Heads up, RPG fans; we've got great news: if you never played the original Persona all those years ago on the PlayStation, you will soon have your chance.
And there's more: yesterday, Atlus U.S.A. announced that Shin Megami Tensei: Persona will launch simultaneously at retail stores and via the PlayStation Network on September 22. If you wish to take the trip down to the store, you may as well place your pre-order now; doing so nets you the Collector's Edition boxed set, which includes the full 2-disc musical store from master composer Shoji Meguro. The extra cost for this Collector's edition? Nothing. Nada. It'll still cost you $39.99 and by the way, that's the same price tag affixed to the downloadable version on the PSN. Which will you pick up? Said Tim Pivnicny, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Atlus:
"Over a decade after the game was originally released for PlayStation®, we're proud to be able to deliver a remade, remastered SMT: Persona through the ever-growing PlayStation®Store in addition to traditional retail channels. When the PSP®go System launches in October, customers will immediately be able to load up a digital copy of what promises to be one of the platform's strongest RPG releases of the year. To show our devotion to our fans and retail partners, the UMD release of SMT: Persona will include the game's complete 2-disc soundtrack. This tremendous value is exclusive to the retail version of the game, and only available for a limited time at launch."
Remember, if you want that sweet soundtrack, you'll need to buy the physical boxed set at the store. But if that doesn't really interest you and you just don't feel like going out (which we can understand), than it's good to know Persona will be on the PSN, too. You can expect more titles to have such simultaneous launches in the future; that's for sure.
Related Game(s): Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
great idea i like it i might get this off of psn
nice…now only if i had a psp =( oh wait i will this 25th =D yayyyy haha sorry just excited for the Dissidia bundle =)
so this is a leadup to a next gen Persona 5 right?
I sure hope so. Persona 5 on PS3 would be fantastic. That or PS2 BC so I can play Persona 3 and 4 again.
Video walkthrough of Persona PSP!
It's kind of ridiculous that they're charging just as much for the downloadable version as the UMD version (especially when the UMD version includes the soundtrack…). I suspect this is the result of retailers putting pressure on Sony.
But anyway, I'm really looking forward to this game.
i hope they add a UMD drive add on for the psp go.
or at least provide the games on bloody memory sticks, there still doing it with UMDs why cant they do it with memory sticks?
normal M2 sticks are dirt cheap now, i picked one up for tafe today 16GB for 40 bucks.
Never played any of the persona games unfortunately, this a good place to start?
is the series similar to the likes of FF or something different?
It's the first game in the series so yeah I'd say it's a good start.
meh, I wasn't too thrilled with the first two, I would start with Persona 3 on PS2. It's a bit different from Final Fantasy. I can elaborate if you want.
KuNI, fire up Persona 3. If you like RPGs you'll be awe struck. I promise you that.
WorldEnds, check out the link in Kiryu's post up above. This looks to be a *much* better localization than the original release of Persona got. There are also some nice additions to the game itself in the PSP version.
Chalk up another fail for digital downloads.