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Fat Princess PSP To Feature “50% More Content”

Fat Princess is one of the PS3's best and pretty soon, it will also become one of the PSP's best.

The game that got some over-sensitive feminists a bit miffed – can't satisfy 'em when the women in games are too thin; can't satisfy 'em when they're fat…big damn surprise – is going portable, and according to Joystiq , Sony says it'll boast "50% more content" on the PSP. Apparently, this is due to the addition of all-new game modes that weren't featured in the PS3 version, "including one where the class hat generators are busted at the beginning of the match and must be repaired using resources before they can be used." Then there's another mode where the Princess is non-existent and players are focusing on something a bit more deadly: a bomb. You have to deliver it to the opposing teams' castle (and there may be a time limit, so if you can't make it, the thing blows up in your castle). In the end, Sony is calling Fat Princess PSP "Fat Princess 1.5," as it also has "an expanded single-player component, a new map and the aforementioned new modes." Maybe this is why it has a brand new title on the PSP: Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake . Or, maybe it's just because there will be more…um…fistfuls of cake.

There is no official release date attached to this handheld iteration just yet, but we assume it'll be ready to go before the end of the year.

Related Game(s): Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake

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15 years ago

first! lol sorry. fat princess was one of the year's major highlights for me so i'll be definitely be picking this one up.

Last edited by furbiesmustdie on 9/19/2009 10:56:28 AM

15 years ago

WOW…I didn't even hear about this going to the PSP. This just made my day. Can't wait to get my hands on it. I mean I don't have a PS3 yet…but I do have a PSP which receives my absolute love for it every hour of the day. (besides sleeping)

15 years ago

Dude i felt the exact same way in 2006, my PSP gets all my attention, although my PS3 gets some attention, just not as much, i carry my PSP everywhere, especially school, we all know why. But for those out there saying no wonder americas youth is stupid, i got all As on my midterm last week.

15 years ago

Seeing how my PS3 is Out of Order this will be nice to have while I wait.

My ? is will it have a multiplayer mode, whether its ad-hoc or infrastructurer doesn't matter to me I just want to know?

15 years ago

It better have infrastructure, and the ability to play with the PS3 big boys, lol

15 years ago

That would be really interestin, and the PSP version has more content then the PS3 version, so they should be compatible. That would be a huge selling point for alot of people, including me, im buying it anyways. Any word on price?

15 years ago

"one of the PS3's best" ? Uh no.

15 years ago

One of the PS3's best DOWNLOADABLE title.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Awww what. They should of done this in the first place actually. The game is always fun to play but can get repetetive in 1/2 an hour.

Also sometimes knowing I'm playing against mostly computers kills will to keep playing: this is because damn the lack of players >=[. Let's not forget that Fat Princess has network faults with certain people. The point is Since PSPs would probably have less online players and a shitter connection, I don't see why they aren't going to add this upgrade to PS3 version. Or even just concentrate on staying with PS3 at all. This type of game WOULD fit with the PSP more though.

Epic title btw.

15 years ago

Very long, boring online fights. Was let down big time. When I saw ghe trailer months back.. guess I missed the part where it says "this game sucks."

15 years ago

I cannot WAIT until i get my PSP… Fat Princess is gonna own… seriously, ''cakey please''

i still have no idea on whether to get a 3000 or a Go… i don't know how much money i'm getting, however, Sony is already giving me a birthday present either way, PSN cards come out on my bday… FTW!!!!!

15 years ago

I just bought a PSP 3000, Go looks great but I was concerned about download only since PSN rarely has sales on games. Disk games are cheap, I got GoW for $5 on Amazon new.
Either way enjoy. Fat Princess should be good and Valkyria 2 will be a day one purchase.

15 years ago

well, the only thing with the 3000 is how you get the UMDs out is like…. well, a bit flimsy, im scared i'll break it, whereas the Go obviously digital. also the download speed, i saw on IGN (i think it was IGN) that the Go is like 10x faster. Disks are cheap which is good… and the graphics are much better than the previous two on the 3000… i just hope i get enough money for the go, cos if i have enough i will get it i think…