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Sony Explains Lack Of Second Analog Nub On PSP Go

We know many of you have looked at the snazzy new PSP Go and asked, "hey…where's the second analog nub? Did they forget it?" Well, no, they didn't "forget;" in fact, Sony says it was definitely a consideration.

If you recall, Kaz Hirai stood on stage during Sony's E3 press conference and explained that this new PSP iteration was a result of feedback from both developers and gamers. But a great many of the latter are a little miffed that there's only one analog nub, so Game Informer asked for a simple explanation. Well, according to President of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida , the "mid-life cycle" of the portable is what prompted the decision. Said Yoshida:

"We also felt – like many users – that we wish we had a second analog on the PSP. But we are talking about the mid-life cycle of this platform, and the PSPgo is designed to be perfectly compatible with the PSP-3000 and all the games that released before that. So we had a very serious discussion about this particular subject, but we decided not to add a second analog, and some of the developers are doing quite a nice job translating the second analog functionality to different buttons. We didn’t want to divert their efforts either."

Well, whether you agree with this or not, Sony can't really go back and change their decision now. Granted, it may be somewhat difficult to get accustomed to, but we'd like to think that the inherent control of the PSP Go will be as sleek as its design. You'll never satisfy everyone when it comes to producing a new handheld device, but you had best hope you'll satisfy a great number of people…and we assume the PSP Go appeals to many.

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15 years ago

I really like to have hard copies of the games I own, I just can't help it! Having to rely on DLC only, with Sony's problems with downloads, just doesn't seem kosher to me.

15 years ago

And back to the discussion at hand, Sony should have more people that are actually PSP gamers to make the decisions on what type of additions should be added to the newer versions of PSP, then possibly we wouldn't be having any discussions about the lack of a second analog nub! And the world would be a happier place!!!