Come on. LOL.
I agree with Red Dead and Mass Efect 2 as GOTY contenders but I'll hold out on crowning Alan Wake just yet. It doesn't matter, though, because GOTY will be either GOWIII, Heavy Rain, or GT5.
thats no surprise, id expect nothing less from the master himself, though i really wished this was on ps3.
i really hate it when developers take a series from one platform to another, especially when said games are so story driven, and even more so when there direct sequels.
splinter cell conviction for example, i had to buy a 360 just so i could continue the story of sam fisher and oh boy what a ending!
now listen here GG, insomniac, sony santa monica, naughty dog, and everyone else.
THIS! is how you do a ending!
a games ending is suppose to answer all raised questions, not answer 2 and raise a million and one……. im looking at you GOW3…………..
I'll be buying the Big Boss Bundle and the Peace Walker Collector's Edition. This way I can give my sis my 2000 and I'll have two copies, one of which will go to my sis. The Co-Op sneaking and Monster Hunting will be EPIC!!!
I would like to say how much I hate and love GameStop. Hate, for them taking my money, Grrr. Love, for how they have a BB bundle and collectors edition in one place where I can pre-order them…. I like the pre-oreder part because I'll be soing that TODAY.
Bought them…. So now I wait…………………….. I'll go play MGS4 again.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will be the only game this year to pull me away from my PS3 for any prolonged period of time.
I have never bought a psp at all,never really desired one.MGS:PW and kingdom hearts:birth by sleep will push me over the edge.I can't afford to ignore such great games.
Very encouraging, i anticipate this game even more 😀
A perfect score may well be justified, however thier potential conflict of interest should have been noted also. Kotaku has an article spelling out Famitsu's in game product placement advertising and that their publisher is appearing in the game's ad campaign.
hmmm, no… wait yea, arggghhhh, nope…
that doesn't bother me one bit.
Yeah I was hoping someone would mention this.
I'm actually totally looking forward to this game one way or the other, regardless if Famitsu gave it a 20 or a 40, but I can't help but be a little skeptical of a magazine that not only is in the game itself but who has a staff member appearing in the game's advertising?
I want to see other places review the game. The Famitsu's 40/40 doesn't mean a whole lot to me.
Famitsu only puts perfect scores on games you think aren't good because it's a JAPANESE magazine, lol. Some games they score high up may never even come to America, lol. Japan is a whole other country and America is a bit stuck up sometimes…most of the time…
Yeah! I'm gonna get a DS for Nintendogs because Famitsu's FOUR people out of a population of a billion people have gave it…FOUR 10's!
See the above comment
lol, prince? really? LMAOROFLLSTMS
Uh…yeah, he just happens to be the most talented musician on the planet with 28 instruments under his belt and an intellect the size of jupiter…….keep away from MTV, my friend.
Don't watch MTv. prince hasn't been sane since the 80s he has adam west beat.
Prince was a pioneer in the music scene and worked his ass off to make it.
You GO dude!!
I'm not a huge fan of Prince's music (funky R&B is not my thing), but the little dude has more talent than most bands have collectively (i.e., all the members put together).
On topic: Lotus is right; four tens is not really the same thing as 40/40.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 4/24/2010 3:18:50 PM
You all should check out a piece on Kotaku about that perfect score — major conflict of interest, considering the magazine and its publisher have been heavily involved in the promotion of the game. The perfect score appears to be have been bought. Disgusting.
I have no doubt Peace Walker is going to be seriously awesome, but let's wait for reviews from outlets that aren't on the take.
Definitely getting this. I don't have a PSP so it's the Big Boss pack for me.
This "Gear" is seeming better every time I hear about it!
Still would love another story about Solid, though. Kinda spent "time in the trenches" with the dude…
PSP, PS3, wouldn't matter…
My brother just got a PSP and I just pre-ordered my MGS: Peace Walker bundle…so this game will be my first title on my first PSP.
I just realized that it's true…some games ARE system sellers. Wow, super cool y'all, super cool.
I don't know why people are bringing up this potential 'conflict of interest.' The bottomline is this is a real MGS, not a spinoff like Rising which is being made to appease the fanbase of that other console. There is no doubt in my mind this game is deserving of the 40/40. It's not even worth mentioning that Famitsu magazine appears in the game or their involvement with the advertising of the game. Konami has to get word out there about their product and what better way to do it than team up with one of the most popular sources of game information in Japan?
Last edited by Gamer46 on 4/25/2010 4:52:11 AM