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MGS: Peace Walker Team As Big As MGS4 Team

If you haven't figured it out yet, Team Kojima has been treating the development of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP as if it really were MGS5 for the PlayStation 3.

According to the citing the latest Kojima Productions Report podcast, Sean Eyestone said the team for Peace Walker is just as big as the team that handled MGS4. And not only do they have "hundreds of people" working on the ambitious project but "in some ways, it's even bigger than MGS4." They then talk about how this PSP title actually has the most content of any game in the series, which is a really impressive achievement, especially considering the inherent technical limits of the portable unit in question. The game had to be delayed until May 25 – something Kojima really disliked and apologized for – but when it comes out, you can bet that fans of the franchise will flock to snag it. For 2010, there's really no more important game for the PSP, unless you want to count the North American release of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and even that would be debatable. Just about every MGS should receive the requisite amount of attention, as far as we're concerned.

As for Metal Gear Solid: Rising , we'll be interested to see how that one turns out. The hardcore die-hards seem to be skeptical but our hopes remain high.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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14 years ago

Damn man, you guys could have gotten better sales on PS3.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

i still dont see how its more stuffed than a bluray

14 years ago

Mike… space is all relative to the platform you are producing the content for…

The PSP, being a mobile platform can actually do everything a PS3 can do to some extent, however it just can't do it with the same level of detail, or number of polygons or visual effects.

The processor, whilst only 300MHz odd, can still process any information you give it… it's just that everything you do on it is cut down to accommodate the hardware, rendering abilities of the GPU and the system ram available to it.

Therefore game assets specifically created for the PSP are approximately 1/16th (or even smaller) in size than what would be produced/used for a PS3 release; however, it doesn't mean it cannot be done.

Devs can still have all the sound on a PSP version that a PS3 version may have… if necessary you could still release the game on multiple UMD's if the publisher so wished. The idea here is how the game design and code is built to accommodate a game world as "big" as "MGS4" for example (or bigger… in this case "MGS5" specifically).

Questions, such as, how to fit it onto a single disk, or how to keep the general size of the game assets down in order to keep the overall game data size manageable and practical for the platform need to be dealt with?

This doesn't change the fact that the story campaign can be lengthy and detailed.


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 2/20/2010 4:10:21 AM

14 years ago

wapin naman.

14 years ago

i really cant wait for rising.
during MGS4 watching raiden slicing up all those geckos like no bodies bisness really looked cool.

14 years ago

I am too suspicious of rising. I want peace walker though. I hope the shitbox 360 doesn't pull down another solid game.


"i am home"

14 years ago

Milonakis, I would appreciate it if you could stop hijacking my identity!!! I am sure you are an adult and not a child, if you are an adult do act like one… thanks!


"i am home"

14 years ago

I hope They release MGS 1-3 on blu-Ray like they did with GOW.

14 years ago

I would really love this. I haven't played 2 in a long time, and I never even played the others so I'd like to experience the rest of the story.

14 years ago

I doubt the would seeing how they were already re-released before MGS4.

14 years ago

thats why we love you kojima

14 years ago

haha, teaching M$ a lesson maybe? i think so, give them the worse of the 2

14 years ago

Busy man. Isn't Kojima-san working on Rising and the new Castlevania game, too?

14 years ago

Kojima sama isn't working on Rising at all, he's simply going to be the producer of it – and that's it. He only listens a couple of times of the ideas the Rising team are coming up with.

I bet you that all the ideas the Rising team came up with are less than 10% awesome as Kojima's own ideas.

14 years ago

It would be nice if they would officially kill off PS2 game production by releasing Peace Walker for it as one last hurrah. They did it with two GTA games.

14 years ago

I just know Kojima's milking every ounce of raw power out of the PSP.

So I'm preparing myself to be awed by him once again.

14 years ago

i said many times, i dont understand why they dont make it on the PS3 and title it as MGS5 Peace Walker. excellent job Kojima but wrong decision on choosing the platform.

14 years ago

Peace Walker will be a day 1 buy for me and so will Rising. The reason why everyone is not so keen on Rising is because Raiden is the main character and not Snake or Big Boss. As well as this it's not a PS3 exclusive anymore. But for me i don't give a damn whether Raiden is the main character. To me he's a kick ass character. As for the non-exclusive thing, i'm not really worried so long as it's a Metal Gear Solid game. Just my opinion…

14 years ago

You didn't play MGS2, didn't you?

14 years ago

I think the big focus is on how its basically a hack and slash and no longer a stealth based game. I'd advise against broad generalizations like that.

14 years ago

Gotta say, MGS2 was my least favorite in the series. I awaited anxiously every minute of the game to take control of Snake again and when it never happened i asked myself why i wasted this much time playing that game. Sorry but Raiden(Jack) is a pantie waist.

Solid Snake and Big Boss FTW!

Last edited by Jawknee on 2/20/2010 1:39:06 PM

14 years ago

Now I gotta get a PSP. But a Go or 3000? And what games to get? Too much pressure.

14 years ago

3000. The Go is a neat little device but with it lacking a UMD drive, its not really worth $250. The 3000 can do everything the Go can and it has a bigger screen.

Would you rather own a digital copy of Peace Walker or a physical UMD?

14 years ago

I do like to physically own the purchases that I can.

14 years ago

3000 then.

14 years ago

lol man they are really doing their best to make ppl want this game huh?

i mean why the hell wasnt it a ps3 game? wno lnows

i dont play PSP, owned one once, but the system sux quite frankly. sold it and bought an iphone

im a big metall gear fan but i'll be skipping this for sure. (i'm not a portable gamer

14 years ago

Looks like Konami will be getting more of my $.

14 years ago

Gotta love the Koj.

14 years ago

Gotta wonder if Koji has any idea what is happening with Rising.