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Saints Row Going Portable On PSP?

The PSP lineup has been expanding at a rapid rate – Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , Gran Turismo 5 , etc. – and another potential blockbuster may find its way into the greedy hands of portable fans everywhere.

Since the release of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the Nintendo DS, fans of open-world sanbox-style games have been wondering when the PSP will have an answer. Well, Rockstar has already insisted that they have no desire to pull GTA off the PSP; therefore, we can certainly expect another entry in that franchise to hit Sony's handheld at some point. But in the meantime, might we be able to anticipate a new Saints Row for the PSP? According to VGChartz citing music site Blabbermouth, Swedish metal band Opeth has made an interesting statement:

"We may not like playing video games all that much, but we do like it when our music is featured on them! Makes us a bit proud, even when it's a game as big as Saints Row for the PSP and even prouder when the nice developer people show excellent taste by picking 'The Lotus Eater' for it. So if you love playing video games, the game is expected to hit the streets around March 2010."

Now, as VGChartz noted, the band may be referring to the currently in-development Saints Row 3 for the PS3 and Xbox 360; they might just have the platform wrong. After all, the band did admit they're not gamers themselves. But even so, it's more than plausible that the franchise will come to the PSP, especially if THQ is looking to expand the consumer base. We'll let you know if we hear anything about a Saints Row for the PSP and if we do, we'll be happy to add it to the portable's ever-brightening lineup.

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15 years ago

The more PSP games the better, even better when it's games that are gta like.

15 years ago

the PSP needs good games. so hopefully this is true.

15 years ago

Didnt they say they were already putting Chinatown Wars on the PSP? Im pretty sure they did.

15 years ago

they did.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Holy smokes! This year by far is making up for the huge lack of stuff to play on the psp! Soon (I think) all major titles will come to the psp somehow and I dare say that only 20-30% will be bad.

15 years ago

dam it now the psp go is looking more and more interesting as the days go by.
but why does every single game have to come out by end of march next year
devs know something i dont?
i cant remember the last year where we had so many games hitting early on into the year, looks like the christmas rush is turning into the new years rush.
looks like some ones going to have to create a new holiday so we can have some time to play these games.

15 years ago

Maybe there targeting kids just getting out of school in late March and to early May? Thats alot of games to last 2 to 3 months until summer. More time spent staying inside the A/C cooled house instead of going outside in the hot and getting physical,thats my guess.

15 years ago

Also targeting that X-Mas cash some kids might get.

15 years ago

"Since the release of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the Nintendo DS, fans of open-world sanbox-style games have been wondering when the PSP will have an answer."

Ummm… The PSP already has Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories.

There is always something in your posts that makes me scratch my head and question your journalism/writing abilities John, or at least your fact-checking abilities.

Then again, maybe I'm being harsh; but as a professional editor/writer myself, I can't help but be critical of your work.

15 years ago

haha,thank you, you noticed that too.

15 years ago

Are you two kidding? It's been well over two years since Vice City stories. What John is saying is where's the love for the PSP. Anyone who loves open-world sandbox games has been sitting there "since the release of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the Nintendo DS" wondering where the heck is the release dates for PSP Chinatown Wars or San Andreas Stories or even a Saints Row?

The fact that you cannot figure out what John is saying proves that you are neither as good a writer/editor as you claim nor are you a good READER. Go toot your horn some place else.

15 years ago

WOW Alienage, freak out why don't you, u obviously dont respect other peoples oppinions.So why dont u keep yours to yourself, and stop hating.If you dont point out whats wrong with their articles, how will they become better journalists, its called constructive criticism 🙂

15 years ago

@ Alienange,

First off, what is with the personal attacks? Did I attack you personally? You are getting pretty defensive about someone you don't even really know.

You aren't projecting on John, Ben, and Arnold that they are your friends are you? If you are, you seriously need to get help.

Secondly, I work for a huge company in NYC, a premier financial institution; and if I wasn't good at my job, then I wouldn't be here.

On top of that, I know how to provide a critical eye, which is what I was doing with my comment.

Finally, the sentence in question is what it is:

"Since the release of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the Nintendo DS, fans of open-world sanbox-style games have been wondering when the PSP will have an answer."

The hallmark of good writing is clarity and specificity, leaving no doubt as to its meaning. The sentence in question accomplishes neither.

Yes, both the PSP games are a tad old; but the fact they are an "answer" to Chinatown Wars is still a valid response. That is a fact, not an opinion like you seem to think. Both games still stand toe to toe with Chinatown Wars.

Ultimately, I questioned whether or not it was bad writing or fact checking, which I notice a lot of in John's articles (This is a fact, not an opinion).

If you don't agree with this, then how can you justify John's statement when Rockstar has ALREADY announced Chinatown Wars is PSP bound.

By the way, if I wanted to be a jerk, which you seem to think in your rather Internet-protected screed (I seriously doubt you would talk to me in person that way because I'd bop you on the noggin'), I would have pointed out that John misspelled "sanbox" [sic] in the sentence in question.

But I didn't because typos happen.

15 years ago

For the record, I was being facetious about the bop on the head. I abhor violence.