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Hexyz Force Blessedly Targets Veteran RPG Aficionados

Ah, the good ol' days of traditional role-playing. It's all but dead on consoles but it's alive and well on handhelds, especially the PSP.

Take the upcoming Hexyz Force , for instance. Yet another potential gem from Atlus and designed specifically for the avid role-playing fan, we get a big unveiling from Project Lead Clayton Chan at the PlayStation Blog . First of all, he tells us that the game will retail for the "recession-friendly price" of $29.99 when it arrives on May 26 in the US. Secondly, we get a couple very cool debut trailers and a ton of details concerning the gameplay and premise. We learn that Hexyz Force will boast "two engrossing tales," featuring Levant von Schweitzer or Cecilia Armaclite; both storylines will touch on very different topics. It's recommended that you play both in order to see all angles of the plot but of course, that's your choice. And perhaps my favorite line from that whole post: "If you're an RPG veteran, you're going to be able to get right into the turn-based gameplay." Music to my ears, my friends.

Attacks will be separated into three distinct Divine Aspects, all of which will be utilized to build the Hexyz Charge; once you reach that threshold, your attack power will be boosted. Oh, and let's not forget the always-entertaining art of "crafting and fusing your own weapons," as well as doing a bit of treasure hunting. For PSP owners who also happen to be RPG fans, this one appears to be a definite must.

Related Game(s): Hexyz Force

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14 years ago

Definitely to be considered, though I've fallen way behind on my RPGs on the PSP…

14 years ago

So let me get this straight. It has absolutely everything I want in a RPG game but it's only for the PSP?

Why does God want to punish me? WHY?! He can have my money! I'll give it to him in ADVANCE! Damnit. Just before I snooze i read this. Now I'm going to toss and turn!

14 years ago

I continue to live in Hope that Sony will eventually put a PSP emulator on the PS3, but I fear we may have to wait for the PS4 before that happens.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Of course. It's like EVERY RPG I would want these days is only on the PSP.

14 years ago

I always wondered about an emulator too, but wouldn't that put a dent in their hardware sales? You don't have to buy a PSP if you can play the games on the PS3.

14 years ago

Ben, amen man.

I doubt it would hurt PSP sales. Even if they do think so, there are alternatives. Allowing the PSP to get plugged into the PS3s' USB to allow the PS3 to play them would be a great way to enjoy a larger view with a bigger controller.

However! I still stand firmly that a.) PSP is just too small for my hands and eyes. It's like watching a movie on an IPOD to me. TOO SMALL! and b.) Even if the PS3 handled it, it wouldn't look remotely as good as a true 720p PS3 version would.

As far as a PSP emulator, I don't see that being too hurtful to the PSP itself. The selling point is the fact that it's portable.

14 years ago

I have the PSP 2000 with a cheapo connect it to the tv cable I got from So I can play PSP games on my tv in all their not-really-meant-for-a-big-screen glory. It's actually kind of nifty, though it makes the PSP's comfort (or lack thereof) all the more obvious when you're using it as a console controller and it feels so awkward.

It's my understanding that the PSPGo has the same functionality, and ALSO you can hook a dang Dual Shock 3 up to it, essentially turning your PSP into a little tiny console! Neat as that is, it would be a waste of money for me (and all my UMDs) to upgrade to the Go, but for a first time buyer I think that would be a pretty neat trick.

14 years ago

Music to my ears as well. I just hope the story is more interesting then that Crimson Gem Saga.

14 years ago

Well… Crimson Gem Saga wasn't really a JRPG… It was a KRPG not much difference but the stories on KRPGs are just weird for me… 😛

The last good RPG s far… was Eternal Sonata… But PSP Rpg aren't all that good except for a few… I just use it to play PSOne games… No RPG this days can surpass any PSX RPG…

14 years ago

What's a KRPG?

14 years ago

There are a ton of great RPGs for the PSP…they're just all remakes 😉

14 years ago

A KRPG is a Korean RPG.

@Magus: The last good RPG was Eternal Sonata!? Are you out of your mind? What about Valkyria Chronicles? What about Resonance of Fate?


14 years ago

PSP? For God's sake what is wrong with people.

14 years ago

It's Atlus man… give 'em a brake.

14 years ago

Okay, if the sales help them make Persona 5 for PS3.

14 years ago

We need a good Final Fantasy-esque RPG on the PS3.

14 years ago

yes we do, sadly it won't be carrying that name though.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Agreed. Apparantly the staff at Square-enix are having trouble doing it correctly anymore.

14 years ago

psp has no games!


FYI: It has the best library of rpgs this generation 😉

14 years ago

How's FF 7 Crisis Core? Thinking that a PSP is going to be my next purchase.

14 years ago

Too many games!

This year is killing my wallet.

14 years ago

I'm glad to hear there are some more turn-based rpgs coming out, regardless of system.

However after the announcement of ff9 being on psn soon, I will get it first because it will be cheaper and I've never played it.

Positive side it will give this game time to go down in price so I can afford it later.

14 years ago

Being an Atlus release and the fact that it is already fairly cheap at $30 I wouldn't expect a price drop any time soon.

That said I think you will love FFIX it is extremely fun.

14 years ago

Its great that people can get FF 9 on the PSN now. I remember that ff 9 was the most short lived PSone final fantasy.

I sold it and then regretted it so I went out to buy it again and it was damn near impossible to find it. Thank the gods I did.

14 years ago

@ pirate

Yeah I know it will probably take a while, but I've never played a final fantasy that I didn't spend over 100 hours per play through and if 9 is good, I'll play it more than once.

14 years ago

Cool! Now I just have to find a 50$ used PSP…

14 years ago

I would love this but i just dropped $40 on Lunar:SSH LE Psp lol.But this will be on my lookout list.

Last edited by huh1678 on 4/7/2010 11:38:21 PM

14 years ago

My first thought was "Why can't they make this for consoles?" Then I realized that PSP is huge in Japan and Atlus loves to publish popular JRPG's in America especially hardcore ones, but I'm still left wondering why all these developers are afraid to make an excellent turn based RPG what happened that was so severe they wont even consider making one to test the waters this generation? I'm sure we aren't the only ones that miss the FF7 and FF8 gameplay style, and with todays technology added to it, the possibilities are unrealized especially considering the ps3.

14 years ago

I've been wondering that same thing. If Devs stick to what got them to where they are/ to what has worked for them, they'll be and stay successful.

The only time that they can use the excuse that something is becoming stagnant is when gamers just don't seem to be catchin on to your game.

You've probably heard a certain 'saying' repeated on this sight if you come here enough… "If it ain't broken, don't fix it".
Square-enix to alot of people is guilty of this. How can what they originally did with their turn-based JRPG's be stagnant if people were still buying?

Til this day people are STILL buying FF 7, FF 8, and FF 9… You don't say…

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 4/8/2010 11:51:30 AM

14 years ago

I'm surprised giving how many RPG lovers there are on this site that so few of you seem to have PSP's.

I've been looking forward to Hexyz Force for a while now. I'm bit of a fan of Gust.

Last edited by Oyashiro on 4/8/2010 1:03:40 AM

14 years ago

I was going through demo's of RPG's the other day, and every one that sounded interesting was only on the PSP! Grrrr… I suppose when you make a game that's many hours long, the HD graphics for the PS3 would be cost prohibitive. I wish they'd port these things over to the PS2 darn it.

I don't have a PSP because I don't have any use for one – I do all my gaming at home. When I go out, I'm doing something, and don't have time to sit around playing a game. I can't see buying one to play at home, because I can play HD games on my 32" TV – why would I want to play anything on a 4" screen?

14 years ago

I was so hopeful for Crimson Gem Saga and I hated it. Even Jeanne d'Arc disappointed me. I refuse to get any hopes up for this game.


14 years ago

What?!!? Both those games were amazing!! Sure, they required grinding, but they were a blast! Under appreciated for sure (especially CGS, I thought Ben would review it, since it is an old school RPG, and he loves those…)

Heck, I'm 16 and I love old school RPGs!! Lol ^.^

(I think I'm aging on the inside =P lmao)

Last edited by Victor321 on 4/8/2010 1:20:19 PM

14 years ago

I tell you what, all these old fashioned RPGs on PSP keep disappointing me. They're a little TOO traditional, to the point where a week after I complete one I can't remember anything about it. I don't know if this game will be the same or not… I'll keep an eye on it, I guess.

At the risk of pimping a platform this site doesn't even cover, the DS has done a much better job, to me, of delivering the best old-timey RPGs of the last few years. But it's also been kind of frustrating because I'd rather see some of these games go to the PSP, if only for some prettier images and the bigger screen. Atlus, for instance, delivered two original and utterly fantastic original Shin Megami Tensei games to the DS just over the last year alone. Meanwhile all they're giving the PSP for MegaTen games are ports of old ones I already bought (in the case of Persona 3, multiple times!) on my consoles.