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GamesCom 2009: GT PSP Free With Early PSP Go Purchase

Before y'all get excited, this information has only been confirmed for European territories, and we don't yet know if any of this applies to North America.

As announced during Sony's GamesCom press conference, it appears European gamers will soon be getting the option of Turquoise Green, Blossom Pink, and Lilac Purple PSP-3000 units; each will likely come bundled with a game. For example, we know the Turquoise one will come with LittleBigPlanet PSP , and that's an awesome deal! Our host, SCEE's Andrew House, explained that more bundles would be on the way, and then added the best news yet: if you register your sleek new PSP Go between October 1 and October 10, you will receive a free copy of Gran Turismo PSP ! It'll be in digital download form, of course – it's all about digital downloads with the new PSP – and it's fantastic incentive to snag Sony's new handheld iteration early. Essentially, this means that if you're willing to pony up the cash in the first 10 days of availability, you'll get one of the unit's most anticipated titles for free. This is the type of promotion we'd love to see for the PlayStation 3 but for now, we're just hoping this GT PSP deal comes to the US…

We'll let you know but even if it doesn't, you can bet Sony will have some sort of PSP Go incentive promotion for North American gamers. People want as much bang as humanly possible for their buck!

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo PSP

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15 years ago

Oh. My. God.

15 years ago

I know in the US buying Motorstorm PSP off the PSN within 30 days of release you get the pre order bonus free. I was thinking the same would apply for GT PSP. Does anyone know for sure?

15 years ago

Nice incentive to buy a PSP GO! If the offer comes to the USA

Last edited by iGraves1 on 8/18/2009 11:10:47 PM

15 years ago

Was between psp 3000 and psp GO

Now there's no doubt I'm gonna wait for Go
Better screen and all, just a better deal + free GT psp!

Such a great gift right there!

15 years ago

Europe always get's screwed over with pricing, nice to see them actually getting a good deal not seen in other parts of the world.

15 years ago

Awesome deal!!! I am a bit worried that I will not know how to register my psp go when i get. Can someone give me a brief explanation as to how I would register my psp go!

15 years ago

You send in the registration card that comes with the system.

I also think you can do it over the customer service line too.

15 years ago

thanks Orvisman.

15 years ago

i hope sony doesn't give us the shaft ugh.

15 years ago

I was hoping for a price drop on the GO as well. I kind of would rather pay $50 more and get another PS3.

15 years ago

i'll get a PSP Go if there is an incentive for me to. some kind of extra given.