For a while now, we've been hearing that Sony has a plan to make all UMD titles compatible with the all-digital, UMD-less PSP Go. Every solution we've heard sounded relatively complicated but perhaps this is the real solution…
Rather than do anything too fancy, why not just release a UMD add-on for the new portable for those who wish to upgrade while still being able to play all their current and old PSP games? Okay, so it seems to defeat the purpose and only adds another cost on top of the questionable $250 price tag, but it does make some sort of logical sense. According to CVG , an inside source claims that Logitech is now in the process of making this UMD drive peripheral for the PSP Go. We still don't know when it'll be ready or how much it will cost, but the source does say "that it'll make the PSP a little bulky." Logitech's UK office issued a statement that they don't know anything about it, but also added that Logitech US might be working on it without their knowledge. The guess is that any UMD drive would insert into the unit's memory stick port, but it's all just theory and speculation for now (and Sony is guaranteed to issue their standard "no comment on rumor" reply). The only question now is, what PSP owner is going to pay to upgrade to the PSP Go, and then pay more money to add a UMD drive…?
And let's not forget that both the PSP-4000 and PSP2 are so-called foregone conclusions at this point. The handheld rumors are getting awfully sticky right now so it's tough to pick out the most reliable pieces of information, but it's still quite interesting. Maybe a UMD drive is the only way to go for previous PSP owners.
so 250 for the psp go plus maybe 100 to 150 dollars for the umd drive, i prefer to buy my son a ps3 so he can leave mines alone. i still own psp 1000 and my son has god of war slim psp it still gets the job done.
$150?! Where did that number come from? I would expect something more like $50. An entire PSP-3000 is $160.
Whats the difference between the PSP4000 and PSP2 ?
well, thats a hard question. they're both so similar, they both dont exist… the list goes on.
I don't know!! What is the difference between the PSP4000 and PSP2 ?
3998….but hey! I'm sorry moving on.
Kind of defeats the point of making the point making the PSP-Go, no?
EXACTLY what I said in my head!!!
These strategist at Sony are slackin. They should've went all-in with DL PSP2 or not try DL at all. Anyone with sense saw this coming. They basically killed the PSP Go! by splitting its own market!!!
The one thing I could see making this add-on useful is if you could use it to copy your old UMDs to the Go's internal storage…but that seems unlikely.
What a joke. I got my 2000 and it's just dandy. Why on earth would i drop $250 to 'upgrade' to a device that's less capable than it's predecessor? Jeez, with a UMD drive add on I bet the 'Go' will be even bulkier than the old model. This… makes no sense to me. Sony, I love ya, but wtf?
Last edited by gumbi on 12/2/2009 11:49:28 AM
Sony said they were aiming at new buyers and maybe 1000 owners. Some one like you were never expected to upgrade.
I'd rather see a way to rip UMD's into digital files. This is a bad idea.
They should've just released a psp 4000 with a lot of internal memory so you would have a choice of which format you wanted the game in.
Sony PSP is becoming the new Sega Genesis with all these useless new versions and upgrades.
Right. Don't hand out free software to convert your old UMDs to digital, charge through the teeth for an add-on. Gosh… PSPGo is starting to look like the M$ division of Sony.
If this story is true, then Sony doesn't know if they're coming or going with the PSP-Go.
Everyone keeps directing their criticism at Sony. Isn't Logitech a 3rd party accessory developer?
I think the criticism is directed at Sony because of their failure to provide a proper solution to this UMD problem. So now we're faced with a 3rd party developer seizing an opportunity to fill a need that Sony isn't addressing.
Its a bad idea by Logitech so why is everyone complaining. All I see this doing is pushing Sony to get on a solution quicker.
Last edited by Jawknee on 12/2/2009 3:30:17 PM
PSP is perfect without, just wished some publishers supported downloads a bit more
stupid move to make it more stupid.
My ribs hurt from laughing after reading this.
Are you telling me they wasted months, maybe even years, of research and development time to produce a discless gadget, only to have to then produce an add-on to give it the one feature that was taken away?
What they should do is just offer to take back all the PSP-GO's and trade them for a regular PSP instead of manufacturing MORE sh*t add-ons!
Last edited by bearbobby on 12/2/2009 3:41:53 PM
Maybe if you bash it with all your might it'll Go away?!.It sucks though when costumers have more options.
It sucks when resources are wasted to bring customers redundant options. People are buying an add-on to make their "GO" have the same functionality as a regular PSP, yet will have payed more than $100 extra for the "option."
It's nice that Sony wants to try new things, but it wasn't the UMD's themselves that were the problem, it was the price. They're trying to go digital and people aren't ready to give up their physical media.
Just NO.
I mean, NO!
I can't believe that no one gave this idea a big fat "Epic Fail!". Who the heck is going to buy an add-on accessory for a supposedly portable gaming device? Not to mention the fact that the PSP Go is already more expensive that a PSP-3000 + 16GB Memory stick combination, and that comes with a build in bloody UMD drive.
Good Lord! Talk about crazy ideas….
Is amazing that people have to bash the go no matter what.Why is having more options a bad thing now?;you could either buy a 3000 or a Go or is Sony sending death threats to every psp owner who doesn't upgrade(AKA downgrading to the haters)to the Go.
Because it's a stupid idea. And for those that buy the add-on, an expensive one. It's stupid to pay $250 for a PSP Go, and then another $50-$100 just to give it the functionality of a regular $170 PSP.
Here buy this car, it has 3 wheels! Very cutting edge, lighter weight, and everyone will look at you! Oh, we'll sell you a 4th wheel if you want the car to stop teetering all over.
Options are great, but stupid options are not.
If you bought one, I hope you like it, but it strikes me as pointless.
or you could release them on memory sticks.
So for around $50 – $100, you can upgrade a $250 PSP Go to the functionality of a $170 PSP3000? Brilliant!
Sorry, sometimes I've just got to laugh.