Maybe you've been considering a PSP Go purchase but have been holding off for one reason or another. Maybe you just need one final piece of incentive…
Sony may have just provided you with that incentive, so long as you're still willing to plunk down the cash (rumors about a price drop have been thus far unsubstantiated). As reported by GameSpot , Sony has started a promotion that involves the acquisition of one free game with the purchase of a PSP Go. Between now and March 21, you can have your choice of LittleBigPlanet PSP or Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines ; simply log into the PlayStation Network from your new portable unit and Sony will e-mail you a redemption code for your game of choice. This is great because North American consumers didn't get the benefit of a free copy of Gran Turismo PSP with the PSP Go, like their European counterparts did. Furthermore, because the price of this handheld is still a little high, a free game will certainly help to alleviate the sting of the purchase. And remember, there are many downloadable titles available for the PSP Go right now, so it's not like you won't have software to choose from. As for the idea of a possible re-launch, that's still up in the air.
We can always use a bit more incentive when it comes to making relatively big purchases, you know? Personally, I wanna go back to the days when a console purchase always netted you one free game.
still to much money!
yes. I actually would really like a psp go. But spending as much as I did on ps3 is just too much to justify. Especially with all the great ps3 titles coming out.
Still not worth 250 smack-a-roos. Sony, I can do math. I started learning math in elementary school.
"Too" not "to". Too is as in "Too much money…", to as in "to throw a ball". English people! It's super-fantastic!
English teachers posing as Internet commentators must cease!
It should be the opposite, purchase a game and get a PSPGo free.
I wish they had this when i got my GO. i want AC bloodlines really bad. and LBP!
Im still not gonna get it.both would've been a better deal.
I'm curious as to how MGS is gonna fit on this things memory if it has more content than MGS 4.
Still wondering about that rumored re-launch.
March is six months after the original launch, and considering the negative reception to the higher price of the Go! I'm wondering whether bundling a game between now and March is a way of discounting current sales. So that when the price of the console drops to $199.99 sometime in March (without a bundled game of course).
price price price…
This thing should have been $150/$199
They have it the wrong way around, it should be Buy a game get a free PSP GO.
Pff, I already own a 1000 and 3000, a GO is pointless to me. Hurry up PSP2, you're mine.
i'll take one off your hands 😉
is there any news on the psp2? im happy with my psp2000 also.
Mate, I got the PSP, PSP-2000, PSP-3000, and the Go! :p
Yes, we should always be able to get $200 hardware for the cost of a $40 game…right…you kill me sometimes.
Sony should just have some subscription service with the GO, where you sign up for 12 or 24 months, then give out game credits, and a few other services that make it seem good value and then hope people will buy extra games for the hardware they now have.
Much the same way as phone companies subsidise a $700 mobile phone because they get you on a contract.
That true? is so, why?
do you just use the 1000 as a rom emulator or something?
@ Highlander
I was clearly exaggerating to show my distaste for the GO.
Yes. I got my 3000 for Christmas.
Yeah, I know, that's why you kill me sometimes…
Sorry Sony, but I would need a WAY better incentive than this. My 2000 is still holding up nice, and it can play all my UMD's. I think I'm with LV on holding out for PSP2.
got my PSP Go! just a few weeks ago and got 3 free games just by registering both my Go! and my UMD model on the store. This isn't much incentive in my opinion when you can get more free games by registering it :S
include one in with every ps3 bought and watch those sales rise. WATCH.
Need more than that to get me to pick one up, gonna stick with my DSi till the PSP2 pops out.
Good idea. My old DS Phat is looking worn from many miles of usage. My PSP-2000……not so much.
yeah. those things are only $130 and they access the internet! ugh.
Last edited by chedison on 2/22/2010 6:30:45 PM
They should come out with a "Make us an offer" sale. Considering the abysmal sales, I'm sure they've got more of those things sitting in inventory than they can possibly sell in the next ten years. They're probably waiting for a really profitable quarter so they can write the damned things off and reduce their tax liability.
Still not worth 250 smack-a-roos. Sony, I can do math. I started learning math in elementary school.
Drop the price to $99 and then I'd buy one. Until then, I can't justify paying what a PS3 cost's for a handheld with no phyical media.
Get raped and we will add a free Vaseline bottle!
LOL. A diamond studded vaseline bottle.
What kind of mind jumps from a free game with a console to rape?
Thrust me when I tell you you don't really wanna know LOL
But come on, Buy our super overpriced portable and get a free game. Now its not super overpriced anymore, its just overpriced… Please Sony stop being so greedy, don't kill the PSP!
I know, but I hate the way that word is used so casually these days. I am sure that few would argue that it's something that should ever be taken casually. It's like when someone makes a prejudiced remark or joke, I have to decide whether I say something or not. I try to each and every time. For me, this particular word falls into the category of things I have to decide whether or not to say something about. You know?
I stand chastised and ashamed as I realized how far off that metaphor was.
I totally see where you're coming from, and agree 100%.
I guess the media and its insensitive and demonizing culture is starting to get to me… Must resist the influence.
It's good that Sony's FINALLY offering up a free AAA game DL with the GO.
But I believe Sony is still a very long, long way off before any one of us NO-GO's, GO & let GO, & GO GET a GO, a-la, a-GO-GO.
FYI, anyone interested IN DLC will have probably already have the GO on their wish-list(that is, if they haven't bought one already).
What Sony needs to do is to go after the gamers that don't buy, or like DLC(like myself) and make a very aggressive offer to us non-Go'ers.
FYI, since I'm a collector, I dislike the idea of DLC immensely & the fact is that I like being able to see my 1400+ physical copies on my shelves, all lined up neatly row after row.
But you know what?
If Sony was to aim the GO at us non-DLC gamers, with a great unbelievable "you-can't-refuse" offer, then I'm sure a lot of us just might say 'Awww, what the hell", & GO pick one up(I know I would).
But right now, Sony NEEDS to offer us at least 3 free AAA games from a wide list, plus at least a 2 to 3 free great mini-games too.
Either that, or market the Go to us No-Go'ers at $199, along with a list of 5 AAA games & 5 great price mini-games, and all of them at a 1/2 off price too.
Yeah, yeah, I know…..Sony will lose a bit of money for the new re-start, just like they've done with the PS3 in it's beginning too.
But they'll certainly wind up getting it back as we start adding more games(& buying accessories) into our Go collections too.
Not to mention all the PSN games that will certainly bring out in the future too.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/22/2010 7:37:41 PM
I want a PSPGO but not for the price it's at, I'll wait till it comes down in price, but it's a nice little incentive just not enough for me to go WooHoo.
BTW, speaking of PSP's, that reminds me that I was soooooo able to stick it to Gamestop yesterday.
While I'm usually inside GS, I always see people bringing in stuff for trade or cash & I often wish that I were able to stop them before they got in the store so I might just find something I wanted for my collection & make my own offer before GS could get a-hold of it & jack the price up.(I've already made a few good deals that way & also given them a price than GS would have done(I'm able to get GS's own updated trade-in price lists once in a great while)
Anyway, I was inside GS last night scouting around the shelves for anything used, but promising with a decent price, when a kid & his dad came in with a box that looked like it was loaded with a couple systems & a bunch of games.
At the time, GS's counter happened to be mobbed with lots of waiting customers, so I watched as the only counter guy(at that moment) took 1 quick cursory glance into the box & then told the 2 customers that GS doesn't support or take in any PS1 or original Xbox gaming stuff any more.
Well, since I'm a collector, I went over & told the 2 customer's that I would never butt into any GS deal, but since GS doesn't deal in what they had, I'd like to see if there was anything in their box I might be interested in, which they agreed to.
The only thing I could find out of that stuff GS longer takes in, was an old Xbox copy of "Dino Crisis 3", in mint condition w/manual, cover art & it's original case.
But here's the real kicker…..
the GS guy didn't physically go into the box, so he never saw ALL the other gaming goodies that were hidden beneath the stuff GS doesn't take.
And had the GS employee taken the time to check out the whole box, GS would have definitely grabbed most of this stuff for a huge mark up later. FYI, I could have bought the whole damned entire lot of consoles & goodies for only $50, but I'm way too short on bucks this week.
But I was able to talk the guy out of a bunch of goodies with my last $30……
I gave the guys $20 for a mint 1000 PSP
(and then once home, discovered a 32MB Duo Memory card still inside too).
Plus all this for only $10 more….
Mario Party 5(Gamecube),
Dino Crisis 3(Xbox),
Devil May Cry 2 and DMC 3
Bob Marley "The Legend Live" (PSP – Concert filmed at California's Santa Barbara County Bowl on Nov. 25th, 1979),
Spiderman 2 (PSP movie),
Family Guy: Freakin' Sweet(PSP – the 5 top TV episodes from F.G.)
Also, another 11 Basketball & Football games (PS1 & Xbox)
Damn, I just wish I had the extra $20, I could have wound up with an extra spare PS1 fattie, a spare Gamecube, & a spare Xbox too.
Plus about 15 doubles of various Gamecube & Xbox games that I would've re-sold cheaply to others.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/23/2010 12:51:22 AM
wow sounds like you got amazingly lucky! I want a psp 🙁
Last edited by chedison on 2/23/2010 2:08:35 AM
they have been doing that since launch.
i was thinking of getting one and when i went into sony style i was offered LBP AC bloodlines resistance retribution for free with the system.
would of given in to if they gave us the bloody games on memory sticks.
i really can not understand why they refuse to do this.
they make the freaking things so it would be cheap as chips for them to make their games on it.
EVERY! PSP has a memory slot so every single psp would be able to play the games off them.
a perfect way to kill off the UMD drive as sony obviously want to its costing them more and its impractical.
only down side to memory sticks would be piracy but than it is the PSP were talking about so thats not really a down side because the PSP has more pirated content on it than the Iphone, PC and xbox 360 put together!
PSPgo uses a different memory stick, so they wouldn't work on all PSPs.
Already own the PSP, so not even an additional game interests me.
However…if Sony gave me my damn UMD drive back, and an additional analog stick n this same form factor….oh well…!
I actually bought the thing on release day. I don't buy too many games for the handheld but it would've been nice to get a free game voucher when I picked it up.
Honestly, while the new features are great, I don't think I would have gone for it if my 2000 hadn't been roundhouse kicked by a friend of mine.
Though I can't lie, it is pretty sick to be able to play Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on a big TV while using a Dualshock 3… damn addictions