Many flight aficionados have been awaiting the return of the critically acclaimed Ace Combat franchise. Well, it's back…but you'll need a PSP.
Namco Bandai has announced Ace Combat: Joint Assault for the PSP, which is scheduled to hit store shelves some time this summer. The press release says this new entry in the long-running series will boast "accessible and exhilarating gameplay, incredible new benchmark visuals, an engrossing single-player campaign and comprehensive online multiplayer options." The Project Aces design team is behind this particular project and it'll be the first Ace Combat on Sony's handheld unit since Ace Combat X back in 2006. You will take the battle to the skies over Tokyo, London, San Francisco and other locations, all the while utilizing the brand new "Enhanced Combat View," described as follows:
"The new 'Enhanced Combat View' makes the intense combat more dynamic and believable to the player, making full use of the vast aerial environments to produce an incredible high-speed sensation and let players feel the raw exhilaration of delivering ace shots at supersonic speeds."
There are plenty of reasons to own the PSP by this time, what with plenty of top software now available. And it always helps to have some diversity in your library, so you might want to give Ace Combat: Joint Assault a shot. It's all the more likely you'll enjoy it if you've had fun with past iterations…now all we need is another entry specifically designed for the PlayStation 3.
Related Game(s): Ace Combat; Joint Assault
It's good to see AC back in the PS FAMILY!
But make sure you also bring it back to PS3POPPA, where it really belongs, damn it!!!!
Im with u…
I love AC series aswell. And make it on PS3 please. 🙂
Yep, I'm still holding out for a PS3 version. About 2 years ago (maybe it was 18 months) Namco was pursuing deveelopers with PS3 and flight sim experience. I remember reading several reports to that effect and it was thought then that Namco might be bringing Ace Combat back to PlayStation.
This game is really meant for the big TV. It's nice to see PSP getting so much love though.
I have a psp!! well great hopefully its a reasonably priced download I've never bought a ace combat game even though I played the Ace Combat 3 demo all the time?! gotta look for the PS2 games
@Tuli kokko,
FYI, here's the full list of all of the Ace Combat games, & the consoles they're on….
Ace Combat
Ace Combat 2
Ace Combat 3 – Electrosphere
Ace Combat 4 – Shattered Skies
Ace Combat 5 – The Unsung War
Ace Combat Zero – The Belkan War
Ace Combat x – Skies of Deception
Ace Combat – Joint Assault (UPCOMING TITLE)
Xbox 360
Ace Combat 6 – Fires Of Liberation
Ace Combat is a great series, so I hope this list helps you find them all.
The first one was called Air Combat for the PS1 🙂
Sorry Biker, I'm a big fan of the series.
They can keep their Damn PSP shovel ware, traitors!!
PS3 version or burst!!!!!
Last edited by Karosso on 1/12/2010 3:20:15 PM
Don;t you love the way that Ace Combat 6 sticks out like a sore thumb? I wonder how much thinking Namco is doing these days about the 360 exclusivity BS they signed up for?
OMG, OMG, OMG! Ive been a fan of the series and now I just cant wait for this next addition. Online play on the PSP for ace combat!!! No Way!
ps3 version please
Thats cool, a PS3 AC would be nice though. *hint hint* *nudge nudge*
I love ACE COMBAT!!! now this is a title that is welcomed in my book… Oh and my beloved FF13, GoW3. just cant wait.
Never actually played an ace combat but you guys seem to like it. I think Top Gun on NES was the last jet fighter I played, lol.
i could never land the damn plane in top gun! it was always like pull up, pull up, and then it would say i was good, then the little movie at the end would show me overshooting the carrier and crashing into the water! ah, memories.
yeah landing was kind of a b*tch
You gotta play it World, the game is amazing.
I'm already broke as a joke 🙂
I've been waiting for a ps3 version. Looks like I'll have to keep patiently waiting for a while longer. Like godsman said it was meant for the big screen.
Patience is a virtue.
Patience is a bitch.
But a very rewarding person.
Yes, I just double checked my collection & you are absolutely 1000% correct, Air Combat IS the 1st one(But now my damned edit button's missing in action, so I can't go back & correct it, WTF).
Yeah, what you said!!!!
I was pissed off when they gave it to MS. Then I started hoping that it would only be a timed exclusive, but it sure doesn't look that way. I've still have my hopes up that Namco can figure out some kind of way to give AC6, back to us, especially since Sony made the series what it's become.
"Show us the love, Namco, show us the love"
BTW, I know when I finally pick up a used 360 copy, I'll want to stick it in with the rest of the AC family, but doing that will really F-up the color coordination of my pretty PS3 collection, LOL
I dnever had the NES so I'm not sure how good Top Gun was on it, but I do have these two made later TG's, done on the 1st two Playstation consoles..
Top Gun:Fire At Will 1996 for the PS1, by Spectrum HoloByte
Top Gun:Combat Zones 2001 for the PS2, by Titus(in this game, you tilted your controller up & down, or side to side to change the pitch & roll of your aircraft).
Anyway, if you liked Top Gun, you'll love this series & you've really got to try them.
Trying to chase down a sub-launched cruise missile so you can take it out with your own missiles/rockets.
Or flying into a fly-crap speck of an entrance of an enemy base located inside a mountain & taking it out as you scream right through it.
Ahhhh, there's nothing quite like the rich aroma of freshly roasted jet fuel in the wee morning hours!
No sweat Saint, I know you meant no harm LOL
Just wish I could find out what the F@$% did MS offer them to keep the series completely exclusive to the Xbox this Gen. I mean by the looks of it, we won't be getting Ace Combat on the PS3 this gen 🙁
Also will never buy a Xbox just to play it…
Well then, no Ace Combat for me 🙁
The last AC I played is Belkan War.
Does anyone know how to get MORGAN?
Last edited by Snaaaake on 1/12/2010 6:51:47 PM
fighter jet game on the PSP?
o dear god this can only result in 2 things.
1 broken PSPs because the controls are so infuriating.
and 2 wig store sales go through the roof because people have ripped out all their hair because of those infuriating controls.
i love fighter jet games, but they need to stay on consoles.
controlling a jet with 2 sticks is hard enough, let alone doing it with 1.
Ah, I see you're a member of the "apoplectic because of the missing nub" crowd.
I've controlled many a flight sim with a single control stick, something to do with using other buttons as throttle and firing controls. I guess that must be too hard for you though…
Last edited by TheHighlander on 1/13/2010 12:26:38 AM
it will be.
playing a jet game on the Iphone is a pain in the a$$ and thats got the accelerometer to help you.
how are they going to stuff brake, accelerate, turn, fire primary, fire secondary, increase altitude, decrease altitude, camera control, lock on targets, switch targets and so on onto a PSPs controls?
a fighter jet game is not like a shooter where you only have aim, shoot, move and take cover to worry about.
theres allot of controls you need in there, they could remove them but that would make for a crappy game.
im all for PSP exclusives because besides my PS1 classics i have no reason to own one.
but if having said exclusive is going to result in me needing a new psp and a wig than no thanks!
LOL! Well considering that I have played flight sims since the days of 8-bit home computers with rarely an analog stick in sight, I think I can cope with some simplified controls, after all this is Ace Combat, not F-16 Falcon 4.0: Allied Force…
Man. My excitement level was through the roof when I read that title.
After reading the article.. I hate you Ben. 🙂
Metal Gear PS3: Check
Gran Turismo PS3: Soon
Ace Combat PS3: ???
I felt the same way maxpontiac. But I don't hate Ben still tho.
Was only joking.
But geeze Mr. Dutka. Way to kill a guy.
I want Ace Combat on my PS3!!!!! I need a good Fighter/Flight Sim back in my life.
I got a flight stick for the ps3 with the hope of seeing a ace combat game.But one can dream.