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Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Originally PS2-Bound

It's a damn good reason to own a PSP but did you realize it was originally slated to come to the PS2?

That's right, according to Kingdom Hearts Union citing the next issue of Famitsu Weekly, Square-Enix was ready to put Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep on the PS2 but in the midst of everything, "the request for Chain of Memories came." Yeah, well, we reviewed Chain of Memories and were none too impressed with it, so we're guessing fans of the franchise would've preferred Birth by Sleep , which looks great. According to the interview in the weekly publication, the developers faced definite crunch time:

"There wasn’t even a year until the development deadline. There was an incredibly absurd amount of planning and action, we thought preparing the new components would be impossible, but when the development ended, everything was included and nothing was cut out."

Towards the end of the interview, it seems they want to do "the best they can" with the next title, which certainly implies Kingdom Hearts III for the PS3 could be in the works. It has been one of the most requested projects of this generation and every time we hear any mention of a new KH game, everyone automatically hopes for a true next-gen iteration. But even so, wouldn't it have been nice to have another KH on the PS2? Or would you rather it be on the PSP…? Maybe the portable gamers are all sorts of happy.

Related Game(s): Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

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Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
15 years ago

The thing I don't understand is why not both? I'm actually really kind of disappointed that they've been getting away from the PS consoles and going to portables. Yeah, KH on the move, it's fun for boredom times. But when you get down to it? Not something that's really great. I gave up on 358/2 Days because I couldn't take playing it on my DS. I even sold it and I'm just hoping they'll do a remake like they did for Chain of Memories. If not, I'll probably just look up online what happened instead of playing through it.
When it comes to KH ANYTHING I'm a GIANT fan… But on the portables, it kinda kills me. Birth by Sleep on the PS2 would've been absolutely great! But, PSP is alright…
And come on SE! We've been waiting for so long…. SO LONG… for KH3!!! When will you stop the prequels and move on?
Great intel though John! We KH fans are kind of in the dark about KH things these days. Thanks!

15 years ago

me too, stupid portable games.

15 years ago

Well you gotta kinda wait for the Nomura to finish his work on Versus XIII before he can get really get started on KH3, so when they finish that, you'll know you probably got about a year or two till KH3

Kiwi of DOOM
Kiwi of DOOM
15 years ago

I think i'd have prefered in n a console than a handheld even though the psp is probably a smarter choice in terms of audience and next gen functionality. Of course, i'd have loved it on the PS3 but either way i'll be getting it. Maybe if we're lucky they'll port it like they did with Chain of Memories.

15 years ago

They should have made it for ps2 AND psp. I would have rather have it on ps2 though.

15 years ago

i would have liked it to be on ps2 so i could play it on my 60GB

but oh well i guess it's not that big of a deal

15 years ago

As the games go I probably would've had it switched. Chain of Memories on the PSP and Birth By Sleep on the PS2. However, I heard about the 3D remake of Chain of Memories coming with Final Mix+ and I had to have it since I enjoyed the GBA version and the fact that I was somewhat jealous about the fact that I originally thought that Final Mix plus the extra goodies would stay in Japan. I wouldn't truly care about what console the game is on so long as the console was already available to me, but before I had my PSP I would've had more to say on ther subject. Now that I have a PSP I don't mind the fact that Birth by Sleep is on it, but rather think Chain of Memories would've been better if it had stayed portable… so that it felt similar to the original.

15 years ago

Numora is referring Kingdom hearts:Birth by sleep as "Episode 0" and stating that its not just a spin off but a game just as important as kingdom hearts 1 and 2 so as far fetched as it may sound why couldn't it come to PS3?

I've spoiled myself to death on the game[Watching cutscenes,gameplay videos,the whole nine.] and it looks like by far the best kingdom hearts game to date,but imagine the greatness it would have achieved in PS3 HD glory! ;D

Last edited by XxNoir on 2/9/2010 11:13:32 PM

15 years ago

Yeah, I was just watching the trailers on the official site, and I googled birth by sleep when the opening to the game popped up and I had to restrain myself from spoiling the beginning for myself… I would order the game from Japan right now, regardless the cost if I could read and understand the language…

Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
15 years ago

I would love if they did a PSN release for the PS3. Why not?

15 years ago

Should of been released for both platforms. Man I just want a KH3 for the PS3 that would be amazing, but thats a dream

15 years ago

I don't know why a developer that has a hit on the PSP, can't remake/port it over to the PS2.
A good example: SF-Dark Mirror was a PSP game which was remastered for the PS2 later on.

15 years ago

As I recall, none of the PS2 versions have been as good (despite the better control scheme)…except maybe Twisted Metal.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 2/10/2010 3:50:17 AM

15 years ago

PSP is a bit stronger than PS2 so it is difficult.

15 years ago

Actually it's not, the PS2 is still the better hardware but not by a huge leap or anything.

15 years ago

In terms of CPU processing, nilos is right. I don't know about the graphics chips or RAM, though.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 2/12/2010 4:11:01 PM

15 years ago

who cares?

15 years ago

Maybe they wil still release it on the PS2, Silent Hill Origins went from PSP to PS2, we can hope.

15 years ago

Nomura better make kingdom hearts 3 a playstation 3 exclusive, if he has any affilitation to fans' expectations.

15 years ago

i think HE does, but the company (mostly wada) doesn't

15 years ago

Birth By Sleep is the reason I bought a psp, but I would still prefer it on a ps2, that way I can play it on my 60gig with my controller, which I find chiller than my psp, not that I mind having it on psp, it's just that my left thumb will regret me buying it, because I will play it till I can't no more.

PS: Just friggin bring out KH3 on PS3 PLZ, tis been so damn long…

15 years ago

On a sidenote, can't wait for the Heavy Rain review today.


15 years ago

What is the deal every game they say was suppose to be for the ps2.

15 years ago

140+ million units sold.

'nuff said.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 2/12/2010 4:12:04 PM

15 years ago


I totally agree,I would so import the game,I actually prefer japanese voice acting in some games to the english ones.

Unrelated to the article,kingdom hearts fans just a heads up;You should really keep your eyes on Final fantasy vs 13.The game has the potential of being like being a more serious version of kingdom hearts.

15 years ago

ARG that pisses me of… I want it for the PS2 as well >……<

15 years ago

KH3 for ps2 please 😀 😀 😀

it will sell more.
many many many human in earth have ps2 😀

even my friend just buy a new PS2 last month.

Long live ps2!

15 years ago

Considering I have an unreliable PS2 and a new PSP, I can't help but be excited for the PSP release. However… I say this having never played any of the other ones…. hahaha. Don't worry! As soon as I can find them I plan on playing them both. I have decided that I am missing out on something great and, as such, will be purchasing both titles as soon as I can locate them.

snow white
snow white
14 years ago

i feel it should be released on ps2 and psp. the first and second ones were on ps2 the 3rd one should have been it is too hard to play on ds. i sent a letter to the designer but heard nothing. i am still hoping.

13 years ago

i think they should make kingdom hearts birth by sleep in ps2 because they would make a lot of money if they did that. beside i cant buy an other game console like every body else i mean come they need to some poeple cant buy an other game console like every one else.oh my which i own a ps2.

Last edited by tiff21 on 2/22/2011 10:41:21 AM

13 years ago

I seriously think that all the Kingdom Hearts games should be on Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable and Playstation 3. I know that it takes time for Square Enix and h.a.n.d and all the other creators time to create the games but I'm sure if they used a wider range of consoles for their games, they would eventually earn much more money. I don't own a PSP but I desperately want this game!! I wish it HAD been on PS2!! :/