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“Main Staff Of MGS4” Working On Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Yes, it's a PSP game. However, it would be a mistake to discount it and assume it can't possibly live up to the expectations of a game like MGS4.

While it certainly can't boast the technical prowess of a PlayStation 3 title, Hideo Kojima promises that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will be a full MGS experience. According to Joystiq , Kojima says "the main staff of MGS4 are working on it," and the master has already said Peace Walker is like "the MGS5 he has inside of him." The team's goal with this PSP production is to aim for PS3 quality, and they will attain this goal by really pushing Sony's portable hardware; "expressing this in ways only we can express it in." And if you're wondering about the base gameplay, Kojima says it'll be "stealth-action based" like other entries in the franchise, and we can also expect some customization for Snake and a "growth feature" that allows your character to "evolve." This latter feature is one we're definitely going to want more information on, primarily because it should serve to enhance the depth. Many are concerned that the limitations of the PSP hardware would hinder Kojima's ability to create something deep and technical, but the day we doubt this guy is the day we stop playing games altogether.

In fact, considering the fact that Metal Gear Solid: Rising should be more action-oriented, the hardcore aficionados might be more interested in Peace Walker . It seems as if it will follow in the well-established tradition much more closely.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

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15 years ago

MGS4 was excellent so there is no reason why Peace Walker shouldn't be just as good.

15 years ago

Peace Walker will kick arse.

15 years ago

i need my metal gear fix. i can't wait till it come out. does anyone know when it's released

15 years ago

"Hallelujah Chorus" plays.

N a S a H
N a S a H
15 years ago

I wonder how big this will be to download onto the PSP Go!

15 years ago

Peace Walker is going to be fantastic to matter what. It will have full voice work right? It would be really awesome if they went back to the WWII era (wait, hear me out) and did the story of The Boss. You could play as her starting the Cobra Unit and even train a young Big Boss. You know when you google "The Boss", Bruce Springsteen shows up. When you google images though, she shows up.

15 years ago

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a runner up for game of the year.

I know I know, but if you think 'bout it, is it really all 'bout the graphics? Sure graphics are nice. But think 'bout this, imagine if the story is so good, so deep, and so incredibly engaging that it even surpasses MGS4?

Trust me, there's no way people will be able to ignore it.

15 years ago

this will be far better than MGR.

I just hope they dump the awful gameplay of P.O.

I hated the team organisation, it was such a hassle for a Metal Gear Game. I'd rather have a solo mission with Big Boss. Also the biggest thing that displeased me about P.O. is that every aera had an A-B objective, it was just a matter of getting from one place to another on the map…. that was it. In all honesty i enjoyed Metal Gear Acid 1 more, well atleast thats what i played the most, i havent touched P.O isnt i beat it, i mainly got it for the story.

But from the trailers it looks good, im really interguied about what they're going to put into this and the boss battles.

15 years ago

"I just hope they dump the awful gameplay of P.O."

you and me both.

15 years ago

What's a "Peace Walker" anyhow?

15 years ago

I'm guessing the codename for the "Metal Gear" that Big Boss want's to develop. Just a guess though.

15 years ago

Need a PSP to play this and I am not buying the go cos it's a smaller screen. So doubt I'll be getting this. I cant handle small handhelds. I find them too small in my hands plus I have bad eyes anyway lol I cant see a tiny screen. I need to play on my 32" tv lol 🙂

15 years ago

then use the component cable feature and plug the psp into your 32 inch tv….problem solved 🙂

15 years ago

We need a dock for the PSP that will allow it to sync with the sixaxis controller and stream the video and audio through the TV or the PS3 itself. Then I will get a PSP and this game!!

Last edited by PS3addict on 7/16/2009 5:26:07 PM

15 years ago

For some reason I want to say that you could play Resistance: Retribution for PSP with a SIXAXIS. Can anyone give me some confirmation on that? I could just be crazy.

15 years ago

Ok…..yeah you can. I'm sure that Kojima will come up with something effective. It looks to me like it plays alot like Snake Eater. Time will tell my friends.

15 years ago

A peace walker's someone like good ole Johnny Appleseed, walking God's green earth during the 60's & 70's, & passing out free packs of Zig-Zag rolling papers.

Oh wait, now I got it….
It's a street walker trying out all the still-available corners, for her very own "Pay-to-Play" start-up company.

OOPS,……wrong peace walkers, you say????
My bad!

15 years ago

Your dog injected you today, didn't he?

15 years ago


Lol!!! Friggin Hippie Espionage Action!!!

15 years ago

If that was the case, I REALLY couldn't post.

He not a drug sniffer kind of pootch.
He's an attack dog, so he only uses Drano as his substance of choice.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/16/2009 5:52:12 PM

15 years ago


Ok……if anyone needs me, I'll be taking a golden shower 🙂

15 years ago

A thumbs down, what? That was even an MGS2 reference. Screw you pal. Ok, I'm done here.

15 years ago

Aaaah, don't worry about anybody giving you a thumbs down. F8ck em.

Just think like me…
I wear em proudly like they're a big bad badge of courage!
(Kind of like getting on-site brass trophies here, ya know?). LMFAO

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

So who's working on Metal gear: Rising?

15 years ago

A team of monkeys flinging poo at each other and mashing on their keyboards. Kojima will check in only to make sure they don't burn down the building.

15 years ago

I actually like Portable Ops a lot, I hope they keep the controls sort of familiar (even if it was really hard to see during a firefight… I guess that's stealth action?) because I've really become accustomed to it.

15 years ago

Portable Ops was an example that Metal Gear can be played on the PSP. Just as long as Kojima makes Metal Gear games, I'm just as ready to purchase and enjoy them.

15 years ago

Isn't this what he said at E3? That him and the main staff from MGS4 will be working on Peace Walker. Plus a backhanded slap towards Rising that it wasn't a true MGS sequel.

I know that's what I've been saying to XBOX fans who were trying to mock Sony because a long time exclusive was going multi-platform.

15 years ago

Yeah…I can't stand the 360 fanboys that make such a fuss about how Rising is multiplat. I mean it isn't the first time for a Metal Gear game to go multiplat. Let's see, there was Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance. Then Metal Gear Solid got a remake for the frickin GameCube for crying out loud. And if you really want to get technical the first two original Metal Gears were on that one system like the Nintendo but not (MSX or MRX or something like that?) and then with MGS3:Subsistence they were ported to PS2.
So all you 360 fanboys that keep talking about how this Rising thing is such a big deal…shut up already.

15 years ago

peace walker will be the greatest on PSP, but no matter wut, due to the hardware constraint, it will in no way surpass what MGS4 has achieved. such is my opinion, subject to change tho. 😀

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 7/17/2009 1:15:39 AM

15 years ago

Never was a hippie, but always a biker.

But that's not to say I couldn't "Keep on Trucking" with the best of the dead-head crowds too.