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Valkyria Chronicles 2: Fan Q&A, Multiplayer Confirmed

The original Valkyria Chronicles managed to garner many fans worldwide, and while some were a little disappointed that the recently announced sequel would be exclusive to the PSP, Sega has stuck to their guns and explained that decision time and time again.

They do so again during a Q&A over at the PlayStation Blog , and they answer a few other pressing fan questions, too. There is also the multiplayer confirmation that is bound to intrigue fans of the first Chronicles but in response to the common question, "What made you decide to develop the official sequel for Valkyria Chronicles on the PSP?" the reply was interesting. The reason actually centered on the Canvas graphics system and the BLiTZ combat system; the team wanted to update these features for the sequel – most specifically, the battle system – and add in co-op play and wireless play, so they figured the PSP was "the perfect platform to take advantage of that." In regards to whether or not the series will return to the PS3, this was the answer:

"We’re still developing Valkyria Chronicles 2 so, to be honest, we’re not really thinking about Valkyria Chronicles 3, 4 or 5 at this point. Just in terms of how our team develops titles and our way of thinking when we choose the platform for each of our titles, it’s not necessarily “let’s make a PS3 game!”. It’s more a case of “what kind of game do we want to make?”. For example, the first Valkyria was on the PS3 because of all the features we wanted to incorporate into the game and we felt the PS3 was the most suitable platform, so that’s how we develop games in our team. So potentially Valkyria Chronicles 3, or another title that we work on next might be on the PS3, it might still be on the PSP, we don’t know at this point.

Because we’ve already got experience of working on the PS3 and now we’re developing another game on the PSP, that just adds to our level of experience and understanding of these platforms and will definitely help us in determining what is the best platform for the next game that we make."

In all honesty, I'm a little miffed that VC2 will only be on the PSP but the bottom line is that developers and publishers don't do things arbitrarily (contrary to popular ignorant opinion). They have their reasons, even if you don't agree with them.

Related Game(s): Valkyria Chronicles 2

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15 years ago

Hmm; can't really understand why they would simply skip VC2 for the PS3; surely they could add those features into VC2 for the PS3 if they wanted too?

The only other "business" reason for doing this is the fact that PSP sales have not been bad considering; and that they feel VC2 (together with Co-Op and other features added) would make for a popular title on the Sony handheld.

It may be that by doing it on the PSP they could popularise it even more… so that future PS3 version sell better… some thoughts.


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 9/25/2009 11:00:47 AM

15 years ago

That is a lame excuse. They built VC2 based on the same gameplay with no multiplayers. Wouldn't it make more sense to have VC on PSP and VC2 on PS3? Just admit that you wanted more sales on PSP before you go onto PS3 again. Sega has been really respectful this generation, don't screw this up. Just do what you do best.

15 years ago

I'm miffed that VC doesn't have Trophies.

15 years ago

If they give us trophies, then I'll give them more of my money by purchasing VC2.

15 years ago

I'm miffed that people whine about the lack of trophies in a game.

15 years ago

@ tes37 – And I'll give them money for VC.

15 years ago

I think they're making a big mistake, and they're really going to hurt their sales by effectively dumping their existing fanbase.

And I even own both PSP and PS3. So it's not like I won't be able to play VC2 because I don't have a PSP. But the whole thing is that PSP games are just not the same as PS3 games. They aren't as great and grand and can't be.

And I really wish the industry would figure this out. You can't treat the PSP as if it were a PS3. You can't take the same game and put it out on both platforms. The PSP is a portable hand held, and the types of games that are fun to play on it are different.

Whenever I see the 'same game' come out of the PSP as on the PS3, I just have to roll my eyes. Who are they kidding? When you try to make the PSP pretend to be a PS3, you're guaranteed to fail. The PSP needs to be its own thing with its own games and its own style.

The PSP needs to be treated as a powerful handheld rather than a gimped console.

15 years ago

Meh. Doesn't matter. If all goes well then they'll probbaly make it a downloadable PSN title. If not, well I have my PSP [which I still have to get used to xD].

15 years ago

why the big fuzz? it's very common. i have VC and enjoyed it much though my RTS gaming skills are suckish. Look, if it wasn't called VC2 I get it. But if that number wasn't on it.. it could had been Valkyria Chronicles The Willie Nelson conflict

We get many shrink handheld titles. Syphon Filter is the big one!! Return to consoles please ???

buy it. enjoy it. there's an anime on VC. people.. have faith

15 years ago

Was hoping for it on PS3 oh well One day I'll play it on psp but right now way to many great games coming for the PS3.