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Speculative Details on Sony PSP2?

So the PSP Go! is upon us, just a mere 10 days left for those who're waiting to get their hands on it. But last night, I got the thinkin' while I was in bed trying to fall asleep. What's in store for the next PSP? Yes, yes I know it's a faux pas to resurrect something that hasn't been discussed in a while, but ever since Sony announced the PSP Go!, talks of a next-generation PSP have seemingly stopped. Why? Clearly the PSP Go! is not the next of kin for the PlayStation handheld business, and an all new PSP is surely in development. And while I've done this before, I believe we have a few new leads for me to dip into and discuss. So let's take some cues from Sony's current business model and make a few logical guesses about what we can expect out of an all new PSP.

For starters, I see the PSP Go! as more of an experiment, rather than a permanent fixture or solution for eradicating a format – the UMD, in this case. Moreover, Sony recently went on record to state that they have no plans to abandon the UMD format, which implies something very crucial for a next-generation PSP. The implication here seems to be that a new PSP would boast both a drive and internal storage space, allowing gamers to physically buy and download games for their handheld unit. This model is much like that of the PlayStation 3, where games that are more simplistic and not necessarily worth pressing onto a disc, bundled with a hard case and color booklet, are made to be downloadable. These downloadable games range anywhere from 100MB to 4GB, and so far it's worked out extremely well for Sony. Best of all, we've had some truly epic gems hit the downloadable front, with Warhawk, WipeOut, and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue leading the way, proving that just because these games are downloadable, does not mean they can't be full fledged titles.

So what does the PSP Go! have to do with anything? As Sony's experiment, the PSP Go! is a unit that will measure the desire and demand from handheld gamers to download their games from an online service, as PlayStation 3 owners have been for the past three years now. If the PSP Go! is successful enough in Sony's eyes, the next-gen PSP will most certainly boast a robust online store with developers given the freedom to publish just as they would on the PS3's store, in addition to still boasting larger, more expansive games on UMDs.

Now, while the current UMD format is good for 1.8GB of storage, an all new PSP would require more storage capacity from its designated format simply due to the increased level of visual quality (larger textures, higher quality sound, higher quality CG cutscenes, etc.). So, I predict a slight boost in storage capacity for the UMD format to give developers more than enough room to cram their larger projects without running into a bottle neck. Again, since Sony doesn't plan to abandon the UMD format, it only makes sense that the next-gen PSP would boast a UMD drive and also allow gamers to download from a store.

As far as network features, 802.11n capability should be a shoe in, as the PSP's current 802.11b capability is dated and an all new PSP could surely benefit from having the most up-to-date networking/WLAN features, especially if online becomes a staple for it. Which brings me to my next point: online gameplay. A vast majority of PSP games are missing online gameplay, because like the PlayStation 2, the online network isn't very solid for the PSP, and developers often complain about developing online gameplay for their PSP games. Expect this to be cleared up and, instead, turned into a major focus for the next-gen PSP – online functionality should be a driving force for this unit.

One of my current beliefs right now is that the reason the PSP Go! exists beyond just being an experiment is because Sony is trying to prove to would-be publishers and developers that the PSP brand is worth it. It's worth it in the sense that it's worth keeping alive and developing for, because there is a userbase and there is potential for profit. But thanks to a grueling 2008 where the PSP faltered in the United States and other parts of the world (excluding Japan), Sony may be having a hard time convincing developers/publishers to start some preliminary work on next-gen PSP games. Surely there's a prototype or concept of the all new PSP somewhere within the confines of Sony, and as promising as this concept may be, a developer/publisher will not want to take a risk on a brand that has taken a hit to its image and does not boast a very active userbase. So here comes 2009, or 'the Year of the PSP', as Sony has billed it numerous times. It's time to rebuild the PSP brand and wake up a sleeping userbase, as well as entice new owners to join with a PSP Go!, Gran Turismo, MotorStorm, SoulCalibur, Jak and Daxter, God of War, Crisis Core: FFVII, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, various bundles, and much more. Before we can actually see this all new PSP come to life, Sony needs to bring the current one back into the limelight, giving prospective developers/publishers incentive to create for the next-gen iteration.

Now, a frequently rumored aspect of the all new PSP has been a touch screen. With Apple sitting on a cash cow, thanks to the iPhone/iPod Touch and the horde of touch-based games available for the units, Sony will very likely want to approach their new online model in a very similar manner. I do expect some touch screen functionality, likewise I also expect a plethora of simplistic games to take advantage of that functionality, as well. Whether or not anyone with programming skill will be allowed to publish their interactive titles is up in the air. But with the recent push of games like LittleBigPlanet and ModNation Racers, it seems likely that Sony will allow regular folk like you and I to publish our own creations, right?

Now, despite a touch screen, what I don't expect is the removal of conventional buttons. Quite frankly, I still see games on an iPhone/iTouch as a novelty that aren't very refined and, quite often difficult to control. Buttons are still a necessity, and for the all new PSP I expect two new buttons (most likely added as additional buttons near the shoulder), as well as a second analog stick. Numerous PSP games with complicated control schemes have shown us that a second analog stick is a must, and we're sure Sony knows this and is listening.

So, when can we expect all of this? Not for a while. Definitely not at next year's E3, that'd be way too soon, considering the launch of the PSP Go!. I'd say an all new PSP won't be announced until the next Tokyo Game Show in 2010, with a release aimed at sometime in 2011, possibly the first quarter.

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15 years ago

Dang it Arnold now the possibilities seem endless for a next gen PSP handheld, the sheer mention of which has me salivating ^_^ the PSP GO! Did strike me as an odd direction but when I look at it as a prototype for a few new functions it makes a lot of sense (though the price never will) thanks for shedding some light on the possibility ^_^

15 years ago

Certainly an interesting thing to think about. I was disappointed when the PSPgo was 1st announced since I was waiting and hoping for a PSP2. However I've come to terms with it and see it as a blessing in disguise since it now allows for more time to pass until the new true PSP thus insuring a greater potential for next generation technology. My biggest worry is Sony putting too much importance on apps. I want the new PSP to be very similar to the PSP (I really do love the feel and controls of my PSP1000) but obviously more advanced graphically.

15 years ago

I'd like to reiterate if you give me a thumbs down you have a small wiener and pale skin.

15 years ago

PSP2 will only survive if Sony utilizes the power of a mini Blu-Ray Drive.

15 years ago

The original Piano Black PSP is a very good unit. It feels extremely solid and robust, and for an adult, the size is right. My fear about the Go is that the controls on the smaller unit may cramp my hand.

15 years ago

does a thumbs down bother u?
i usually give thumbs up to people.
i dont give a thumbs down just cuz i disagree with a person. that's just me though.

15 years ago

No it doesn't, but it should bother those with small wieners and pale skin.

15 years ago

PSP go is already a failure and its not even out yet. Frankly whoever is dumb enough to pay Sony $250 deserves to get ripped off and the only thing you doing is enabling Sony to charge outrageous prices cuz they know dumb people will buy it.

How is it that a UMD-less PSP cost more when it's cheaper to make, and to top it off the digital downloads of the same UMD games cost more than the physical copies in the stores.

15 years ago

16gb really? failure
I like I'll be waiting for this since theres alot of downloads for this.
…..and I've already games that can't fit on the psp 3000

15 years ago

Lord think of the PSPgo as an experiment. Sony is still keeping the PSP3000 afloat becuase it offers a different style of gaming.

15 years ago

The PSP go is a good investment for those who misplace their UMDs.

15 years ago

"whoever is dumb enough to pay Sony $250 deserves to get ripped off"

does this mean im smart cuz i bought a underpriced ps3 at $600 and a underpriced ps3 slim at $300? since sony lost money on both those products?

how bout all those people who bought a apple iphone at launch with a $600 price tag? its just a phone?

what if i buy a car that cost $300,000 as oppose to a car that cost $15,000? after all, they both carry on the same main function: driving

im just trying to say u buy the products u want to buy, regardless if its under or overpriced. doesnt make anyone smart or dumb.

"only thing you doing is enabling Sony to charge outrageous prices cuz they know dumb people will buy it"

this is similar to 'supply and demand' concept.
its the consumers freedom of choice of what they want to do with their money. thats all.

Last edited by kreate on 9/23/2009 4:24:25 PM

15 years ago

How can you even compare buying the PS3 when it first came out for $600 to the PSP go for $250?

First the PS3 was a whole new system with new features and the next gen. PSP go is just a redesigned psp with out the UMD, does the same things, is not next gen, cost them less to make, yet your paying more than the current cost of PSP 3000. how does that make any sense to any consumer, especially now a days.

As far as your apple iphone comment. pffft… the last time i used anything apple was back in the 80's and early 90's on those green screen computers. apple has always been over priced for no reason, yet sadly apple continues to make money and charging their high prices cuz for whatever reason people seem to love them.

15 years ago

ur kind of missing the point but that's cool.

according to ur logic, anyone who buys a psp go at $250 are just plainly dumb.

15 years ago

Interesting thoughts indeed Arnold – but why the prediction of a launch during first quarter (of 2011)? In my opinion that sounds like the least likely quarter, simply cause *nothing* of importance is released during that quarter…

15 years ago

What?!. I hope ur talking hardware wise. Haha

15 years ago

I don't like the name "psp 2". I think sony should just name the next iteration as psp. But of course name code it as "psp 2", like how they name code current psps as 1000, 2000, 3000 and go.

15 years ago

I have no real interest in the Go. My 2000 has been treating me great and the Go just has nothing to compel me to drop $250 on a different model. I don't even think of it as an upgrade, it's just different.

Now PSP2, this would grab my attention. Provided Sony takes some queues from the gamers. It NEEDS dual analog, and lots of internal storage. If they can make MP3 players with 100+ Gb of storage, surely Sony can think of something to give us more with the new PSP.

As for disc media, I suppose they could go with a UMD upgrade to a higher capacity. It would be easier to keep backwards compatibility with original PSP games. However, am I out of line in hoping for a MiniBD? If you can cram 25-50Gb on a regular BD imagine the possibilities PSP2 could have with a miniBD. I guess the R&D to make that happen could skyrocket the price of the new hand held, but one can hope.

15 years ago

Good article, I agree with most of your points. The online multiplayer probably will be the big feature of the next PSP. If they release it at a reasonable price point (unlike the Go), it could have the potential to do pretty well.

15 years ago

A psp is still on my shopping list, I'll probably go w/last UMD models since they'll probably go down in price w/the release of the Go! As far as PSP2, it would depend on the price and on the compatibility with psp games.

15 years ago

makes sense ben. somehow, the psp go just doesn't seem to equate in my mind. it doesn't fit into the biggr picture but the psp3000 does. i still dont hav a psp and am content. i still dont feel i need one. the ds is great, and im hapy with it and my ps3.

15 years ago

Pss…change the name from Ben to Arnold, hurry up before he finds out…

15 years ago

Any new PSP should support PS2 software much like the original PSP supports PS1 software. Especially if PS2 and DC titles come to PSN.

15 years ago

I reckon Sony will want to continue the path they've taken with the original PSP. Offering the best technology possible currently for a handheld. I expect not only PS2 graphics with the new PSP2 but close to PS3 graphics. The technology will be there in 3 years.

15 years ago

Oops. Don't know why that posted 3 times.

That seems to be the next logical step. Some PSP titles already look close to PS2 graphics.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/23/2009 10:14:58 AM

15 years ago

You know there is an edit function, right? Quick, go change the other two so it looks like you had three deep thoughts:)

15 years ago

You can't edit your comment once you navigate away from the page. My Safari browser crashed ad I had to restart my phone. So can't edit. 🙁

admin, do your stuff.

15 years ago

Don't see this happening since even the PS3 has technical challenges running PS2 games well.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 9/23/2009 10:36:59 AM

15 years ago

The PS3s that have technical issues with PS2 software, are they limited to the PS3s that came with the software emulators or does it include the 60gb models with the emotion chip set aswell? I don't recLl any problems playing PS2 games on my 60gb model.

15 years ago

60GB PS3s and the 80GB systems with BC use either full or partial hardware to achieve the compatibility. In both cases the GPU from the PS2 is present in hardware form. The problem with emulating the PS2 is that the GPU in the PS2 was a very special piece of hardware that was capable of moving data around far, far faster than people think. It's not possible for the RSX in the PS3 to match that capability, which makes software emulation of the PS2 Graphics Synthesizer difficult. The PSP doesn't have anything even close to the power of the PS3, even a more capable PSP2 design would fall far short of the PS3. I just don't see that emulation happening unless Sony takes the drastic step of designing certain capabilities into the PSP2 specifically to assist with that emulation.

15 years ago

If it were me designing this beast, it would be thus <wish list mode>….

CPU – Mobile version of Cell BE with less cache, and only 4 SPEs, clocked at 500MHz, it would still be a powerhouse. Incorporate the original MIPs core as a service processor (also running the OS), and to provide for PSP compatibility.
GPU – one of nVidia's mobile efforts, it doesn't have to be stellar, since the screen will only be double the PSPs original screen resolution. Must be capable of emulating the original PSP GPU in software.
RAM – Embarrassing as it is, I'd drop in 512MB of RAM. Yes, this is as much as the PS3, but memory is cheap, and a very effective way to help performance.
Onboard storage – 16GB of Flash
LAN – 802.11n/g/b with WPA2
Other features – Bluetooth (can operate as a PS3 controller), touch screen, second analog stick, second set of shoulder buttons, two memory stick slots. Integrated multi-mega pixel camera.

There will be two versions – with and without UMD. The PSP will come with some mobile productivity apps to allow it to double up as a PDA. The PSP2 will not be a cell phone, but may use Bluetooth to integrate with compatible cell phones.

PSP2 will be 100% backwards compatible with the original PSP. The game library problems that the PSP faced will not be repeated. PSP2 will be even more secure than the current PSPs. Battery life will be as good or better than the current PSP, and a fuel cell power unit will be an option. The battery will not be able to push the PSP into service mode.

15 years ago

Ur a genius

15 years ago

Ooops, forgot to add. Screen – OLED with twice the resolution of the original PSP. No backlight required since the screen itself is an LED screen. The very thin OLED screen will use less power and less room, allowing the PSP2 to be thinner, and yet still have good battery capacity.

15 years ago

Dude that gave me a nerdgasim, Thank you!

– Id also throw in a gyro and accelerometer aswell for extra functionality, aswell as rumble. That way it could truly work as a PS3 DS3/Sixaxis Controller.

Last edited by nickert0n on 9/23/2009 12:47:49 PM

15 years ago

The screen should be native 480p (maybe 576p), so it can run pixel-perfect PS1, PS2 (?), and PSN games as well as DVD-quality video without the problems related to scaling.

Otherwise, I agree wholeheartedly.

15 years ago

Idk a psp2. I'm not expecting that till 2012 because come on 3 years I nothing even though it has acccomplish a lot in such a short amount to time…..but u really think sonny should rush the psp2 for 2010 I say hell nol et psp library be equivilant or at least like the ps2s library till I see a psp2 cause come on the grandaddy games haven't even been realease like final fantasy agito 13 kingdom hearts birth by sleep or metal gear solid peace walker…..saying that its coming in 2010 is absurd and really really unlikely in my opinion

15 years ago

i don't really see a point to having a camera in the psp2 i prefer that as a add-on since it'll just drive up cost even more and i doubt much people will use it seeing most people who have cellphones with cameras.but everything else sounds good.

Also i don't believe the psp2 should not aim for the best hardware possible instead they should just maximize the potential of[psp2] while keeping the price low enough for consumers so it'll be a hit.

Last edited by huh1678 on 9/23/2009 11:10:00 AM

15 years ago

An add-on would be nice – if they'd release it. I've been waiting for the PSP Go Camera for two years and it seems that SCEA doesn't give a crap. No GPS add-on in the US either, which is ironic considering that the GPS add-on is available in Japan, Europe and other parts of the world, but not here in the US, the country that makes the whole GPS thing possible.

15 years ago

I predict the PSP2 will be…a cellphone. No, really. It's going to happen at some point…

15 years ago

Personally,i could care less,about all the things/features you guys have listed.

the only thing it needs is a second analog stick period….

15 years ago

I heard that the psp2 is gonna have xbox like graphics. But if they think PSP Go! is going to actually compete against the DSi and Ipod Touch , they should be really ashamed, atleast they should have added touch screen or a camera on the back. Hopefully this is just a PSP that will be in between the PSP Slim and the PSP2. If they are going to release a PSP2 i think they'll probably announce it at E3 next year cause if it was going to be announced this year rumors would be going crazy and it would take away customers from the PSP Go!. I would like to the PSP2 with a Camera, Touch Screen, 2 slide out analog sticks, the standard X,O,square,triangle buttons,plus mini blu-ray,1080p video output, an accelerometer, bluetooth, Wifi,GPS, Sirius XM, HD Radio, and 2 GB of Preloaded Memory, and up to 64GB of expandable memory. For that i would pay $300.There were also rumors that have died that Sony Ericsson and Sony Computer Entertainment were in talks of making a PSP Phone. Which would really make a big competition against Apple. I know Sony has something coming up their sleeves and I can't wait.

Last edited by Lilwill on 9/23/2009 9:51:28 PM

15 years ago

larger screen.
touch screen.
lighter than the 3000.
second nub.
2 extra shoulder buttons.
customizable covers in your choice of color.
16GB built in memory, upgradable to 32GB with memory stick.
games available off memory stick or PSN store.
many more games, ports of ps3 games to psp.
with a price tag of 400 AUD.
thats all i want, sony make it happen and you got yourself another 400 bucks.
but i wont hold my breath.