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Paradise Director: “We’re Not Degrading Women”

Not surprisingly, a game like Dead or Alive Paradise is going to encounter some indignant replies from women, but the game's director says there's nothing sinister about his bikini-laden volleyball game.

Paradise director Yoshinori Ueda spoke to Eurogamer about the backlash thus far and wanted to clarify that the game isn't designed to offend women. All he says is they intended to create beautiful women, and that's that. "We're trying to make beautiful women, that has been the focus – we want our characters to be beautiful," said Ueda. He went on to add that such character models are supposed to "bring out the beauty of women" and that any other view is simply incorrect.

"We're certainly not trying to degrade women. They have beautiful bodies. We're trying to show off the beauty of their bodies but we're not trying to be degrading about it – we're trying to show that they are beautiful characters. It's not that we were trying to make softcore porn. That's definitely not the goal."

In Dead or Alive Paradise , players can place the girls on the beach, pose them by the pool, and participate in any number of little mini games, like hopping on colored cushions in said pool. You can take photographs of them if you so choose, and there are quite a few swimsuits to purchase and try on. Oh, and they can play volleyball, too, complete with a good deal of…bouncing. By the way, remember that opinionated ESRB description ? They've evidently apologized for that and have replaced their rant about "creepy voyeurism" with a more "level-headed explanation." Finished Ueda:

"We know that everyone is going to have a different experience with the game – everyone has their own opinion. For us, the goal was really to offer a little bit of paradise to the users, and we hope that people playing the game will be able to come away with the feeling that they've visited paradise."

Related Game(s): Dead or Alive Paradise

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14 years ago

only cooking mama degrades women…

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
14 years ago

Touché good citizen.

14 years ago

oh wait just realized, Harvest Moon degrades women even worse

14 years ago

I would prefer they did this one the consoles, I still play DOAX on the box1 from time to time and I swear it is like taking a xanax. So relaxing. The booty shorts, bikinis, and underwear doesn't hurt either.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm with you on that.

14 years ago

Indeed. A full console version woould be welcome, until then it's Soul Calibur 4, Sophitia, Cassandra, Xianghua, and of course the create a soul mode…hypnotic isn't it….

14 years ago

Create a soul mode is great for making fave anime and Final Fantasy babes.

14 years ago

What about Ninja Gaiden II's ability to control the bounce via the Six Axis? 😉

14 years ago

Wasn't there already a DOA Extreme on the 360?

14 years ago

Of course this games doesn't degrade women.

Now if only they could somehow bring me a sandwich and beer, I might actually marry one of those DOA babes.

14 years ago

I wonder what the critics would say if they used fat girls. They could have a sandwich in one hand while trying to hit the ball without dropping as much as a piece of lettuce. Dropping any amount of food could trigger a stampede.

14 years ago

Hey, remember waaay back in the day when these girls used to FIGHT?!?!?! Ummmmm……yeah…….good times…….good times…….*brain caves in*

14 years ago


14 years ago

MTV, VH1, BET degrade women

These women are virtual. And aren't even aiming at any particular "women group." It's all casual "fun" if you can put it that way.

14 years ago

No I don't think they're being degrading to women, but they're certainly being hurtful to women….

…..all that bouncing is bound to put someone's eye out!

14 years ago

Well if the director said it then it just MUST be true.

Let me see… "pose them by the pool" … yup, it's degrading.

14 years ago

It's funny how cartoons and game characters are deemed to be degrading of women because they wear short dresses and have big breasts. A) these are not real women, they are cartoons – so who does it harm? and B) there's no nudity so the accusations of degrading and porn are simple BS and hype.

The worst thing about this to me is that because these are virtual women, not real people are condemning and trying to police thoughts. Are we now at a time when the thought of a (not real) scantily clad buxom young lass in a bikini is so offensive that we should find it morally repugnant? When the thought police come knocking at your door – think "I'm out!".

But, let's go a step further, what about those male characters with impossibly big chests, biceps and six-packs and thighs like a Rugby player on steroids? You know the ones that wear a loincloth and romp around games displaying their flesh for all to see. If games are degrading of women, where are the people decrying games like GOWIII on the grounds that it's degrading of men?

Yeah, right, back in their little politically correct cocoon.

As for this game, I am going to buy it now out of sheer principle. As for degrading women, let's look at all those cheap reality shows that have drunk college girls cavorting around. That's degradation.

14 years ago

If I had a PSP I'd get it too. Just for the principle though… 😉

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/27/2010 1:45:52 AM

14 years ago

The "Girls gone wild" series….now that's degrading.

And the only reason I keep constantly hitting the re-wind button is so I be 100% certain.

Hmmmm, think I'll go watch it again, just so I don't wind up changing my mind.

14 years ago

Dude, it's the only way to be sure.

14 years ago

funniest thing I've read in a long time lmao

14 years ago

I see the commercials and think, I'd love to f*** those fine girls. Then I remember this series was created by that misogynistic b*****d Joe Francis, who is below subhuman for the way he treats women in real life. Then I just get disgusted with the girls. There truly is a sucker born every minute.

14 years ago

Degrading HA, thats so funny… Now what they need to do is bend over reach near their butts and remove that big old stick out of it.

14 years ago

Or leave it half way in and sell them at the State Fair as jackasses on a stick.

14 years ago

definitely not degrading, I mean come on, it's just friggin fantasy, so what they're trying to say, is that every time you think of a girl mostly naked pleying volleyball, you're degrading woman…

How the last sentence of the first part of the interview went in Ueda's mind:
It's not that we were trying to make softcore porn. That's definitely not the goal *cough* just a nice sideproduct *cough*

14 years ago

honestly for me it is degrading women in the highest sense i know of what a woman is. if i accept that these are representations of beautifull women then the greatest qualities of a real woman are substandard to the image i am being shown before me; regardless of looks.this is damage controll for himself and not gamers; as i am already aware of the damage caused by me watching porn and hentai related media; but to claim that an image presented before a person does not dictate how i am to perceive that person or sex is foolish.for his sake he will never find a woman that is the representation of the characters in his games.further for a man to succumb to these images is damaging for hisself; as when he accepts them the cost to experience them negates him being a man as there are no natural women that are artificial.

14 years ago

These girls DON’T represent real women and that’s why the developers made those statements. Nowhere in their statement did they say they were trying to portray THE ideal woman or how a woman SHOULD look. They simply say that the characters in the game are beautiful and they’re displaying the beauty they have. There’s nothing wrong with that; just like there’s nothing wrong with the real women who try doing the same thing. So where do the ideas of standards come into play? No one is going to buy this game and decide only to chase after girls who are like the DOA girls. They know the characters aren’t real, so who in their right mind would set that standard? Your poor misunderstanding for the game is dead-on with the folks that game the description at the ESRB.

As for the porn thing, that ‘conflict’ is something I still don’t understand. What can porn do to you? It can’t hurt you, it can’t kill you, and it sure has hell has no effect on your health. What you describe isn’t the effects of porn; it’s an addiction and a general one at that. “further for a man to succumb to these images is damaging for hisself”; the same thing is said about drugs and just about anything else that’s ‘hookable’. If a guy can’t meet a girl because he’s busy with his cyber babies, it’s because he choose to go that route, not because of porn made him that way. If there’s something wrong with porn, then there must be something wrong with sex, too. They’re both related; it’s just one’s participating and the other is watching.

14 years ago

Oh seriously now, it's only a game, with cute virtual cartoon girls on steroids.

If you had the game & it had the new motion sensor abilities, tell me that you wouldn't be causing "shaken controller syndrome" just to see how many nipples you could pop out.

And… wouldn't try to platinum the game by dropping all their g-Strings????

Come on, fess up.

14 years ago

These girls DON'T represent real women and that's why the developers made those statements. Nowhere in their statement did they say they were trying to portray THE ideal woman or how a woman SHOULD look. They simply say that the characters in the game are beautiful and they're displaying the beauty they have. There's nothing wrong with that; just like there's nothing wrong with the real women who try doing the same thing. So where do the ideas of standards come into play? No one is going to buy this game and decide only to chase after girls who are like the DOA girls. They know the characters aren't real, so who in their right mind would set that standard? Your poor misunderstanding for the game is dead-on with the folks that game the description at the ESRB.

As for the porn thing, that's a conflict€™ is something I still don't understand. What can porn do to you? It can't hurt you, it can't kill you, and it sure has hell has no effect on your health. What you describe isn't the effects of porn; it's an addiction and a general one at that. 'further for a man to succumb to these images is damaging for hisself'; the same thing is said about drugs and just about anything else that's 'hookable'. If a guy can't meet a girl because he's busy with his cyberbabies, it's because he choose to go that route, not because of porn made him that way. If there's something wrong with porn, then there must be something wrong with sex, too. They're both related; it's just one's participating and the other is watching.

NOTE: I had to repost due to the those symbols 😛

14 years ago

I'll consider this game because…those graphics are so damn good 😀

14 years ago

I'd like to ask the people who say the game is degrading to women if actual bikini models are degrading to women.

Can an entire profession of women, a profession that many women aspire to i might add, be degrading to women?

Regardless of your thoughts on the game aren't there real women who do what the game characters do?

14 years ago

So true.