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“Small” Or “Full” Data Install For MGS: Peace Walker

Everyone always talks about data installs for the PlayStation 3 but let's not forget that it can also be a subject of conversation in regards to Sony's portable.

You may remember the large amount of data that had to be installed on the PS3's hard drive if you wanted to play Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots ; heck, you even had to wait as it installed more data in between chapters. Of course, it was worth every last second of that wait time, but nevertheless, people still talked about it. Now, for the PSP's Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , you will have two install options- according to Just Push Start citing the Kojima Productions blog , the game will give you the option of a "Small" or "Full" install. The small install will be 300MB and the full comes in at 800MB; obviously, the latter option is best for decreased load times and enhanced fluidity. At the very least, though, you'll have to install the 300MB to play the game, which probably won't be a problem for most. The question is, how many big PSP titles in the future will have such an option…?  Will this be the norm?

Peace Walker hits Japan tomorrow but we have to wait a few months before the North American release of June 8. When it does arrive, you can either pick it up on standard UMD or purchase it off the PSN.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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14 years ago

Maybe Kojima could just learn how to use the hardware better…

Santa Monica and Naughty Dog pulled off some pretty impressive games without eating my hdd, theres no reason Kojima couldn't go install-free, especially on the psp of all systems.

I feel like the install option is just a crutch for those who dont want to put the extra effort into it. Not that Kojima doesnt put a ton of effort into his games, but theres absolutely no reason for the frequent and massive installs. It makes me miss the ps2 era where you could just drop in a game and start jamming.

14 years ago

Not having a PSP i don't know how the UMDs work or if they have an install or not. But to say that Kojima of all people isn't putting forth the effort is the furthest thing from the truth.

14 years ago

Look at GoW on psp. Its 1.5something GB. No install.

God of War 3 on ps3 is probably the biggest and best looking game ever. No install.

Uncharted 2. No install.

LBP PSP. No install.

MotorStorm Arctic Edge. No install.

Resistance Retribution. No install.

There is absolutely no reason a psp game should have to copy over almost half a UMD to your memory card. Theres also no reason a ps3 game should have to reinstall ~5gb every few hours.

Kojima is a talented guy who i respect a lot, but he really needs to clean up a bit.

14 years ago

The major reasons for going with an install on the PSP are performance and battery savings. The additional 32MB of RAM on the PSP-2000 and PSP-3000 is used to cache the UMD and help loading performance and save some battery by not spinning the UMD as often, but it's not available on the PSP-1000. Providing an install option allows all PSP owners to benefit from the memory they have installed in their console. Doing the disk install will save 2000 & 3000 owners some battery life and increase performance for them also, but it's not as pronounced as it is for owners of the 1000 series PSPs.

I have a 1000 and a 2000 and you can see the difference in games that offer installs vs games that don't.

14 years ago

Yes it helps when games *offer* an install, but thats much much different than *requiring* an install. Even the 'small' install at 300mb is stupid.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

But doesn't the fact that a 2000 has twice the RAM (64MB) and internal memory (64MB) also play a factor in the performance? Also, wasn't the processor speed bumped up for the 2000 and 3000 series, even though all three generations use the same processor?

14 years ago


The doubling of the RAM was only the system RAM, the extra 32MB wasn't available to games to ensure platform stability with PSP-1000. The new processor mode (333Mhz) is there on the PSP-1000 as well, it always was. Sony locked it out to keep battery consumption lower. But some games required more CPU power and Sony allows the new faster speed through a firmware update. The original speed (222Mhz) is still the default mode, but a game can switch on the extra CPU speed when it needs to.

14 years ago

Doesn't matter as long as the game's good

14 years ago

I'm looking forward to Peace Walker no matter what the file size. Heck, I just grabbed a PSP 3000 this week (my first portable, I wanted to finally play GOW-Chains Of Olympus). Gotta say though, the PSPgo screen size and stick layout didn't do it for me, nice system, just too small for my taste.

14 years ago

Will the install matter for the PSN version, since you're downloading the whole game anyways? (Highlander, you here?)

14 years ago

Highlander does not know everything. (No offense)
The reason why game developers allow for their games to be installed is so the game has faster load times.
Because the hard drive loads faster than disc drives, installing some parts of the game to the hard drive can speed up the load times by more than 50 percent.
Usually cache and other things are installed to the hard drive to allow the game to load faster, but some games require the entire game to be installed.
From the PlayStation Store, I would assume that the game is the original size. (For example, if MGS is 400MB, the game will install 400MB of data onto your hard drive)


14 years ago

The downloadable version shouldn't show any benefit from the install since it will already reside on the memorystick. The downloaded game will get all the benefits of being on the flash memory device – speed of loading, lower power requirement, no UMD…

I can't imagine that you would want or need to do a secondary install to the memorystick with the downloaded version, seems like that would be a waste of space.

Personally, I am no longer purchasing PSP games on disc. I have two PSPs, and buying from PSN let's me put the game on both systems and with a decent size memory stick I can carry several games with me in the PSP and not have to worry about discs.

None taken…

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/6/2010 2:02:40 PM

14 years ago

He may not know everything but hes more knowledgeable then most of us regarding these matters.

14 years ago

He's the friggen highlander! He's been around for how many centuries? And grows ever so more powerful after each head he takes!

If you don't know where that came from…you dunno Christopher Lambert…

14 years ago

Thank you Highlander, I assumed as much but it's nice to have the confirmation.
@wiiplay: Highlander is simply the go-to guy (or girl? Don't know, lol) for our technological inquiries. I don't ONLY look to Highlander for that info.

14 years ago


I am The Highlander and I am immortal. There can be only ONE!

14 years ago

But wasn't I on PSXE before TheHighlander?

14 years ago

I don't know. Probably? All I know is that I am TheHighlander, and I am immortal and there can in fact be, only One!


fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I wanted to get a PSP Go for the mere fact of installing games and not having to carry UMD's around but it's kind of hard to pass up on the game discs when they can frequently be found for 50% or more discounted off of MSRP. That's my big problem with going download only. I got GT and LBP for $10 and Patapon 2 for $3. Sega Genesis Collection was free.

14 years ago

No decapitation of any psxe members Highlander lol

14 years ago

Finally my PSP Go is gonna be put to some real use.Amazing device (hell even the girls at my uni thinks its ''sexy cute''), but seriously its been missing AAA games like this…

14 years ago

Why couldn't have sony just made it into a phone, there is no telling how many they would have sold. Talking about the PSP GO.

Anyways, looking forward to the game.

Last edited by vicious54 on 4/6/2010 1:01:40 PM

14 years ago

I'm tempted to buy a Go just for my PS1 classics. but, i probably won't.

14 years ago

I don't mind, installs at all. MGS4 and HR use the install and they are two of my favorite games. Peace Walker will easily be one of the must own games for any system.

14 years ago

I believe the PSP games GT and Monster Hunter Freedom also has an option to install to a memory stick. Not sure about any others, since I haven't been playing the PSP lately.

14 years ago

Can't wait. Need to find my PSP charger before this comes out.

14 years ago

I need to find both my charger and my PSP.


14 years ago

Mine went missing about a week ago. I have idea were it could have gone. I was thinking about just buying the Japanese Peace Walker bundle but haven't decided yet.

14 years ago

Bugger may need to upgrade the memory card for this beast lol. 🙂

14 years ago

hell yeah!!! i'm looking forward to this. Psp already has great games like Patapon 1/2, Pixel Junk Monsters Deluxe, GoW, Beaterator, Ratchet in Clank: Size Matters. I think this will be up there with GoW. System Seller for sure.

14 years ago

I personally liked Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Not an exclusive, but excellent game.
Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars honestly was a real disappointment, and you could tell that it was originally on the DS. (I loved the DS version, made more sense)
I also liked MotorStorm: Arctic Edge. Not a PSP exclusive, but a Sony exclusive.

14 years ago

I never really cared about installs. Actually, they made it seem like the game was worth playing since you had to install it first.

Although I admit now that I am running out of space, it's bothersome. But not too bothersome, just have to delete old game installs. Most of those old game I delete I never play anymore. Not too big of a problem. Plus I could always install another bigger hard drive with ease.

Heck, I even install games on my Xbox360 before playing them. But that's mainly because of the DVD player destroying my disks(Even on my brand new Xbox I bought after my first went RRoD…).

If installing means I get a better experience, then I'm in!

14 years ago

I was one of the unlucky people. Not because I own an Xbox 360, or because I actually care about getting it repaired every time it breaks, but because I only have a 20 GB hard drive for it, and most games are over 5GBs.
I see no reason to upgrade my hard drive, mainly because they are so expensive, so I've been living with less than 4 GBs for around one year now. I've surprisingly made it last.


14 years ago

Installs for your PSP. Just another reason Sony should have gone with SD cards. Nobody cares about installs when it's affordable. Hard core PSP gamers are reduced to scrounging around for knock-off Memory sticks because of Sony's insane pricing schemes.

Let me get this straight. To play Peacewalker I'm going to have to uninstall FFVIII from my PSP? Not cool.

Last edited by Alienange on 4/6/2010 1:53:49 PM

14 years ago

6 or 7 years ago when the PSP design was set in stone and manufacturing began, solid state storage was not a viable option. Going for a flash memory solution back then would also have required either a cartridge approach or a download infrastructure. The infrastructure didn't exist and cartridges with 2GB capacity weren't cheap. Basically the UMD was less expensive and had the capacity. UMD offered a cheap way of giving 2GB (or there abouts) of read only storage for a very low cost.

Sure it's easy now with dirt cheap 2GB memory devices, 16/32GB MemoryStick products and larger capacity flash devices becoming available it's easy to call UMD a mistake. However at the time of design and manufacture of the original PSP, it was a better option in many ways.

Not sure about scrounging around, I got an 8GB SanDisk stick for $40 a year ago, I haven't looked recently, but I'd be surprised if they were not cheaper and I expect that 16GB devices have come down to reasonable prices as well.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/6/2010 2:15:39 PM

14 years ago

Get a bigger Memory stick. I have FFVII, VIII, RE2, RE3, Twisted Metal 2, Street Fighter Alpha 2, a digital copy of District 9 and Final Fantasy Dissidia installed on my Memory stick and i still have 70% left for additional content.

14 years ago

I'd agree with all that TheHighlander. I don't think UMD was a mistake at all but rather the choice to manufacture their own MemoryStick instead of just using a third party design.

Seeing as how the MemoryStick didn't do much other than keep save games and store media, it could have been a simple update to make on the 2000, 3000 and PSPGo. They chose not to and to this day their customers are still paying extra for having stuck with Sony.

I can't help but look at the SD slot on the DSi and think Nintendo got it right.

Last edited by Alienange on 4/6/2010 2:19:15 PM

14 years ago

Wth is the difference between a SD card and Memory stick Duo? they both function the same.

For the record, there ARE 3rd party Memory Sticks that are compatible with the PSP. Your rant makes no sense.

@Highlander, they are cheaper, you can get a 16GB Memory Stick Duo on Amazon for about $50. A 16GB SD card retails for about the same now.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/6/2010 2:30:55 PM

14 years ago

@ alienage

Besides the pro duo is what sony uses for all of its devices, not just psp. Their camera's cam corders, almost all hand held devices made by sony us pro duo.

14 years ago

@Alienage, there are adapters that make the microSd cards work in MemoryStick sockets, but I don't think they are MagicGate compatible.

At least the MemoryStick Pro Duo cards are used fairly widely and so the costs are not as bad as they were when MemoryStick first launched.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I got an 8GB MemoryStick Pro Duo (Mark 2) for $35 back in February '09. They are definitely much cheaper now but still not as cheap as an SD card. I've seen 16GB (Class 4) SD cards go for $17, Class 6 for $24 and Class 10 for $40. Not bad and I do wish that Sony had gone the SD route. So many other manufacturers that were using MS Pro for their cameras have since gone to SD because of costs.

14 years ago

Personally have no problem with installs, rather wait 10 minutes before I can play than to wait 2 minutes for every load during gameplay.

14 years ago

Yea but to be fair, Santa Monica Studios, SquareEnix and Naught Dog have proven that it is indeed possible to make a great game with fantastic graphics and no install.

14 years ago

@Jawknee, remember there is only 32MB to play with, so depending on the game, design, game engine, resolution, texture size, etc… it may not be possible to load everything continually through overlays without constantly having to hit the UMD which will burn the battery down quickly.

I'd rather that a developer decide on a local install on the PSP flash storage than have them compromise somewhere on the graphics to make sure that the game doesn't constantly drive the UMD.

14 years ago

Yea in regards to the PSP i agree. It would have been nice to have the option to install LittleBigPlanet PSP. the load times are some of the worst out of the few games i have for PSP. Installing Dissidia on my Memory Stick was helpful.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/6/2010 3:32:34 PM

14 years ago

Personally have no problem with installs, rather wait 10 minutes before I can play than to wait 2 minutes for every load during gameplay.

14 years ago

excellent idea.

giving at least a small semblance of choice back to the gamer in regards to installs was a smart move. i hope to see "no install" added to that list, but this is better than nothing.

14 years ago

as long as the game is good im happy.
its nice to see a big hit release for the PSP, the last big PSP hit was GOW CoO a few years ago!
if it was not for ps1 classics, i would have no reason to own a psp.
i really hope sony announce a psp2 at E3 this year, but they better have some serious launch titles, and even more for the future.
if its going to have the software support of the current PSP than theres no point!