We still want a new adventure for the PlayStation 3, but we can live with a PSP/PS2 installment. After all, we've been waiting for this duo to reunite for over seven years.
Now, the last time we even saw Jak was four years ago when Jak III launched for the PS2, and the last time we saw his lil' buddy was when Daxter released for the PSP. So it makes perfect sense that the two should come back together in a game that will be available on both the PSP and PS2, and it is known as Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier . The good news is that the wait is almost over: according to the PlayStation Blog , the game will be on store shelves on November 3. And if you're the proud new owner of the PSP Go, feel free to play it on your miniature technological wonder, but even if you only have an older PSP iteration, you can still play it. No worries. Or maybe you haven't upgraded to the PS3 just yet – we have no idea why – and you need it on the PS2; either way, you have no excuse to avoid The Lost Frontier . We're hoping it turns out to be great fun for the fans and if it's successful, perhaps we'll see a new title for the PS3 at some point in the future…
For now, of course, Naughty Dog is basking in the glow of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , which should blaze up the sales charts this week.
Related Game(s): Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Hmm I gotta think about what system I should get it on ps2 (60gb ps3) or psp.
Last edited by Cpt_Geez on 10/10/2009 11:02:10 AM
I wish naughty dog would of made it. I just hope its gonna be like jak 1-3. Oh and i heard the games gonna be 50% gameplay, 40% on that plane thing and shooting people down and 10% minigames and etc.
I'll wait for psxextreme's review
I don't think Ben noticed my preview. This game has little chance of turning out great. Or good. Move on, guys. This franchise is dead. It should've never been given another last-gen attempt.
Yeah, really harsh 🙁
You make it sound like as if, if this game bombs, the entire franchise is gone, kaput. We obviously haven't your review yet, but it's probably not going to be on the positive side 🙁
It's dead to last-gen. It should've been brought to the PS3. By Naughty Dog. After Uncharted 2.
This game probably will suck like you said.
But Jak & Daxter will always rock 😉
Arnold, are you planning on looking at the PS2 version, just in case it's better?
Judging from your specific criticisms, that seems unlikely, but you never know.
Dont say that, man! the game may suck but my buddies will come back from naughty dog and kick ass!
@Fane: Remember that the PSP-to-PS2 port of Size Matters was extremely buggy. I know The Lost Frontier is being developed for both platforms simultaneously, but I'm expecting the PSP version to be superior. That is, of course, unless the camera's still botched in the final release, in which case controlling Jak will probably be easier/less headache-inducing on the PS2 (second analog stick FTW).
I wish this game wsa on ps3 though 🙁 and nd developed it 🙁
dont we all my friend dont we all
goddammit what the hell is up with developers only making games for ps2 and psp…they did this with motorstorm:arctic edge too…this rly sucks
Ever since day one when this was announced I was so disappointed that it was not being developed by Naughty Dog.
I had a bad feeling in my stomach that it was going to epicly fail…and sort of stab all hardcore Jak & Daxter fans in the heart.
I mean hell previews all over the place are saying it isn't that great…I don't see how it's possible the reviews will be great. I doubt they'll be able to fix up anything during now to the release date.
If it was Naughty Dog on the other hand…and somehow…(JUST SOMEHOW) the game turned out to be bad during the preview…they would be able to fix all the problems from then to the release date and make it even better.
I'll still be getting this…just because I'm a loyal Jak & Daxter fan and have always wanted another Jak & Daxter after beating 3. Jak Racing was good and all…but that doesn't count since it was more of a spin-off.
im still going to give it a try, most of the time problems mentioned in previews are ironed out in review codes.
than you have games like mercenaries 2.
i remember reading a preview of it on IGN like 9 months before it came out and like 3 months before it was suppose to.
and he bagged on like 12 bugs or issues with the game, a few months later it was delayed than the review came out.
and did they fix 1 of those problems?
what the ^%$# is the point of delaying a game by a few months if your not going to fix any of the issues with the game?
and that my friends is why im not buying the saboteur.
LOL @ _ _ _ _ _. Ai, never had a chance to rip the series :'-( How did ND lose rights to this again? And LMAO @ Arnold, you rock, man! No ball sucking tho. . .
The next Jak and Daxter game(the one after The Lost Frontier of course) would definitely benefit from this one.
And it's quite obvious that one is going to be on the PS3