Well, now both Japan and Europe have release dates for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker . Just don't leave North America hangin', Konami!
It has been officially announced that Peace Walker , quite possibly the most anticipated handheld title to date this generation, will launch on May 28, 2010 in the UK. Dubbed as "the next true chapter" in the story of special ops expert, Snake (a.k.a. Big Boss), this is essentially a direct sequel to Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater , which released on the PS2. In the past, series creator Hideo Kojima has expressed a great fondness for this title, calling it the legitimate "Metal Gear Solid 5" (rather than the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Rising , which is being handled by a new, younger team). Of course, the Japanese will get a chance to play this bad boy on March 18, a good two and a half months before Europe…but at least those two regions have release dates. Perhaps this is something we'll learn more about next week, when Sony holds a big gaming event in New York City and promises some significant third-party news. For many PSP owners, Peace Walker is the game they've been waiting for, so the sooner it arrives, the better. Can anyone say "Portable Game of the Year"?
Just about anything Kojima touches turns to gold, which is why we're all excited about the possibility of a new Zone of the Enders . See, if his name is on it, everyone will automatically generate the requisite hype.
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
this is gonna be sick. Cant wait!
the true MGS5, the real sequel of MGS3, and the unfinished saga of the Boss and Big Boss. this is the real MGS that should have been made for PS3, not PSP. GOTY for PSP, the greatest story ever told in gaming is being continued…
P.S. I am not much thrilled about Raiden and his legacy.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 12/3/2009 11:33:01 AM
Not enthralled by Raiden? Clearly you are not a 360 gamer then….
haha well, the Raiden on 360 is good, the Raiden in MGS is what i meant. 😉
To be honest, this is the only reason that I still have my PSP. I'm just not really much of a gamer on the go. I have every Metal Gear title, Crisis Core, and Chains of Olympus. This will be a good reason to dust my baby off. Is David Hayter returning as Snake?
Looking good, this might be one to get on the PSP….
BTW has anyone seen any extended use reviews of the PSP Go? I'm interested in how the device plays out in the longer term for users with bigger hands. The big question….Does it induce cramping?
Okay this is weird but its happening.
When Resident Evil,Silent Hill,GTA,Devil May Cry and Tekken goes multiplat for the 360 they ended being dissapointing.
wonder if the MGS Rayden its going to be only a decent game .
Last edited by Oxvial on 12/3/2009 2:53:43 PM
This talk of Rising got me thinking about Raiden and how he looked in MGS4, and seeing him again in the next game. But then I thought, will he really look the same? That is, will they be able to use the same amazing MGS4 engine for both the xbox and PS3 while keeping the same graphical fidelity? Or will this multiplat look a bit less impressive than it's predecessor? I have to wonder.
Kojima's got the Gold Touch =D
Ha, This is a true sequel! Love it can't wait!
I love the fact that Xbox thinks it got Metal Gear Solid. Remember Xbox it's a spinoff! and PS3 is going to get a piece of that pie also! Ha!
OMG Xbox has become self-aware!
ok my comment may go against the grain here but oh well. I am a massive fan of the MGS series but have found it really hard to get excited about this game, for 2 reasons:
I could never get into portable ops, largely due to the lack of second anologue nub,
and i cant shake the feeling that if this really is a "true MGS sequel", it should be on ps3 not psp.
We have Micro$oft to thank for that
Ok, Im just gonna say it, Where The Fuck is the article celebrating PlayStation's 15th birthday? huh? Come on, write it! P.S. Sorry about using the F bomb.
It's amazing how fast they can shoot these high quality titles when they don't have to make PS3 graphics. Assuming they just started the game after MGS4, June 2008. That is less than 2 years of production. When games like MGS4, GT5, FFXIII takes 3+ years.
These extra time is to make games more visually pleasing. This is why the gaming industry is turning to cheap Wii titles and multiplatform for extra cash.
Perhaps they are able to re-use a lot of the graphics and sound from the existing games? Or perhaps they have been working on the game engine for longer than we think?
So early! This is gonna be a Metal Gear Solid Summer!
isent snake suppose to be dead?
i mean seriously look at him in MGS4 he almost dies so many times than somehow miraculously comes back as fit as a fiddle, rinse and repeat.
makes it extremley hard to believe.
if thats not far fetched than nothing is.
is snake a cat or something?
actually no, must be a hybrid cat or something because hes well past 9 lives by now.
You haven't played many metal gears have you?
Peace Walker takes place directly after Snake Eater and before Metal Gear on the NES. Naked Snake(Big Boss) isn't the same as Solid Snake in MGS1, 2 and 4. Solid Snake is but a clone of Big Boss.
Play all the games. Then you will understand. MGS4 is the latest installment in the time line. Peace Walker takes place many years and many games before MGS4. The old man that died in the very end of MGS4 in the trench coat and cigar, Big Boss/Naked Snake. He is the Snake in Peace Walker. Solid Snake in MGS4 doesn't make an entrance until MGS1 on the PS1.
It's convoluted, I know.
Last edited by Jawknee on 12/4/2009 10:59:23 AM
The controls could still use some improvement(no aiming down the sights or crawling, really?)but over all I can't wait for this game.
I've only played the Japanese demo, I hope David Hayter returns as Snake.
Last edited by Jawknee on 12/4/2009 10:36:59 AM