Over two years ago, PlayStation 3 owners got the unique Eye of Judgment but now, PSP fans will get a shot at the formerly Eye-fueled card battle title.
As revealed by Joystiq , the ESRB has just rated Eye of Judgment: Legends for Sony's portable, which means this bad boy is definitely coming to North America. I've never quite understood the fascination associated with card-playing video games but apparently, Eye of Judgment makes everything feel more absorbing with the benefit of the Eye camera. …obviously, this won't mean much for PSP owners, but I'll just assume there are still plenty of card-battle fans out there. Besides, this means you can play the game without any cards in your hands, and let's face it, that ought to speed things up a bit. There's also the distinct possibility that Yu-Gi-Oh! aficionados have had to graduate to something else, and games like this are bound to appeal to that niche group. I will say it would probably be more appealing if you had friends to play with; the one-player "battles" might get a bit boring and somewhat repetitive. Multiplayer is likely preferable.
But that's why they're called "niche" games. For those who love 'em, there's nothing better.
Related Game(s): Eye of Judgment: Legends
BTW, if anyone still needs/wants an Playstation3 Eye, I found a great clearance deal on it with the first PS3 "Eye of Judgment" game bundle pack.
The bundle includes the Playstation Eye, the PS3 E.O.J. game, E.O.J. software, a 9 foot gameboard floor mat, a starter deck of cards(30 summoning & 4 function cards), and a booster pack of 8 randomly sorted summoning cards.
And it's only $19.99 at Toy R Us
Hell, even if you don't want the game, the PS Eye sells for about double the price of this game bundle alone.
"Happy hunting"!!!!!
where do you see that? in a particular store, or online?
I managed to get all that at Walmart for $29.99 almost a year ago. If you can find it anywhere, it should be cheaper than buying the Eye alone.
i bought that same bundle @ kmart for 20 bucks
I want to try the original EOJ but CH1NOOK told me "good luck finding the cards". To wich I responded "$%^#@% ^%$ ##@*& %#@%!!!" *Ahem .So ya. Still want to try it out though.
lol, didn't mean to discourage you. I just dowloaded the set three add on and haven't been able to find any of the set three cards. Now it seems like all the cards are dissapearing except for on E-bay. I enjoy the game, I just feel as though Sony dropped the ball on this one.
Here's a moral question for you..if a person can't find the cards and the game doesn't seem to be supported anymore, is it okay to download them?
Lol, well CH1NOOK, I wouldn't have a moral objection to it if that were the case, but don't the cards contain chips? or is it just a holographic type barcode?
*EDIT* OK I get it "matrix code" on each card.
Last edited by LowKey on 12/1/2009 6:11:10 PM
Personally, I think if you paid Sony/the developer for the expansion pack, downloading the cards is entirely reasonable, especially if you can't find them in stores.
You'd be short-changing Wizards of the Coast, but since you aren't actually getting the real cards, do you really owe them anything?
I'm not a collectable card guy, though, so I don't know about the etiquette in those circles vis-a-vis "buying" superior decks.
wait wat about the psp camera
I just bought the bundle right at one of the Toys R Us brick & mortar stores over in Southern New Jersey.(they only had 4 left).
BTW, it was an un-advertised item sitting low out of the way, on the PS3 rack.
But I would expect that they'll still probably sell fast if seen, just because the PS Eye being included in the package(that's the very reason why I bought it too).
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/30/2009 11:09:42 PM
Funny write up John!