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Director Provides Updates For Agito XIII And 3rd Birthday

Two titles that have gone without status updates are Final Fantasy Agito XIII and The 3rd Birthday for the PSP.

But that doesn't mean that development has faced issues; it merely means Square-Enix is content to keep things under wraps for now. However, the director for both these games, Hajime Tabata, has provided us with a few brief progress reports courtesy of his personal Twitter page and as noticed by Andriasang . The man who Square-Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto called "the most busy director right now" has answered a few fan questions for Agito and 3rd Birthday : concerning the latter, the long-awaited sequel in the Parasite Eve series, the game has now moved into "full production mode." Those working on the project are the "cream of the crop" and most importantly, the team plans to "show it off shortly." You may remember the main character from the first two titles, Aya, and the blonde beauty will return for this new installment. As for Agito XIII , Tabata says that "development is going well" and the reaction by producers, management and the marketing team last month was "extremely positive." However, they won't be able to show the public anything concrete for a little while.

So those are your new status updates for these two. Personally, I miss Parasite Eve , although I wasn't as big a fan of the second title. Still…anyone remember the shower scene, which was such a big deal at the time?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Agito XIII , The 3rd Birthday

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14 years ago

Damn, I need to get a PSP. VC2 and ALOT of good games (RPGs… mmmmmm…) are getting released on that mini-PS.

14 years ago

You should dude…it's sweet…well at least I like it.

I still need to get a PS3.

As for the article………………….everything's going "well" huh? Hmmm…can we see some actual game footage possibly this E3 or so? I mean Sony doesn't have to make a big show out of it…but still…I mean……..guys…c'mon. Don't depress me as much as Wada kun has. And c'mon Nomura sama, keep working hard to show off that fancy world map and mainly ACTUAL GAMEPLAY FOR FINAL FANTASY VERSUS XIII!!! GOD….

14 years ago

People add me on psn. My psn id is badman65

14 years ago

Add me. racist_teddy just saying i'm not very good at online games if you do so add me if you want to beat on a noob….is it just me or does that sound gross?

14 years ago

EVERYBODY beats their noobs, it's nothing to be ashamed of!

14 years ago

can't wait

14 years ago

looking forward to both of these titles, very curious to see what their doing with Agito, it looks very different from XIII. As for Parasite Eve III, i hope they make the backgrounds pre-rendered like on the prevous 2 titles, i miss games with pre-renedered backgrounds, i reckon it should be done alot more on the PSP.

14 years ago

I was just playing FFVIII the other day thinking how awesome the backgrounds looked and wondering why nobody does them like that anymore

14 years ago

I would have bought a Parasite Eve on PS3.

14 years ago

I hope Agito XIII is better then XIII.

14 years ago

Look forward to Versus for THAT hope to be fulfilled.

I saw Agito XIII previewed in a Gameinformer long before I owned a PSP, and was disappointed that it was exclusive to the PSP. Now I'm prepared! 😀

I'm very much looking forward to owning the complete Fabula Nova Crystallis!

Last edited by Kowhoho on 4/19/2010 4:18:14 PM

14 years ago

I was just looking up some Versus XIII info, and Agito popped up a few times, I check PSXE and here's some more news 🙂

I checked some Parasite Eve footage too, and I thought it was a FF like RPG, but seemingly it's a survival horror type RPG, looks really cool though, and kind of sick, didn't know Square Enix did things with that type of game.

Anyways, good time to have a PSP

14 years ago

Square has no sense of time, so a little while will be like the end of the year. I mean they said we'd see a Versus blowout at the beginning of 2010 well we're almost half through the year and nothing yet:(

14 years ago

I'm guessing they will release PE for download to build some hype. I never played the second, but I liked the first (except the final boss who I never did beat).

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

I've never played Parasite Eve either. I'd be interested in checking them out if they came to the PSN.

14 years ago

same, i heard a lot about it when i had my PSone, but never thought to try it out. I'd for sure pick it up if they released it on the PSN.

14 years ago

I just want more updates on Versus…….

14 years ago

whats the third birthday? never heard of it.

14 years ago

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