The PSP Go is on store shelves for the very first time today in Japan, and you can bet that most new owners are anxiously awaiting Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker .
Of course, North American gamers are certainly excited about Kojima's new portable MGS production; the entire world is eagerly anticipating the final product. But in the meantime, we can always have the benefit of a demo to tide us over…unfortunately, while the Japanese demo has already been confirmed, we really weren't sure if we'd see an English version. However, according to the Kojima Productions blog page of Christine Kogure , "the fully localized English version of the playable demo" will indeed exist at some point; it's only a matter of when. Her post reads:
"I was actually lucky enough to receive mine as a gift from a friend and I have Peace Walker running on it right now. The screen is slightly smaller, but it's brighter and more vivid so you can see more of the finer details. The game and its visuals are looking great and we can hardly wait to bring you the fully localized English version of the playable demo!! We hope you are just as excited about playing it when it's released."
Oh, I imagine the MGS fans will be as excited. They're definitely loyal. It'll be interesting to see how the PSP Go fares in Japan, too; early sales in this country are a bit of a mystery so far; Sony claims they're just fine while other sources say sales are slow. Well, a game like Peace Walker is sure to liven up those numbers a bit, right? Heck, even the demo could spark a PSP Go sales spike; awesome demos have the power to do that, remember.
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
I downloaded the Japanese demo from the store last night. It's different then the demo IGN was offerng a month or so ago. Gotta love the japanse PSN. Can't wait for an English demo.
My biggest fear about this game was that the controls wouldn't be as good as MGS4. But for the most part they seem to work well. But….theres no aiming down the iron sights. No first person aiming? Wahhhhh????
They should change that before release.
I didn't know a different demo was available on jp psn.. Thanks!
Oh, there's a separate one now? Sweet, gotta try it out.
Just curious, can you download psp demo's and play them on the ps3?
Unfortunanlty no.
I think Sony is forcing me to buy a PSP. I'd rather not spend the money on one right now, but I really want to play this game.
Good demo yes, i downloaded it via japanese store as i do with most demos. But i've never like any of the Metal Gear controls on the PSP. If the PSP has dual analogue sticks it would make it alot more interesting if you ask me.
I like to walk in peace.
Just bought my PSP-3000 (Gran Turismo version) for games like Assassin's Creed and MGS: Peace Walker.
I'm still waiting for Kojima to implement his "everyone would want a PSP after this concept".
I think the PSP Go will sell well in a place like Japan who is defiantely loyal to Sony and PlayStation, not too mention they have smaller hands, I am a proud owner of a Go, and have nothing but love for it, and I just cant get over that BT tethering, it makes me giddy.
release another GOW, or syphon filter on the psp than will talk.
till then, cheerio.
this is the true MGS5 that should be made for PS3, what a shame! I am not that excited about Raiden (hence not thrilled about Rising, even not thrilled about the look of the Raiden, I dont like machines), he is just a side figure, Snake and the saga of Boss, BigBoss, Ocelot, Grey Fox, Otacon, Zero etc are the true souls of MGS, i dont know how I am gonna "un-stuck" my mind out of this legend to fit in a new MG direction.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 11/3/2009 12:01:54 AM