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Gran Turismo PSP Manages To Sell 1.8 Million Worldwide

It wasn't as mind-numbingly awesome as some had anticipated it to be, but that doesn't mean it can't be popular. After all…it's Gran Turismo .

As PS3 Center noted, citing the most recent sales statistics from Polyphony Digital , Gran Tursimo PSP has sold over 1.8 million copies worldwide, which is a significant amount considering the lukewarm reception with which it was received. It did help the PSP Go, though; GT PSP was a launch title for the fancy new portable, and of course, it represented the very first Gran Turismo title ever on a handheld. Furthermore, the game was available as a UMD and a digital download so all PSP owners could play it – it was one of the first titles to ship this way – so that certainly helped the sales numbers, too. All told, that 1.8 million brings the GT franchise sales total to around 55 million, and you can bet that number will continue to grow when Gran Turismo 5 arrives later this year. We still don't have a release date for that one but we're hoping to have it before spring rolls around.

Gran Turismo has become one of those legendary franchises that will likely never go away. And like Metal Gear Solid , Final Fantasy , Mario and Halo , most don't want them to go away.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo PSP

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15 years ago

Wow I didnt exppect that, not coz its a bad game or anything, just because, as you say, the lukewarm reception it received

15 years ago

Cool. Ive been meaning to nab a copy myself. After i finish my other games of course.

15 years ago

That's the power of Gran Turismo
Its fans love experience and THRILL of driving the latest, rarest, and older car models the world has to offer

Amazing that you can no do that on the Go….. (on a handheld)

Can't wait for GT5. That game will be a testament to GT's place in the gaming community. One of the bests, no doubt.

15 years ago

It's universal. It's bi-gender. A boy or girl can play. Something the PSP struggles to market.

15 years ago

I've got this and it's excellent.
You can install it to your PSP which reduces the load times, you can drive listening to your own music which is excellent and the car handling is superb. Every car handles differently and it's pretty good looking as well.
So it's a perfect handheld game. I dont know why the critics were so hard on it?

15 years ago

doesnt surprise me on bit. GT is a huge name, a huge game, and many people cant wait to get GT5. wether they bought it because they needed a fix b4 GT5 hits or because they really wanted to experience it, thats a huge following!

15 years ago

Now SONY should of included this game in with their PSP go as a bundle and that would of boosted even more sales not some little demo of Rockband Unplugged.

15 years ago

Gran Turismo PSP is not nearly as bad as almost every reviewer on the net has stated. I believe to many reviewers went in expecting a console level game instead of seeing the gem PD has brought to a hand held console.

The sheer amount of cars and tracks alone in this game are on par with with console racing games, and only falls short when compared to GT5 itself. Forza 3? NFS Shift? Not even close.

I have read that the major knock against GT PSP was the lack of a career mode. After spending some quality time with this title I am even further convinced of how this doesn't even matter. Plenty of tracks and license tests to complete, all in which provide plenty to do.

Where this game falls short of the name GT is the fact that there is no tuning on the vehicles. Cutting the car list in half and providing a typical GT4 tuning option for cars would have went along way.

As it sits, I have my PSP plugged into my 65" HDTV for some occasional car collecting for GT5. Something I do quite often is imagine the myriad combination of possiblities of each car I purchase in GT PSP as my entire garage will be transfered to GT5 for some serious modifications. Personally, I am so looking forward to taking my 64 Goat into GT5's tuning shops!

If you are a GT fan, I urge you to pick this title up. You'll be in for a treat.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 2/6/2010 4:24:51 PM

15 years ago

Yip, a career mode usually means you have to do all the crappy tracks with the crappy cars just to progress to the good stuff.

In GT you just do the tracks and the stuff you like and pick up the cars you want when they appear and when you have the money.

The car handling is pure GT.

15 years ago

I think that the majority of the reviewers were disappointed by two simple things.

1) No career mode. Now, this has both pluses and minuses, first of all you don't have to race a tracks you dislike, and you can pick and choose your cars more. On the other hand part of the charm of GT is that you are forced to learn the courses and cars because of career mode. I can see the point of the criticism though, every other GT game has had a career mode, why did it go AWOL here?

2) Only three AI driven cars on the track with you. To be honest, this is crap. Truly. It's supposed to be the ultimate racing sim, and you race against three opponents. Three? How many real races do you see with only three opponents? Sure, it's a game, but it's a game that tells us it's the ultimate racing sim. So, simulate a race please, three opponents isn't enough. I totally get why reviewers were displeased by this. It's really, really poor.

I could forgive the small number of opponents, there may not be enough oomph in the PSP to manage that, and we already know that the game really pushes the 333MHz mode hard. But no career mode? That's not an oversight or a design decision or a lack of power, that's just not implementing a core feature.

Having said all that, I have the game and I enjoy it a lot. I miss the career mode more than the opponents. But it's fun, and with a limited number of laps, races happen in manageable chunks of time. Good for a game on the move.

Over all the game play, graphics, sound and variety of cars are very good. It's well worth a purchase, but be aware of the two major omission/deficiencies.

15 years ago

Thanks for actually taking the time to post a comment with thought in it.


1 – I disagree somewhat with you on this statement. I believe the charm you are speaking of is also related to vehicle you have to race in. Whether it be FWD, MR, or RWD, you had to learn the car. For veterans of the GT series, most of the tracks are familiar to the point where you can drive with little effort. To me, license tests achieve the same thing.

2 – With the three AI cars on track, I agree with your point. However, it really doesn't effect me much. Why? They all end up in my rear view mirror. Sure, having something that compares to GT4 would have been a nice touch, I don't see it as a problem to get hung up on.

Out of curiosity, how many racing games are on the PSP? How many cars on track?

Agreed. You nailed on the head. It's GT on the go. Should it have had more features? Yes. Does it ruin the experience and car collecting craze? No. Plus, if you are into GT5 as much as I am, it's more then worth it for the import garage feature.

15 years ago

further proof that crap can sell millions.
i seriously can not believe PD dared to put there name on it.
i mean seriously theres no story mode, the game feels 1/10th finished.
i can understand there between a rock and a hard place and had to rush it out the door, but i would of much ratherd them put it on hold till GT5 was out.
o well i guess NFS shift will have to do for my track racing fix.
one day…………….

15 years ago

Speaking of crap, the Need for Speed series defines your very point. Sure Shift was a step in the right direction, but the car and track selection was downright pedestrian. So much to the point, I traded Shift in for GT PSP.

Plus, GT has never had a story mode. No narrative, nothing. If that was just a poor choice of wording on your part, I'll retract my statement. GT has featured just a mode where you race tracks, unlock cars and events, do license tests, spend credits on new vehicles and tune them.

All that GT PSP was really missing was tuning/upgrades. Using common sense, it's not hard to figure out why. The entire garage can be transfered to GT5, and considering PD has stated that the GT5 is new, and GT PSP was nothing more then a GT4 build, it makes complete sense on why a different direction was taken. Yes, I was disappointed in it, but that's because I, and millions of others accepted what GT PSP is. A GT game for on the go and an early start on the GT5 car collecting marathon.

Perhaps you fit my category of expecting to much..

15 years ago

arcade mode happy?
o n BTW where are the license challenges?

15 years ago

Hey, commenter with no name – it's a great game, and very enjoyable, as many above have stated. I've it m'self, and love taking my VX220 for a spin. Sure, people who need their hand-held for them every step of the way may struggle to make their own fun, but for driving enthusiasts rather than people with no initiative, it's a great game and phenomenal value!

15 years ago

how is it a great game when its GT stripped off all its features?
most basic, most boring racing game i have ever played.
id rather get NFS shift or black or even rivals over GT PSP.
not to mention the controls are a complete pain in the a$$

15 years ago

personally if I were PD I would've canned GT and do a Tourist Trophy PSP instead.