Although Sony insists the PSP Go is performing up to expectations, the flashy new portable unit still hasn't generated a huge amount of popularity.
There have been plenty of rumors circulating concerning the possible launch of a new PSP, but that handheld iteration will be like a sequel to the UMD-based PSP-3000 and we haven't heard of a PSP Go revamp. Well, it may not get any such revamp but Sony still might attempt a relaunch of sorts. According to Gamervision , "someone close to Sony" has confirmed that a fresh relaunch is inevitable, and that it will come complete with a revitalized marketing blitz in order to spark newfound interest in the all-digital portable machine. Perhaps most important among many gamers is the price: this re-issuing of the PSP Go had better come along with a price drop; saying this fresh look at portable gaming costs no more than the first PSP that launched isn't cutting it. That might sound attractive on the surface but $250 is still too high, as most consumers have complained. However, that being said, there are certainly plenty of pieces of digital software available for the PSP Go and those who did spring for it seem happy with the purchase.
Perhaps a spring relaunch is possible and if that happens, we'll let you know how Sony plans on going about it. Maybe this time around, the requisite attention will be paid.
Yes, a big part of it is Price Price Price… no doubt that would boost numbers and users… but I think Apple is going to do something in this space in the next few years… possibly in a far more concerted effort through marketing and specially developed I.P…
Ben has said it many times… its the software as much as the hardware. If Apple enlists some kick ass studios to produce really good games there will then be interesting dynamics at play and a great deal of new competition for Sony…
Sony must not be arrogant… they need to be careful of Apple… something is gonna happen I am sure of it… Jobs is simply onto everything.
Maybe some kick ass titles for the iPad is a possibility too… I am looking at getting the 2nd generation, with a few more additions to it. That would make quite an interesting entertainment device too…
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 2/2/2010 2:55:15 AM
You are a short sighted person.
The PSP Go is a test bed for the digital distribution model, it's also far harder to hack compared to earlier PSPs. PSP Go is about the future, not the now. Priced as it is, it'll never sell as well as a PSP-3000 – clearly. However just like the PS3 slim, finding the right price could ignite the market. Either way, the PSP Go is Sony's way of transitioning consumers to the digital distribution model.
The initial introduction at a high price was testing the waters. If a 'relaunch' happens, it will more than likely bring the price down to PSP-3000 levels, and I would expect more colors and such like, perhaps even interchangeable face-plates. You know how people like to customize their electronics…
Look to the longer term.
i know the go was a test for DD.
but did they really need a test?
i could of told you it would of not sold well, even if it was cheap, same price as the 3000.
me, my cuz and 2 friends were thinking of getting one even at that price but were put off because of the download only.
as for apple can they buy enough studios to make their games?
as shown this gen you need first party games third only wont cut the mustard.
they have the cash but will companies be willing to sign a exclusive deal with them?
besides that im weary because everything apple is a rip off so it wont be cheap, should give sony and M$ a big wake up call though.
so either way apple entering the game industry can only result in good things for us gamers so i say bring them on and lets see what they have to offer.
dont know much about it but it looks like a oversize iphone to me.
ill stick to my 3GS thanks.
"You are a short sighted person"… again The Highlander please do not use such a direct personal generalisation, I don't think I am a short sighted person.
If you read my posts carefully… all of them, I am implying a "what if" scenario… Generally my message has been that whilst any company (in most cases the bigger corporations that have large and deep pockets) has the right and the sense to want to "experiment" on its user base (or potential new user base) by releasing various models of a particular product, or look at a variety of business/content models… it does not mean, for one moment, that they cannot or should not heed what the competition could potential do to their direct market.
Again I repeat my concerns. Apple wants to continue to grow; as the iTunes/AppStore combination continues to grow and more developer develop games for Apples various platforms Apple may well be compelled to start taking the gaming route more and more seriously; why shouldn't it, they have a lot of the infrastructure in place?
I believe strongly Sony needs to heed this and monitor Apple closely… and who knows Highlander, one day a news article will remind you of our conversation here, and you will then have to admit the impossible happened…
To be honest, I also don't care much for the current PsP3000 nor the Go, what I would like to see now is real innovation put into a PsP II, a device Sony knows would make it hard for the competition to mimick or better in the next few years and help it stay ahead of any "potential" competition that may suddenly raise its ugly head…
When the iPad is released, I am expecting a slew of innovative apps and games to be made for it… RTS games could work well on the iPad. Also if you watch the Keynote address, there is a good example of what a full screen iPad specific FPS looks like… very nice and running at 1GHz speeds.
Jawknee… according to reports, the iPad can play video continuously for about 10hours before a re-charge. It can also sit in standby mode for about 1 month and still be operable for a short amount of time when you return… that is not bad…
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 2/2/2010 6:40:20 AM
@Quebex, I was not referring to you as short sighted, I was referring to Anonymous Cowherd aka the underline poster.
Their post – which is what I was replying to – sounded unduly pessimistic regarding the Go, and brought the old complaints of price and not enough games along for the ride. Complaining about the game library on the PSP might have had some merit two or three years ago, but not now.
As for the price complaints by Mr/Ms Cowherd, the DSi (in USD) costs the same as the PSP-3000. Considering just how much more the PSP-3000 can do and how much more hardware you get for your money, I am just sick and tired of hearing the same gripe about price thrown up again. The same is true when folks compare against the iPhone. The least I could find any iPhone for is $300, for a used device. iTouch with 16GB weighs in at about $200 (minimum) for a used device. When people gripe about price they seem to do so in a vacuum where Sony is slammed for being overpriced, but when you compare it against the devices routinely called competition for PSP, the PSP is either more capable and/or less expensive.
You're absolutely correct, Apple needs first party games, and they have a long way to go to catch either Nintendo or Sony on that score. Apple seemed to put a lot of faith in the ability of their App Store to deliver what they want, but that not only relies on third parties, it also puts 'homebrew' software on the same playing field as third party published games. I'm not sure that really elevates the third party games to where their publishers would want them.
I agree completely with you about the PSP-Go not selling at the current price. If I remember correctly when they announced the price you were among those that basically said "Say what? That's nuts!". I'm pretty sure you also agreed that it would be about 6 months before the device got a price cut…
The iPad is an overgrown iPhone – without the phone! And considering the BOM for the iPhone the price they sell it at is outrageously high. They've made profit on the hardware since day one, and despite using pretty much off the shelf hardware they've used software and smoke and mirrors to make the thing seem miraculous and revolutionary. When I first saw the iPhone I thought it was just a PDA with cell phone functionality. Now, I think it's still a PDA with cell phone functionality. It pretends to be something more than it is.
It's like the iPad. It's an overgrown PDA. It's not pocket sized, and it's not a full tablet, so what is it? As I said in another reply, I am waiting for flexible OLED screens so that a truly portable device with a roll-up or folding screen can deliver a large screen display in a pocket fitting form.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 2/2/2010 10:22:10 AM
Ok, got ya on that one Highlander 🙂 …. I just call the dude, "Anonymous"… at least it is a name we can all refer too 🙂
I have to admit, the first generation iPad is still lacking, but I am sure second and third generation versions are going to sizzle when all the problems are ironed… not to mention the iPad specific apps available a year or two from now. It could be a very compelling buy for people who have money to waste… not to mention the dedicated Apple crowd that will buy anything with an Apple sticker on it… (incidentally, they also buy a lot of apples at the store… you know, it's just a trend… red and green)
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 2/2/2010 11:25:41 AM
i never said the psp is over priced i said the GO is over priced.
heck as i said i would not mind and would of bought one if it allowed me to buy games on memory sticks.
still cant understand why sony does not do that, they make the freaking things so it would be dirt cheap.
a perfect way to kill off the UMD drive because all PSPs can run games off the stick.
a 32GB stick cost me 120 bucks today, a 1GB stick is pittins!
everything sony is overpriced.
ok, yes their products are normally slightly better than the competish but not by a margin to justify the price hike.
they wanted freaking 10K for a 56 inch XBR, i can get a 56 inch pioneer KURO which is the worlds best tv for 6K!
for example sony Xploid speakers exact same specs as mine which are pioneer are 40 bucks more.
not to mention the pioneers are actually better.
i dont mind paying extra for things as long as its worth it.
but when im paying 500 bucks more compare to another product when its only worth 200 bucks more thats when i start to complain.
'The initial introduction at a high price was testing the waters'
'Either way, the PSP Go is Sony's way of transitioning consumers to the digital distribution model.'
Even Sony aren't stupid enough to 'test the waters' in this manner.
They launched it as a legitimate product that has failed to muster the sales they expected.
Last edited by D1g1tal5torm on 2/2/2010 4:21:59 AM
I'm fine with my 1000 and 3000. My hands are too big for the GO.
Oh and I'm up at 4:45am because I've been playing WKC since 1am!
I want it! getting it today
Argh! Forgot my pre-order!
Well, just as I was talking about the potential threats from Apple above (in posts)… it seems Sega beat them too it… well, kinda 🙂
It doesn't seem to be an "official" Sega system, however again, in the future why wouldn't Sega try their hand again if they feel a business case exists. Maybe, in their case specifically, they may not actually produce their own hardware again but they may use an integrated TV device, or a cable set top box, capable of playing content they make creating their own "eco-system" of sorts.
Have a look at the report on "QJ dot net" to see the sub $100 console Proves that competition can come from anywhere, and, if it takes hold, can be very disruptive to the laggards of the industry… no company should sit on their laurels, including Sony.
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 2/2/2010 7:06:11 AM
LOL, a fun device from Sega. To me that looks very much like the kind of thing that Jakks Pacific gets into. Of course it being a device from Sega it undoubtedly has Sega games that are not available to anyone else.
I think that a more significant move or threat from Sega may come in the form of virtual consoles. I remember reading a while back that Sega was talking to Sony about emulation. The idea was to bring Sega's back catalog to PS3 via emulation, and there was some talk of PS2 emulation at the same time, although I suspect that was the usual wishful thinking. Imagine though if Sega were to drop a virtual Dreamcast onto PSN and sell games for it at $10 a pop… A virtual MegaDrive/Genesis or Saturn with games at $5-$10 a pop…Sega wouldn't have to manufacture anything, all they'd need to do is build an emulator on the PS3.
Now that's something that Sega could to that would ignite the industry…
I think the "Virtual Console" idea you have there is spot on Highlander… no doubt this could be quite a threat if done right.
"i am home"
I love my PSP GO. It is so much better than the old PSP in that it's actually portable and fits in your pocket without looking like you have a massive erection all the time.
The volume gets significantly louder, the control scheme feels a heck of a lot more comfortable to me, the save anywhere function is great, and Bluetooth is a nice touch.
That said, it does have its problems…
#1: Price. I got mine for $170 on sale so price isn't really an issue to me. Sony should put the pricing directly in line with the DSi and see how it fares. $250 is a bit ridiculous.
#2: Wi-Fi. For an all digital device to have a 802.11b Wi-Fi adapter is a bit ridiculous too…why not add a G or N adapter to make the downloads go significantly faster?
#3: Games…Or at least more sales on PSN games. Another PSP drought this year…Then again I have a PS3 and don't really care for anything on the PSP other than MGS:Peace Walker. Smart move by Sony to make the game a PSP exclusive. It needs the software.
Stop complaining about the price of expanding the memory too. I was able to find a 16 GB M2 Memory Card expansion for $35.
Last edited by The X Factor 9 on 2/2/2010 8:50:53 AM
I was trying to point out a few things I apologize if the earlier rant had some confusing points I tend type to fast and I don't proof read, so to clarify:
I would like a PSPgo because I trade my games a lot and digital games can't be traded so my collection wouldn't diminish like it usually does.
Yes I've never owned a PSP but a tight group of friends and I would share our consoles and games as well as buy them for one another or hold them for one another and my UMD's would always fall to pieces.
Having never owned a PSP I would have to worry about the go not working with older accessories.
So yeah that's what I meant. Thanks @Canuk for the crack pipe joke really appreciated that one.
Getting a PSP this summer,when KH:BBS is released in NA.
Last edited by XxNoir on 2/2/2010 9:45:14 AM
Same, unless my friend sells me his psp xD
KHBBS is gonna be epic! xD
Regarding PSP Go, has anyone used one for an extended period of time? I need to know how well it works for those of us with bigger hands. My hands have a large span and my finders are not what you would describe as the fingers of a surgeon or pianist. So if it truly is suited to smaller hands and fingers, I will hang onto my PSP-1000 and PSP-2000.
Highlander, i think if you have biggish hands (such as myself), playing intensely on the Go, and for long periods of time, in such a cramped space, could tire your hands out quickly.
I think initially it may feel ok, but try doing it for long periods of time. I think the PsP-3000 will suite us better. Best way to know though is go down to the local store and see of you can play on one for a while, GT or something similar, whereby specific buttons need to be kept depressed for long periods of time. Worth a Go 🙂
"i am home"
Great idea, I'll go abuse my local GameStop's demo unit at the next opportunity….
Sony definately needs to re-address it's marketing strategy and price point. The majority of gamers that would use this product are under the age of 25. At 250.00 it's a bit like marketing a mercedes to 1st time car buyers. Personally, I wouldn't spend more than 150.00 or so on any portable device that would be used by my kids. 3-500 for a console that sits safely in my entertainment center is one thing…but 250.00 in a backpack…no way.
Doesn't Nintendo re-launch the DS every other month? It seems to work pretty well for them. The lemmings keep lining up and re-buying it.
They re-buy it. DS was replaced by DS Lite and now DSi. I want to know how many people purchased one to replace another leaving the old one in a dusty drawer or lonely GameStop somewhere…
Well I guess I'm the only one who likes the go. Why is everyone requesting it be like the Iphone? (Iphones are crap, BlackBerries FTW) The PSP is fine as it is.
Last edited by LittleBigMidget on 2/2/2010 5:35:02 PM
as long as "relaunch" doesnt translate into "cut to $150" im not interested, impressed, excited, or anything of that persuasion.
for $50 more i can get a ps3
hahahahahaha thats value right there
Alot of things need to happen for me to be convinced for this.
1. Price cut- $199 is doable
2. New specs- screen should be a little bigger and thw wifi needs to be upgraded. who still uses b? isnt N standard now?
3. Digital games the same price as umd- exactly why do they cost more again?
4. More accessories
5.PSP Needs good games overall
idk i ve never owned a psp and this was supposed to be my xmas gift but i passed, im banking on the 4000 now, possible bluetooth and the pause function would sell me