Can't get enough MGS on the PSP? Or maybe you've missed past installments on Sony's handheld?
Well, now you can catch up with minimal effort and for a reasonable price. According to MCVUK , Konami has revealed the Metal Gear Solid bundle for the PSP, which is now available for download on the North American PlayStation Store. For $29.99, you will receive Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops , Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus , and the "Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphics Novel." As for gamers across the pond, a Konami UK representative said there are ongoing "discussions" concerning the possibility of this bundle being released in the UK and Europe. Said Konami digital director of marketing in the US, David Daniels:
"The Metal Gear Solid series created a unique stealth action genre within video games, and subsequently became one of the most popular game franchises in the world. By combining these titles into one bundle, we are giving fans of the series and newcomers alike an amazing value."
This could be the perfect warm-up for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , which is scheduled to launch later this year. For MGS fans, you just can't miss the PSP entries; they may not be as technically proficient, but they still provide you with everything that is great about this legendary franchise. Besides, thirty bucks for two games and a digital novel ain't a bad deal.
Good Deal For anyone that can't seem to find this games at the store….seriously I can't any of them.
Last edited by BlackBriar on 1/22/2010 9:35:33 PM
Likewise, Black Briar,
Only recently have I found the 2nd one,Portable Ops Plus, but still can't get the 1st Portable Ops.
BTW, It a shame they didn't include 2 other games, the Metal Gear Acid & the Metal Gear Acid-2 into that bundle too
Yayyyy! Wait… I have no psp. Oh wellz.
Don't know if you're interested in getting one but at Gamestop, used ones go for…..
PSP 1000=$99
PSP 2000(slim)=$119
PSP 3000=$129
FYI, I bought 4 of them(different colors & models) from GS to add to my collections, and they're all working great
I'm afraid I have to save up for all the games coming to PS3, and a new HDD right now but thanks Biker, you always have the deals locked down 🙂
I love having a PSP. I used to look at game reviews in GI, get excited, see the PSP platform listed and sigh. Now I say, "Looky there, another game to put on my PSP!"
I guess now is a good time to get started with these games.Havent played any MGS on the psp..hey guys, how is it?
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops was the best Metal Gear game I have ever played – gameplay wise. I mean yea the controls are ridiculously irritating and the story wasn't too much, but I just loved the recruiting part of it.
Keep in mind I haven't played Metal Gear Solid 4 so MGS Portable Ops is still the best Metal Gear game relative to me. (Although I'm sure MGS4 just owns it: story wise and epic gameplay wise.
However MGS Portable Ops is one of the best game on the Playstation Portable, that is until Peace Walker comes out. But I have played the demo and I'm a bit sad that you can't prone, slit throats, interrogate, and all the good CQC stuff. Hopefully he actually does add it in. But the controls on that are fantastic – so comfortable and smooth.
now can we please have MGS rising?
i remember playing MGS4 and every time raiden would slash onto the screen i kept saying how cool would it be if you got to play as that guy.
though PLEASE no more installing the whole freaking game onto the HDD.
that really bugged me, finishing 1 mission, installing the next onto the HDD, than watching a 40 minute cutscene than play the mission, rinse and repeat.
that got EXTREMELY annoying!