Well, if slaughtering legions of human soldiers in Dynasty Warriors didn't satisfy you, perhaps you'd be more interested if they were…zombies!
A new video posted by Kotaku has unveiled a new PSP title by Tecmo, called Undead Knights . As you can see by the gameplay, it appears to be very similar to the aforementioned DW franchise, which may or may not appeal to North American gamers. With the success of the Resident Evil series in this region, perhaps Tecmo believes that changing your foes to the walking undead will intrigue the average American gamer. For our part, although we've grown tired of the overused and even abused DW format, this isn't Omega Force and Koei. It's Tecmo, and they tend to approach their projects in a different way; the final productions are designed to be crowd-pleasers, with lots of flash and panache. In this case, there should be plenty of blood to go along with a fast-paced combat mechanic, so perhaps the game will be worth playing. Remember, this will be a little more…um…"supernatural" than any of the DW titles, which means we might see things we've never seen before.
Undead Knights is slated to arrive in Japan on October 15, although we don't yet have a North American release date. It seems geared more towards Americans, but who knows? The Japanese love the undead, too.
Related Game(s): Undead Knights
Can we enjoy a button masher like this on a PSP? – Yes we can.
I would love to try this if they put in some interesting, clear the mob weapons.
I second that!
Could be fun if done right and as Ben has said, its tecmo's doing so most likely will be worth my $$ 🙂
Looks cool for a DW clone. Looks like it has some fresh zombie tossing gameplay.
Zombies make everything better.