Who says a remake of Final Fantasy VII wouldn't be gigantic? Who says new gamers aren't interested in old-school RPGs?
Well, apparently, PSP owners are all about the old gems from great studios like Squaresoft. If you check out the latest episode of Pulse – now available to download on the PlayStation Network – they reveal the top 10 downloaded games for the PSP in 2010 thus far. And look what sits up at numbers one and two; Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII , two of the greatest RPGs in history and certainly two of the best overall games in history. Here's the top 10 list as we near the end of March:
Of course, you can play both of the top two games on either the PS3 or the PSP but the point is, enthusiasm for those old-fashioned titles clearly hasn't waned too much. Even Tetris , which currently sports a much-too-high $10 price tag, has been downloaded plenty. The reality of the situation is that people have not forgotten the greats from yesteryear so if Square-Enix thinks they wouldn't get a return on their admittedly big investment with a FFVII remake…well, I just point to when they asked about the idea at their Twitter page, and everyone went nuts .
try tactics too you will love it
i gave up all hope…. this last installment felt more like a devil may cry game which is amazing IF the game is DEVIL MAY CRY!!!! i want my old final fantasy games back 10 and under
I wanted to download 7 and 8 but I don't have enough memory on my PSP, but when I get a PS3…
watch best buy's adds. sometimes you can get an 8GB memory stick on sale for like $30. or even a 4GB for $20. definitely worth it as a regular copy of ff7 can cost you over $60.
FF8 is the best FF game, FF7 is good but it is the most hyped and commercialized FF game, hence FF7 is the most famous FF game, and its characters are the most known ones. but still FF8 is the best and Rinoa and Squall is the best FF couple.
the second best is FF4, great story, great music, great Cecil, Rosa and Kain. great king and love story, the very best of the classic Square time, along with Chrono Trigger.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/21/2010 1:26:38 AM
Would you recommend the nintendo DS remake of FF4?
I know right ,ff8 was the best ff ever , if u want a reason to play it again check this website squallsdead . com
While I enjoyed them both, I had one very annoying issue with 4. There are monsters that you can run into that can instant kill your entire party and there is nothing you can do about it. What's the point of that? Other than that I love it.
As for 8, great story and so many wonderful elements, I just got bored drawing magic from the monsters, especially when you found a rare magic to draw upon. Could be my own fault tho as my desire to max my characters meant I wouldn't stop until I had enough to max everyone out.
wait a minute… Tetris is on the PSN!!! how did i miss that one?