Well, whether we get a PSP2 or not, the reign of the PSP hasn't been a bad one and we're already celebrating its five-year anniversary.
Today, Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has announced the handheld's anniversary; the PSP first launched in North America on March 24, 2005 and since that time, it has given us some truly memorable portable gaming experiences. Sony has sold around 17 million units in the US in that span of time and they're calling it a "well-established" platform for those who love gaming on the go. Said SCEA Senior Vice President of Marketing and the PlayStation Network, Peter Dille:
"Five years ago, PlayStation had yet to break into the portable market. Today, the PSP system is a well-established handheld platform that continuously redefines portable entertainment with quality that’s unparalleled. As PSP celebrates its fifth anniversary, the best is yet to come. We’re very excited about the vibrant 2010 lineup and are committed to continuing to offer entertainment experiences and immersive gameplay only possible on the PlayStation platform."
EEDAR's Jesse Divnich chimed in by saying that the PSP "has always reflected Sony's ability to understand and meet the needs of modern consumers by providing a convergent device that offers high-quality gaming, photo, movie, and audio support." In five years, over 245 developers have created pieces of software for the PSP and that has resulted in more than 520 total available titles in the US on UMD and an additional 300 on the PSN. Landmark titles have included God of War: Chains of Olympus , LittleBigPlanet PSP , Resistance: Retribution , Crisis Core: Final Fantasy , Gran Turismo , and various installments from the SOCOM and Grand Theft Auto franchises. They also add that currently, the ever-expanding PSN offers PSP owners "tens of thousands of digital entertainment choices," ranging from moves to TV episodes to digital comics to original programming.
Over time, we've seen several iterations of the device, culminating in the PSP-3000 and the new PSP Go, but we're wondering if the so-called "true successor" will be unveiled later this year… Anyway, Happy Birthday, PSP! Five is a nice ripe old age in this world.
The PSP may be have its haters, but it does have some great games, and it's the ONLY system to have made a sizable dent in Nintendo's handheld monopoly.
Last edited by Superman915 on 3/24/2010 10:47:52 AM
I'll be honest with you but I FUCKING love my PSP. Unfortunately every school year…I get it taken away from my parents due to them believing that it affects my education (although it's mainly the horrid courses and subjects that I'm just DROP DEAD not interested in).
Why I love it?
Hell I can browse the web on a portable device like that, and I find the browser to be great personally – I don't understand how some others find the browser to be terrible. I MEAN hell it's no FIREFOX or Chrome – but it's still great for a portable device.
I love the online gaming community (mainly in SOCOM) – really nice and friendly people (majority I mean), we don't even have to play the game, we can chat for hours and still have a great time.
Love the games on it – Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, SOCOM: US NAVY SEALs Fireteam Bravo 1, and soon Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (GOTY nominee already imo), and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. There are many other games I would love to get on it.
Video/Music/Picture Storage – it's great, plays them in excellent quality. MP4s and MPEGs (I forget if it actually plays this format) might originally look like crap on the computer to me…but voila – not too shabby on the PSP. Music – hell I enjoy it, and especially the POP/JAZZ/HEAVY effect. I also really loved the concept of the internet radio player. I can't stop listening to the JPop channel now haha. And hey the pictures – well…ummm…it's cool how you can watch a slideshow while listening to music – so yea haha.
Hell I fu**ing love my PSP – originally got the PSP 1000…on like late December of 2005…and still think it's one of the most sexiest portable devices ever. Thanks SONY! Happy Birthday PSP!
I have no problem with the PSP. My problem is with Sony's support of the PSP. I love the PSP. It's a great little handheld but lets face it; it could be better.
Games only come out in spurts (you'll get two of three awesome games in a two-month time and then almost nothing but the odd piece of shovelware for the rest of the year) and there's hardly ever games available for download via the PS Store for those who own a PSP Go (and when they do arrive, they usually cost $10 more than the physical software in stores).
Personally, I think it's a good thing the PSP2 is around the corner because Nintendo has some big plans. I hope the PSP sequel has a lot of the awesome features that the original was supposed to have (two analog, touchscreen, etc.) because they're going to need it to survive in this tough market. Also, I'd certainly not complain if they supported their Canadian customers a little more with movies, television and comics. 😉
The PSP is the kind of thing I'm happy to have. It looks fantastic and does great things.
However I don't find myself playing it that much. When I'm home with free time, I'm on the PS3. When I'm "on the go", I'm usually holding a steering wheel in my hand.
I do bring it on my yearly vacation though.
i buy all my psp games but i do have custom firmware onit so i can play all the old classic sega and nintendo games, its great for long train and flight journeys.
Damn, gotta figure out how to do that too, I'd love to be able to play some older Sega games on mine.
It does have a lot of great games
The initial price of every new model is the real turn off
But other than that, it has one of the most impressive rpg collections to date.
Not just that, it has a lot of variety. From LocoRoco, to Gran Turismo psp, to Ultimate Ghosts N Ghouls, etc.
Can't wait for MGS: Peace Walker
BTW, Happy Birthday to all you 16,999,995 PSP's out there out there in Gamer-land, plus my five too!!!
Happy B-day ma PSP!!
Now as a present I would like to give you Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.
If only I had it -_-..
Anyways, I think the PSP2 should be like a PS3 controller with a screen, touch screen isn't really necessary then.
I almost bought a psp a couple of years back but after playing splinter cell on it i found the lack of analog stick very frustrating.
If the psp2 comes out with 2 analog sticks then BOOM!
Wow I didn't remember that it was that old. I've only had mine for about a year to year and a half. I love my psp, go sony.
T__T They grow up so fast….
Seems like it's been out twice as long! I could have sworn this thing existed when I was in highschool in the late 90s.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/24/2010 3:25:11 PM
Happy Birthday lil guy!
In Australia the PSP games are still around $60 to buy. That's too much since you can get a PS3 game for around $80.
Standouts for me with the PSP have been Jeanne D'Arc which was superb. GOW: Chains of Olympus and Gran Turismo.
I have just purchased FFVII from the PSN store am looking forward to that for the next 50 hours commuting to work.
Sometimes though it's just a gloryfied MP3 player but I also can watch video reviews of games and trailers on it.
So something for everyone. The only thing I think is that the DS has a lot more range and innovation than the PSP and that Sony has forgotten it a bit.
We don't necessarily need all the latest games but imagine if Sony had really pulled their finger out and ported 100 of their PSOne or PS2 games to the PSP for $10 each.
That would have been a system seller.
Anyway, can't wait for Valkyria Chronicles 2 on the PSP. It is an ideal platform for JRPG and SRPG's.
I don't have the time or the inclination to sink 100 hours into my PS3 but I have a long train journey to work each day so I can sink a lot into the PSP.
Wow, I'm glad I don't live in Australia o.0
wow i live in australia to and i fucken hate it i have a ps3 wii ds psp and ps2 and i havent bought a game for ages coz there all like $645646456 and its just a game and there begining to piss me off especially eb games -.-
I remember the day I got mine right on launch. Still got that f-er too. Does seem like longer though.
Last edited by Deadman on 3/24/2010 5:37:38 PM
Birth By Sleep and Agito XIII are a coupe I'm keeping money in the bank for. I'll love playing those two games. :p
Also, I don't really care about ti only having one joy stick. The way the joy stick is kind of weird anyway, having two would just make it worse, lol. But you get used to it! I just wish I could go through the XMB with the joy stick. I also hope that the PSP2 has an upgrade to a Blu-ray version of the UMD and hell, the Cell Processor is getting small enough to fit in ther, why not? lol. Maybe make a specific cell processor made just for the PSP2. Then you've got basically a PS3 in the palm of your hands. HD Gaming on the go! lol.
That does sound cool and interesting, but if it were into HD, that would be too much, especially if price was involved =(
I don't want a true successor, it doesn't need 1 yet… the power of wat it can do for software is still good…
That's right remember that Sony blocked the processor at 222mhz when it was meant to run at 333mhz due to battery span issues.
BTW mine is runnin' at 333mhz
I own two (1000,3000) and I love them both. Great handheld technology and extremely durable hardware.
I await the PSP2 with open arms and an open wallet.
Same here LV,
but I only picked up my 3 2000's(black, Metallic Blue, & a white) & a 3000(metallic silver) late last year when I started adding hand-held's into my console collections.
And just about 2 months ago, I caught a guy just before he could sell his mint 1000(black, of course) to GS, and I was able to quickly snatch it away before they could get their claw-marks on it. It only cost me $20, plus I found a 32MB stick in it once I got back home.
So now I use that little "memory lite" card just for all the free PSP comics, and a short demo or or two.
Happy Birthday PSP.. WOW it's been 5 years already.
so does that mean there going to release some games for it?
last game i bought for my PSP was resistance retribution, im starting to wonder why the hell i bought the stupid thing!
Just got a psp a few days ago and it has fully replaced my ipod touch and provided me with hours and hours of fun.
Man I love this thing.
Ohh and I definitely got the one with the UMD drive
Last edited by firesoul453 on 3/29/2010 11:18:07 AM