Okay, so how anxious are you to learn about the storyline behind Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker ? Don't worry; our main man isn't about to give away the crucial details.
Producer Hideo Kojima performed a reading of the Peace Walker script in the latest HideChan podcast, and designer Shuyo Murata and a few other members of Kojima Productions assisted. Kojima says the script is almost done, as the team has just finished reading through it before handing it over to the voice actors. He does say that the majority of the voice actors have yet to be hired, and he actually asks fans if they have any suggestions for voiceover talent. If you do have a few ideas, though, bear in mind that Snake is already spoken for (me and my horrible puns). Feel free to listen to the entire podcast and don't worry about spoilers; as we just mentioned, the revealing parts of the script have been censored or bleeped-out. For my part, I would rather wait until the game comes out and go in with fresh eyes and ears, but I know how all you die-hard Kojima fans think…you want a taste of Peace Walker now, and this is your perfect opportunity. No, it may not be as long and involved as the storyline in MGS4, but you might be surprised; remember, Kojima says they're designing this game as if it were for the PS3.
We'll certainly keep you updated with anything new concerning Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker . It's one of those games that will make you regret passing on a PSP purchase…
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
mmmmmmmmmmm Metal Gear Solid!
Anyways i actually want a PSP since this game was revealed! cant wait!
u dont have PSP yet? nooooo.lol anyways, i want this game. Gonna get this as a digital Download for my PSP Go! since my PSP 3000 UMD drive crashed. another reason i hate physical media.
Last edited by JMO_INDY on 7/22/2009 9:46:30 PM
i dont have a psp because i cant justify buying a psp for myself since all my gaming is done on my ps3 and when i travel i have to drive so… its not that i have never wanted one, but when i thought about buying one i couldnt justify a purchase. But that all changes now!
I'm way too drunk to comment. I love Metal Gear. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good times, good sir!
haha brilliant!
Like many I'd rather be shocked, surprised, and in awe when the game comes out and I get to experience everything myself.
But it's great to hear that already done with the story 🙂
Should be fun seeing who they hire for specific roles.
Hmmmm I'm more concerned 'but the brand new characters than who they hire to voice them…
We need another Meryl-like babe…I love Meryl
Hate Jhonny, that bastard -_-
Wow, thought the game was further along than that.
"No, it may not be as long and involved as the storyline in MGS4, but you might be surprised; remember, Kojima says they're designing this game as if it were for the PS3."
If only the PSP supported blu-ray…
Or, something along the lines of it.
Now, if only the PSP was the first HD handheld….
Last edited by Victor321 on 7/22/2009 11:26:02 PM
A definate must buy for any fan of the series!
My first Metal Gear Solid game was on the PSP, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. I had never even heard of the series before until a co-worker was playing the game at work and said how good the game was. There weren't many great games out at the time so I decided to give it a shot. I was amazed at how good a PSP game could be. The story was cool, characters were cool (Snake became one of my favorite video game characters, alongside Kratos) and I'll never forget the moment I realized I was fighting a Metal Gear, so tall I couldn't even see the very top of it at first. It was one of the most epic boss battles I had ever played. I quickly became a huge fan of the series, got the collectors set of the first three Metal Gear Solids, and waited for Metal Gear Solid 4. The week I spent playing that game was the most epic gaming I've ever experienced. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is currently my least favorite Metal Gear Solid game, which I think says a lot about the series and how good it is because Portables Ops is a solid game and still ranks among the best PSP titles to date in my opinion. I have high expectations for this game as I think it will surpass Portable Ops in every way, but even if it doesn't, it's freakin' Metal Gear Solid made by Kojima and I know it will be good.
Good to Hear, Man. =)
You're welcome here.
"Hides in cardboard box and sneaks away"
As long as itâs in Kojima's hands this game will not disappoint!
Its ok then aslong as Kojima is in control we got a good game coming are way.
if its anything like MGS4.
im bying a psp for it.
well that is if i havent sold my psp i want for AC bloodlines.
"Kojima says they're designing this game as if it were for the PS3"
Well why don't they make it for the playstation 3 anyway?
Konami would make him put it on Xbox. He no like. Notice Xbox has only gotten Raiden Metal Gears?
But how do we know that? Metal gear solid 4 stayed exclusive to playstation 3.
Kojima never fails…and has definitely never failed me.
My favorite game of the MGS seres was Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops actually. I just absolutely loved the recruitment idea – it was just so unique and neat.
Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Metal Gear Solid 3 were classics as well that I thoroughly enjoyed.
As for Metal Gear Solid 4, well unfortunately I don't have that yet. But I have seen the game in action from start to finish. And from a viewer's standpoint …it is a masterpiece. I can't wait to get it in the new bundle that Best Buy is offering.
Now..Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker – I already know that it's going to be epic and amazing. Why? Because it's directed by Kojima-sama, written by Kojima-sama, and designed by Kojima-sama. There you go…and it's also being developed by most of the MGS 4 team.
Can't wait for this game. ALSO Expect CO-OP in this WOOOO!!!
I listened to it. It sounds awesome! I have no idea what's going on, cause it's all in Japanese, but I'm sure it's awesome!!! I'm going to have to get a PSP for this.
I just wish it WAS for PS3. Why PSP?