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MGS Icons Add Special Flair To PSP

My, how time flies. The PlayStation brand is celebrating its 15th anniversary and in order to assist with the festivities, a couple icons of the industry are lending their special flair to the PSP.

As noted by Siliconera , both Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima and MGS artist Yoji Shinkawa have decided to make a few PSP units very, very special. What you're looking at here are autographed portable units; the top one is signed by Kojima and the bottom features Shinkawa's signature plus a hand-drawn image of Snake. If you can speak Japanese, click here to learn more about how to score one of these rare PSPs; you can also pick up issue Vol. 460 of Dengeki PlayStation for further information. There will be some sort of contest and we're willing to bet you have to be in Japan, but regardless, we get the feeling a few might pop up on eBay before all is said and done. The question is, how much would you be willing to pay to call one of these specially autographed PSPs your own? I'm willing to bet the hardcore MGS fans would break the bank in an attempt to snag either…there's no knowing how many of these even exist.

Anyway, maybe we'll see more special treats like this to celebrate PlayStation's 15th year. 15 years. Good God. I still remember when a friend imported his well before it released in the US (he was always doing that), and I just refused to believe that Sony would have anything I'd want over Nintendo or Sega. …things change.

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15 years ago

Damn, MGS is gonna be big next year. I want that PSP so bad! But No Money :'[

15 years ago

Nice, I would love ones of those…however realistically, perhaps SCEA could make some PSP skins to celebrate 15?

15 years ago

would be nce, but i don't think they should, if you wanna keep somwthing rare and special, then you make a few specially, and keep them very exclusive. if they made loads, ti would lose its appeal

15 years ago

Oh I agree, I was thinking that the really cool and exclusive stuff would remain rare and hard to get, but it would still be cool to have some kind of 15th anniversary decal you could stick to your PSP/PS3

15 years ago

Ah, nice follow up to those sweet gun metal PS3's with Solid Snakes face etched on the suface that were signed by Kojima and Co. people won In those MGO tournaments.

15 years ago

at first i thought this was a special new line of psp's like the kratos psp. like if there was a engraved psp go i just might have to get that. realistically i will never see this but its cool.

15 years ago

if only they made a psp bundle that gave you a MGS psp, I would finnaly be forced to upgrade my old 1000 unit to the new 3000

15 years ago

Like BTNwarrior said, Sony should do a 15 year limited edition bundle for both the PSP, and while they're at it, also do a 15 year re-skinned PS3 bundle too.

Still even better yet… Sony should hook up with each major developer to do a limited PSP & PS3 bundle on their AAA game in celebration of Sony's 15th anniversary.

(the only drawback I could see for us older guys while out in public, is trying "NOT" to be seen playing a bright pink "Sony's 15th year" Hannah Montana PSP . LMFAO

15 years ago

Those do look pretty sweet, but I already spent enough money on the crisis core psp.

15 years ago

When is that multiplat thing coming?

15 years ago

what a brilliant way to celebrate it.
my DS3 refuses to sync with my PS3 so i cant use it.
and now the downloaded PS1 classics wont copy across to my PSP.
sigh! i cant turn my ps3 on without something breaking can i?

15 years ago

The gun metal PS3 like the one Jawknee they sell them in japan as a special edition. I nearly got one of ebay but lost the auction! Of course they weren't really signed, well i am not sure.

Anyways, That's not a bad idea! I would get a new PSP, I still got my 1000 and is a bit broken… XD

If i get one of those iw would be awesome!!@.@

15 years ago

I'm sure that they make a peace walker/psp bundle but what I hope is that it include a PSP with some kind of metal gear decal on it. For christ sake, they made a star wars one!

15 years ago

I already have my copy of Metal Gear Solid 4 signed by Hideo Kojima and the one that does the voice for Otacon so I'm happy with that, but if I have extra cash I'd definitely would buy that.