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Shadow Of Destiny Coming To PSP

Some games just never got the proper attention from gamers, and if we ever get a second chance to experience it a second time, we consider it a blessing.

If you were an early PS2 owner, you may remember Shadow of Destiny by Konami; it was an adventure title that featured an excellent concept: essentially, you had to stop your own death. The game would show you how you would die and then would turn back time in an effort to let you try to prevent it; you had a set amount of time until death, of course. For example, at the start of the game, you get stabbed in the park. In order to avoid this, you had to assemble a bunch of people so the killer wouldn't be able to strike; you accomplished this by getting a street performer to haul in some onlookers. Then you stuck to that group and with so many witnesses, the killer was forced to retreat. There was a very cool mystery entangled within as well, and if you didn't get a chance to play it then, you will soon get another shot on your PSP: according to RPGFan ,
Konami plans to bring Shadow of Destiny ( Shadow of Memories in Japan) to Sony's portable unit, and the release date is October 1. We're not sure yet if they will include any new pieces of gameplay content or other upgrades, but if they do, we'll be sure to tell you about it.

Really, this is one of those unique titles that should at least be tried by most every hardcore gamer. It was a fresh experience then and it would still be so today.

Related Game(s): Shadow of Destiny

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15 years ago

I never heard of this game, Sounds awesome though.

15 years ago

It really is, I can't believe I missed such a title for the PS2.

15 years ago

Never heard of it, might check it out for PS2.

15 years ago

AWESOME! I love this game! I really, really hope that we can get some extra features for it too. I played this game until I unlocked all of the endings, it was that good. Is there any chance we'll see it on the PS3 network as well?

15 years ago

Wow, haven't played this game in forever. One day I went into gamestop and literally felt like buying a random game, saw it, found it interesting, played it. It Was Awsome =) Great story and concept. And there's a bunch of diff ending, I think I got a bad one, haha. But none-the-less, great game =) that was about..2-3 years ago now that I think of it, lol.

15 years ago

The PSP is becoming my favorite platform at the moment. When I bought it nearly 3 years ago I have to admit it was mainly because it was a Sony product and the new cool thing. Now it seems every week offers another reason to pick it up and play. I'll be picking this up for sure.

15 years ago

same here, never heard of it on ps2.

15 years ago

Wow. I actually played this game for the first time just two months ago. And I was blown away, not just by the game, but by the fact that I had never heard of such a gem before!
I really hope there's some new content for this version, as that alone would make it a must-buy for me.

15 years ago

Ouch! I hope it can survive being released the same day as Gran Turismo for PSP.
Depending on the price, I might get for my PSP…

15 years ago

One of the greatest PS2 games ever.

It came from the legendary Team Silent (Silent Hill) who, upsettingly, disbanded in 05 (for a reason i believe to be because they got fed up of Konami telling them to be more commercial with there products)

this game is an absolute gem and i urge those who have not played it to actually play it.

15 years ago

This game is amazing, one of my favourite ever. I'll be buying this for sure.

15 years ago

No way, this is one of the best games on the PS2! Annoyingly the PAL version didnt work on my PS3 BC, so i got never play it again. This is fantastic. hopefully it will give the game the recognition it deserves.

If you like story driven games give this one a try.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Crap, never played this either.

You guys say the story is awesome though, so I've got to rev up my PSP.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

And is it coming to Oceania?


15 years ago

It'll be interesting to see if an adventure game can sell well on the PSP.

15 years ago

I never heard of this game either. I just looked it up on Metacritic, and it has some pretty good reviews. Sounds very interesting with a very good story element to it.
Its something different from the usual sports games I play on my PSP so I just might have to check this out. Thanks Ben…