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King Of Pool For PSP Rolls Onto PSN

While we still say pool is a game best played in reality, a virtual iteration can always be lots of fun.

As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , King of Pool for the PSP will be released on the PSN this Thursday for the agreeable price of $9.99. Nordcurrent Managing Director Alex Bravve said they've "worked really hard to implement the whole variety of rules that exist in the world," and we can expect "one of the biggest collections of Pools and Snooker on PSP." We'll get the ever-popular Eight Ball, plus Snooker, Nine Ball, Four Ball, One Cushion Billiard, and more (I'm personally hoping for Straight Pool). But perhaps most intriguing is the addition of some very creative tables; tables you'd never find in a pool hall anywhere in the world. They were originally designed by the team's artists just for fun but when they realized how entertaining such tables could be, they decided to make them a highlight of the game. Also, don't forget that King of Pool supports turn-based multiplayer on a single PSP, and they've even tossed in three little mini-games for a nice change of pace.

Oh, there was a time back in college when I was quite good at pool. But seeing as how I basically haven't played since, I'd probably rip a hole in the felt…eh, maybe a game like this would be better for me.

Related Game(s): King of Pool

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14 years ago

I've never seen the appeal of billiards. It just seems boring to me.

Captain Cod
Captain Cod
14 years ago

Then you haven't lived.

It's awful boring to watch though, I admit.

14 years ago

Well I guess we can be happy that turn-based games are alive somewhere.

But I prefer my pool the way it should be – with beer and chicks holding sticks.

14 years ago

Real life pool is where it's at.

14 years ago

That's where what's at? I'll play real-life pool AND I'll play virtual pool

14 years ago

Gaming is where it's at

14 years ago

Alienage WINS!!!!

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
14 years ago

In My Opinion, and don't thumb down me (who am i kidding ittl happen anyway)


but I still love Gaming <3 😛

14 years ago

even soo

9.99$ is a little pressing since there are other free alternatives

14 years ago

personally i dont judge psp games on the same basis i judge ps3 or console games..

psp is entertainment on the go, meaning that you probably wont delve into a huge story, or play for prolonged periods of time, and as such, i think pool is an excelent on the go title as yo ucan play a quick match while waiting in line somewhere, good way to pass the time with a friend on a bus too for example, titles lke force unleashed int he psp are also good, because you have the quick duel options, depending on the time frame you got to play, wich in a psp for myself tends to vary from an hour or two to even 10 or 15 minutes..

14 years ago

Playing pool back in the day… ah, good times. Anyways, shortly after I got a life, I realized that virtual pool is fun too.

14 years ago

I loves me some pool. Real or virtual, however I'd want to try it first. I don't see pool on psp being overly impressive. I could always be wrong, but personally I'm looking forward to playing pool with the move.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
14 years ago

psp pool would be cool if you used the analog stick to measure the power of yer shot, like pull back on it and flick to send the cue ball wherever need be, that would be awesome, until move' that is 😀

Move Pool (Mool?) will be teh secks!

Last edited by Gregory Freeman on 4/6/2010 6:08:51 PM

14 years ago

what why only for the PSP?
ive been begging for a pool game on the PS3 for ages now, and they dangle this worm in my face?
i love playing pool, its allot of fun but it takes allot of practice and skill.
runs in the family, my uncle use to be a champ, he practices 4 hours a day!
i aint got the patience for that, let alone the time!

14 years ago

Me too !

14 years ago

I'm a huge pool fan and a fan of billiards video games but I haven't seen anything of late that comes close to "World Championship Pool 2004" for the PS2 !

Before that game, the best pool games I had played were from the old school days of the NES SNES and Genesis when "Side Pocket", "Lunar Pool" and "Championship Pool" were the best billiards video games !

Sadly, I haven't a good pool game in quite some time and I'm hope the folks who made WCP 2004 will make one for the PS3 ! "Hustle Kings" and "Inferno Pool" are not that great to me !

Last edited by phade2blaq on 4/7/2010 6:14:02 AM