It's still early on in the conference and we're anticipating the big announcements, but for now, they've lifted the lid on the Digital Reader for the upcoming PSP Go.
Ira Rubenstein from Marvel Entertainment took the stage and introduced this interesting handheld service: essentially, PSP Go users will be able to download entire comic books directly to the screen before them, and the trailer that followed said, "Hundreds of comics on the PlayStation Store. Downloaded directly to your PSP." The slick interface will allow you to browse through the comic frame by frame, and although this may sound a little weird, it should look pretty damn cool. Then, House returned and unveiled the "Minis" section exclusively for the PSP Go. This section will hold all those "bite-size" pieces of portable software we've been hearing about for some time; these are the same games that, according to a recent Eurogamer report, will be on par with the cost of App Store titles. To be a "Mini," the application must be 100MB or smaller, and House proceeds to show off a trailer that includes a few of these little pieces of entertainment (including a game called Aqua Panic Oasis ). "Minis" will be available the same day as the PSP Go launch, which – if you've forgotten already – is October 1.
Stay tuned as we remained glued to our screens, waiting for what we still consider to be inevitable…
I hope they address the issue we physical media whores are worried about. If we buy a UMD version of the game, can we get a digital copy without paying twice?
I heard that SONY's not going to stop making UMD's, that Sony is going to support the 3000 and the Go.
I heard that SONY's not going to stop making UMD's, that Sony is going to support the 3000 and the Go.
Slim confirmed!
i think they are going to try to faze out the umd's. i'm leanin towards gettin one of these. i hope it's 200 bucks
Same here, It'd be kinda weird buying it now at 249, since for 50 more bucks you could own a PS3, never thought I'd ever say that. HAHA!
HA that is true.
Any word about Japanese manga for the comic book reader?
They said other publishers than Marvel were on the way, so…maybe. I can't see them not including Manga, given how much Japanese people use PSPs on the train. Whether or not we'll have access to them in the West remains to be seen.
OH MY GOSH, the PSP go! sounds amazing.
Like Kevadu woud hope for some manga comics for the psp go. Is there any news on how much the comics wil cost?
Free copy of GT PSP if you register your PSPGO between Oct 1 – Oct 10.
Will all this PSP app stuff still work on old PSPs at least 2000 and 3000 seeing how they have specs save for the screen and size?
"seeing how they have the same specs save for the screen and size (PSPgo)?" Made some corrections
ha-ha my birthday is on the second of October so I'm so on that GT!
and to be honest if you already have the PS3 there isn't much point in getting the slim is there? i mean, the only differences are the personalization and the consumption…
My ass is buying this on day 1!