we know Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker should have a solidified date of June 8 but perhaps there's more to talk about…
It's one of those pieces of intrigue that will keep fans guessing for a while, especially if the master has no desire to unveil the secret before the game arrives. According to one of Hideo Kojima's recent Tweets (as spotted by JustPushStart ), it seems we should expect a big announcement related to the upcoming PSP blockbuster. The only hints we have is that it relates to a new "Metal" and that you won't be able to fully appreciate it until you've beaten the game in question. Now, we could assume he's talking about the next title in the series; a follow-up or sequel to Peace Walker , but that's just taking a wild shot in the dark. And we already know about Metal Gear Solid: Rising for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. However, Kojima has often said that Peace Walker is more like a "true" MGS offering; i.e., it could've been accurately named "MGS5."
So what do you think it could be? Maybe Kojima will spill the beans before the game comes out in June, or maybe even earlier… We'll have to keep a sharp eye out.
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
PS3 version using the MGS4 engine incoming?
That would be awesome.
That's what we need.
Because I don't own a PSP, and I'm going to be kinda pissed if Peace Walker involves a story arc that is continued in later games….because I wont ever be able to play it unless they make me a console version.
…or what if it's a launch title for a new PSP?
::runs away very quickly::
YES – DAMN RIGHT!!! We need exactly that! Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker is way too big to be just on the PSP.
I mean c'mon!!!
Cardboard Box, Love Pack Box, Tank Box, Ambulancia Box, and now Assassin's Box! Beautiful co-op action and even beautiful AI action. Please Kojima sama let it be so!!!
i know! co-op is meant for consoles!
If all he's working on is a multiplat and a PSP game I'd wager there's something about the next blu ray release somewhere in the end game. Not just a "to be continued" either, but a true announcement of the next PS3 release..
Isn't he (and his team) working on two multiplatform titles?
You guys need to understand that Kojima sama is just producing Metal Gear Solid: Rising – he sometimes and by sometimes – rarely…drop in to give a few hints and ideas.
Come on Kojima!!!!
Gimme another Zone of the Enders!!!!!!!!!!!!
psn version of peace walker with splitscreen and online….hey i can dream.
oh no…. ooooohhhhhh nnooooo….
imagine a game MGS related but with the true patriot. dont remember her name but the one who started it all. the one who taught big boss. oh crap no matter what it may be, master kojima will blows away as always
The Boss?
Umm…I guess this will turn into a SPOILER comment for a select few but…
The Boss…was never involved in all of that stuff. She was set up – remember? She was the one trying to tell Jack…or Big Boss to stay away from all that. The one who started it all was ZERO!!! The world begins with ZERO!! ZERO turns into ONE!! Damn that was an epic speech!
Shadwpal – I'll be honest. I get lost on half those big speeches in MGS games. Anytime they talk about the La Le Lu Le Lo I pretty much zone out….. Haha.
This also happens when Drebin starts explaining the past behind the Beauties.
Well Kojima did constantly say in interviews that Peace Walker is a test to see the reaction in the market. It's possible that either a PS3 peace walker game is coming or he's shifting the fanbase to PSP.
Metal Gear Castlevania 😛
I freakin love it.
why…can't i read?!
You didn't go to school.
hopefully it is ported to the ps3 with the MGS4 Graphic engine.that will be so sweet. definite buy for me. i donat have a psp. sold it. 🙂
did you sell it for crack?
only psp squirles do that
well theres rumblings that its a "feature" so maybe its something new and interesting for the psp. im hoping im wrong though. MGS5 =]
I cant wait to play PeaceWalker on my Go!!! I'm loving the Go. Its so perfect when i need to pass the time by at work in the evenings and this will have my full attention once it drops. MGS… Perfect balance between awesome story and a little bit of cheeze. LOL
Is this another announcement of an announcement?
No. That announcement hasn't been announced yet.
Don't you know the rules on announcements of announcements? 1st they have to start a bunch of rumors about what's going into the game, then they officially announce the (usually) more plausible ones, 2nd they fire up the "controversy locomotive", 3rd (This ones new!) They've started 'tweesing' thanks to Twitter, 4th they go ahead and announce that they have an announcement of an announcement that will take place at a later date! 5th They announce that announcement 6th (Finally!) They clue us in on wtf's going on.
Yes boredom is my friend and no offense.
A fourth Big Boss Clone?
(supported by the fact that Johnnie looks an awful lot like snake)
but the other snakes didn't have chronic diarrhea…
Metal Gear Horse Whisperer
Metal Gear Solid 4 re-release that you can also get via DLC with trophy support.
I totally called it.
Yea..I was thinking the same thing. They're taking their sweet ass time.
I am definitely buying the MGS Peace Walker PSP Bundle, but not the Japanese one, although it looks awesome.
MAN, I hope Peace walker comes to PSN.
Oh dude…it definitely will no question about it. Hell he went on the E3 stage back in '09 right after the PSP go was announced. He'd have to bring it to PSN. It'll come out for UMD and PSN.
Damn, now Kojima's getting my hopes up even more-so now, than pin-up model "Dita Von Teese" has ever done for me in the past.
I know it probably won't happen(at least not anytime soon) but I'd like to see Kojima announce later on that Metal Gear 6 is only on the PS3…..
with Peace Walker, & Risen also thrown in free, as a bonus to all the faithful followers.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/5/2010 7:06:53 PM
Maybe it has something to do with Raiden in his youger days. The ones that Solidus was talking about in MGS2?? There is all sorts of story directions that genius Kojima could go in.
I don't understand why xbots are so happy about metal gear rising. It's not even a real metal gear- you're getting a hack and slash spin-off
and that's exactly why, they don't like them games with actual stories =p
maybe their doing a syphon filter logans shadow?
dont really see the point in that as im sure its safe to say id sell much better if they brought it to the ps3 but meh.
i would go absolutely ape sh*t if they announced logans shadow for the ps3 updated in HD with trophies.
I just want to know now! pronto. All this teasing makes me anxious wanting the game even more. 🙂
PS3 version of Peace Walker, named as MGS5: Peace Walker.
AHA, I believe I've found out what that big surprise inside of Peace Walker is.
I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, but it happens to be what I believe is a very cool 2-worded surprise, with the initials being MH.
That's all I'm going to say till Kojima either says, or some dip-sh!t posters just have to spoil it for everyone else, so don't even think of asking.
And if you want to see if I was correct or not later on, just refer back to this post once Peace Walker's been out.
Well, I was right!
OK, Ben's just let the cat out of the bag, so I'll also spill the beans too…..
Peace Walker will be saluting the fans by adding into the game, some crossover game-play with Monster Hunter 2.
There's also a few bits where Kojima also pays homage to Front Mission Evolved,& Assassin's, Creed too.
To see PW/Monster Hunter crossover game-play, check the Peace Walker thread on 4/8/10.