When the PSP Go was officially unveiled at E3, the first question that raced through everyone's head was, "what are they going to do about the current PSP-3000?"
Well, we learned that Sony would continue to support that unit in addition to the new digital-oriented handheld wonder, which meant that consumers would have a choice between UMD or no UMD in their portable PSP. However, we are also well aware that Sony probably won't be happy with selling the PSP-3000 forever; hence, there have been several rumors circulating about the PSP-4000. PS3Center reminds us of a tip posted by N4G user "Super_Secret," and it talked about how the new PSP-4000 is indeed in development and it will most certainly include a UMD drive. The reason we're revisiting that tip is because this particular mystery user was right about the PS3 Slim back in June…but then again, a whole lot of people were speculating about the Slim for much of the year, so that's not exactly definitive. It does, however, make sense to assume that Sony would release another PSP model to follow in the 3000 model's footsteps.
There are many who believe Sony will eventually phase out the PSP-3000, though, and simply leave us with the PSP Go once the digital distribution thing has solidified. If this is the case, they wouldn't release another PSP with a UMD drive. Well, what do you think might happen?
Geez. PSP Go! And a PSP 4000? I'm still sporting my original PSP from launch.
Me too 🙂
@Orvisman. I was referring to the PSP Go design when I wrote hybrid (sliding screen). Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Personally I love my PSP 1000 and see no advantage to any new model. They all feel cheap to me.
I hope they wait a good while before releasing a psp 4000. It should be an upgrade like going from ps2 to ps3. With enough new features in it, I could justify buying one even though I've had my current psp 3000 for less than six months.
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it: no second nub (etc.) = no real upgrade = no buy.
You can say it until you're blue in the face Fane. Sony will not add a second analog stick to the PSP until they do a complete new model, and not merely an update (PSP-4000) or shrink (PSP-Go). If they add a second stick now they immediately create a group of 50+ million consumers who now have an obsolete device with no hope of an upgrade, short of a new purchase. Sony may do a lot of foolish things, but I honestly cannot see them doing that.
Gran Turismo 5 and GTPSP using bluetooth connectivity to toss cars between ur games, a psp 4000 comes out with umd and bluetooth… to not leave anyone behind they release a mini usb bluetooth for previous models 😉